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Castells [ kəsˈteʎs ] ( Catalan for 'castles') are human pyramids that aretraditionally erected at numerous festivalsin Catalonia . Theparticipants, known as Castellers , climb onto the shoulders of their subordinates until a certain height is reached.

The Castellers are organized into groups called Colles Castelleres . Castells are set up on certain occasions, anniversaries or patronage celebrations ( Festa Major ). At such an event, a Diada Castellera , several Colles Castelleres usually try to outdo each other in building the most impressive human towers possible.

The origin of this tradition lies in the 18th century in the city of Valls and first developed in the Camp de Tarragona . In the 20th century, especially in the 1980s, the castells spread throughout Catalonia, and occasionally beyond. Today the castells like the sardana are important symbols for the independent culture and for the togetherness of Catalonia.

Since November 16, 2010 it has been a UNESCO Intangible World Heritage Site .

3de8 Tres de Vuit of the Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls on October 13, 2007 in front of the Messeturm in Frankfurt

The constructions

Although there are numerous variants, all castells have certain construction elements that are named according to comparable criteria.

Monument as Castellers in Tarragona, a 4de8

The structure

The three typical elements of the construction can be seen on the monument to the Castellers (members of the Colles Castelleres ) in Tarragona shown on the left:

Detail from the Pinya of the Torraires de Montblanc
  • The pinya ('cones') forms the basis of the castle. She supports the subordinates ( baixos ) who carry the burden of the castle. The number of these subordinates already determines the structure of the castle. In this example there are four baixos , but they are not visible in the middle of the pinya . The Pinya is by no means an unstructured crowd, but rather precisely positioned and selected castellers with precisely defined tasks. It is the most complex part of the castle. In addition to providing support for the entire structure, their task is also to mitigate the consequences of a collapse.
  • Tronc ('trunk') is the name given to the lower part of the castle. It includes all levels with the same number of people including the subordinates in the Pinya , the Baixos . In this example there are five levels of four castellers each.
Pom de Dalt of a 3de8 of the Castellers de Barcelona .
  • Pom de Dalt ('dome') is the uppermost part of the castle. It is formed by the youngest and easiest members of the Colla , the Canalla (which can best be translated as "Kids" in new German) . In towers with more than two castellers per level, the end consists of two standing castellers ( dosos ), an Aixecador ('porter') crouching above them , usually the smallest participant, and the Enxaneta ('squirrel') riding on top . With the outstretched arm ( l'Aleta ) this signals the complete assembly. The tower is then quickly dismantled in order to keep the load of those below as low as possible.

A castell is only completed and receives full points in a competition when it has been completely dismantled ( descarregat ). If he collapses before complete dismantling, but after Enxeneta's hand signal , he is only considered a carregat ('built up') and receives a (relatively small) point deduction. A previous breakdown or collapse ( intent ) does not give a point, even if the construction was already well advanced.

Structures and naming

Four times Pde4 Pilar de Quatre

The castells are named after their structure with two digits. The first digit refers to the number of castellers per floor, the second to the number of floors. The levels of the Pom de Dalt (“dome”) are also counted. For example, Tres de vuit (3 de 8) stands for an eight-story castell with three castellers per floor. The designations for the number of castellers per floor are Pilar de ... ('column') for one casteller per floor, Torre de ... ('tower') for two castellers per floor, Tres de ... for three castellers per floor, Quatre de ... with four castellers per floor, Cinc de… with five castellers per floor.


  • The Castell des Monument als Castellers in Tarragona consists of four castellers per level and is eight levels high. It's a quatre de vuit ('four to eight') or a 4de8 for short .
  • A construction of three castellers and seven levels is therefore a Tres de Set or 3de7 .
  • A six-story tower made up of two castellers each is called Dos de Sis or 2de6 . Since a twin tower is also called a Torre , it could also be called Torre de Sis .
  • A tower made of castellers standing on top of one another is a pilar ('pillar'). His name is then, for example, Pilar de Cinc or Pde5 .
4de7a Quatre de Set amb l'Agulla of the Colla Castellera de Figueres . The surrounding four-man tower is dismantled and the “needle” ( l'Agulla ) remains
3de9f Tres de Nou amb Folre of the Capgrossos de Mataró
  • Pilar de sis is a six-story castell (column) with one casteller per floor. If no additional name is given, it is understood that it is a castell with an earth-level foundation (pinya) and that it has been successfully erected and dismantled.
  • Torre de set : seven-story castell ('tower') with two castellers per floor.
  • Cinc de nou amb folre : nine-story castell with five castellers per floor, with a support ring around the second floor (folre).
  • Quatre de vuit amb l'agulla : eight-story castell with four castellers per floor, and with a pilar de sis (six-story column) inside the castell (agulla).
  • Tres de deu amb folre i manilles : ten-story castell with three castellers per floor, with two support rings around the second (folre) and third (manilles) floor.

The combination of these basic structures can be used to create numerous other castells. The Quatre amb l'Agulla ('four with a needle'), for example, is the combination of a four-person castell with a central pillar that is two levels lower. First, the four-tower tower is built and crowned by the Enxaneta . During the subsequent dismantling of the four- person tower, the Aixecador rises from the dome ( pom de dalt ) onto the inner pillar that was built at the same time. The entire construction is considered to be carregat ('built up') when the four- person tower is dismantled and the pillar is fully visible. However, it is only completed when the pillar has also been dismantled. The name of such a tower is, for example, Quatre de Set amb l'Agulla or 4de7a . The same applies analogously to the Tres amb l'Agulla ('three with a needle'). The Castellers de Vilafranca set up and dismantled a 3de9 amb folre i l'agulla for the first time in the history of the Castellers on August 31, 2009 during the Diada in their hometown.

Another combination is the five-tower ( El Cinc ). It consists of a three and a two-part structure. Each of these interconnected substructures has its own acotxador , but there is only one enxeneta . Only when he has said hello from both tips is the construction considered to have been built. The Neuner-Turm ( El Nou ) is less common . It consists of a three- tier tower to which three two- tier towers, each with an acotxador , are connected. The tower is closed either by an Enxaneta , which greets from each of the three peaks, or by three Enxanetas , which crown the substructures at the same time as possible. Castells with a six-part structure (four-part connected with two-part) and with a seven-part structure (three-part connected with two-part-two) are very rare.

The Xics de Granollers build a 4de7 Quatre de Set on
3de10fm Tres de Deu amb Folre i Manilles of the Castellers de Vilafranca
5de8 Cinc de Vuit (“The Cathedral”) of the Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls
2de8f Dos de Vuit amb Folre of the Xiquets de Tarragona


In addition to the structure and the number of levels, there are other criteria for naming and evaluating a castle. This means that larger constructions can also have a support similar to the Pinya on the second level. This is called Folre ('filling'), and a three-tower tower with such a support structure is then called, for example, Tres de Nou amb Folre or 3de9f . If the third level also receives a support, one speaks of Manilles ('rings'). A support for the fourth level is called a puntals ('beam'). However, so far there was only one intent of the Castellers de Vilafranca with the Pilar de Nou amb Folre, Manilles i Puntals or Pde9fmp in 2002. The highest castells so far built are the Tres de Deu amb Folre i Manilles ( 3de10fm ) and the Quatre de Deu amb Folre i Manilles ( 4de10fm ).

In addition, certain castells can also be built "from below" ( per sota , ps ). With this difficult and exhausting technique, the castellers push themselves under the growing tower and raise it one level at a time. It is used on three-part towers and pillars. The towers are then called, for example, 3de7ps ( Tres de Set per sota ) or Pde6ps ( Pilar de Sis per sota )

"Well-known" castells

Some castells have received special names over the decades because of their importance. The 4de8 ( Quatre de Vuit ), the great goal of all Castellers during the first third of the 20th century, was given the name “Big Car” ( Carro Gros ) , which is still in use today . Because of its size, the 5de8 ( Cinc de Vuit ) was named "The Cathedral". However, it was surpassed in its dimensions by the 5de9f ( Cinc de Nou amb Folre ), a five- piece construction with nine levels and reinforcement on the second level. It was named "The Basilica". The most valuable castell of the 19th century is the 4de9 ( Quatre de Nou ) , which is still legendary today . It bears the name Castell Total . It wasn't until 1998 that this structure was rebuilt after 117 years.


The construction of castells is first and foremost a festival that should be celebrated by all involved. Therefore, the highest levels of difficulty that would be possible for the respective Colla are not always built, and a Diada Castellera has no winner or an award ceremony. Nevertheless, those involved always followed a competitive idea. Even before a ranking was determined , there was an idea of ​​which castells are more or less important to others. Despite the different strengths and weaknesses of the various collas , some general criteria can be found for determining the level of difficulty:

  • The height : a taller Castell tends to be more difficult because it requires more strength and stability. A castell with nine levels is therefore more important than one with eight. More significant is the castle with the higher number of levels without additional support from folre or manilles .
  • The structure : The complex castells are more difficult than those with a simple structure. For the latter, the less castellers it has per level, the more unstable a castell is. The ascending order is therefore: tower of four, tower of three, tower of two, pillar ( pilar ). The increasing level of difficulty for the complex castells is: five-tower, four-tower with pillars ( Quatre amb l'Agulla ), nine-tower.
  • The technology : The castells become more difficult if the additional support levels Folre or Manilles are omitted. A 2de8f Dos de Vuit amb Folre is much more difficult if it is erected without a Folre . The level of difficulty also increases when a castell is built “from below” ( per sota ).
  • The story and the statistics : the longer a castell has been tried in vain, the more difficult it is obviously. It was not until 1998 that the first 4de9 Quatre de Nou of the century was achieved after many attempts . A castell is also considered difficult if it is seldom successful. The 9de8 Nou de Vuit, for example, was currently only mastered by the Castellers de Vilafranca with a single Enxaneta - since they have to raise their hands over three points for success, the Joves and Vella de Valls and the Jove de Tarragona work time and thus power saving, with three Enxanetas.

The combination of all these criteria is used to evaluate the various castells. In a specific assessment, it is also taken into account whether the Castell could be dismantled again ( descarregat ) or whether it collapsed after the show of hands from Enxeneta . In this case it is only considered a carregat ("built up") and receives a point deduction. It is then named 3de8 (c) , for example .

Below are the ten highest rated castells in 2008. The date and the colla of the first assembly and the first successful dismantling are indicated. It should be noted that the castells marked with *) were built in the 19th century during the "First Golden Age of Castells".

Castell Brief description Rating built for the first time ( carregat ) dismantled for the first time ( descarregat )
2de9f Dos de Nou amb Folre 2 men strong / 9 levels high. 2nd level reinforced. 3391 August 30, 2005 Castellers de Vilafranca - / -
3de10fm Tres de Deu amb Folre i Manilles 3 men strong / 10 levels high. 2nd and 3rd level reinforced. 2650 November 15, 1998 Castellers de Vilafranca November 22, 1998 Minyons de Terrassa
2de8 Dos de Vuit 2 men strong / 8 levels high. 2529 November 1, 1999 Castellers de Vilafranca November 1, 2010 Castellers de Vilafranca
4de9 Quatre de Nou *) 4 men strong / 9 levels high. 2409 October 25, 1998 Minyons de Terrassa October 25, 1998 Minyons de Terrassa
4de9fa Quatre de Nou amb Folre i l'Agulla 4 men strong / 9 levels high. 2nd level reinforced. 7-pillar in the middle. 1882 November 1, 1995 Castellers de Vilafranca November 1, 1996 Castellers de Vilafranca
5de9f Cinc de Nou amb Folre *) 5 men strong / 9 levels high. 2nd level reinforced. 1764 September 24, 1995 Minyons de Terrassa October 27, 1996 Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls
Pde8fm Pilar de Vuit amb Folre i Manilles *) Pillar with 8 levels. 2nd and 3rd level reinforced. 1379 August 31, 1995 Castellers de Vilafranca September 29, 1997 Castellers de Vilafranca
2de9fm Dos de Nou amb Folre i Manilles 2 men strong / 9 levels high. 2nd and 3rd level reinforced. 1176 November 21, 1993 Minyons de Terrassa October 23, 1994 Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls
3de8ps Tres de Vuit per sota *) 3 men strong / 8 levels high. Pushed up from below. 1122 October 7, 1999 Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls October 7, 1999 Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls
9de8 Nou de Vuit 9 men strong / 8 levels high. With 3 Enxanates . 1069 October 7, 2001 Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls October 7, 2001 Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls

There are different rankings and tables of points for the different castells - the best known, however, is the Taula de puntuacions del Concurs de castells de Tarragona . It has been more or less changed over the years. The current version can also be found on the Catalan Wikipedia page Llista de taules de puntuacions de concursos de castells .

Aixecadora (right) and Enxeneta (left) of Xiquets de Tarragona still climb without a safety helmet Torre

risk of injury

Castells collapses are not uncommon. In the terminology of the Castellers, this is called “fer llenya” (for example “to cut kindling ”). Despite the sarcastic sound, the expression is used consciously by those involved. After all, they know what it means when a castell turns into "kindling". Amazingly, injuries rarely occur. In the more than 200-year history of the Castells in Catalonia, three deaths are known from crashes. The first was in La Masó in the 19th century , the second fatal accident was the crash of an Enxeneta in 1983 from the Nois de la Torre from Torredembarra . The last victim, a twelve-year-old girl from the Capgrossos de Mataró , died as a result of a fall on July 23, 2006 in Mataró . What was particularly tragic about this case was that the protective helmets customary today for Aixecador and Enxeneta had been decided shortly beforehand, but were not to be introduced at all Collas until the following week . The Dosos now also wear helmets. In addition, it is constantly being checked how the castells can be made safer for the castellers themselves; but the best protection against injury is to avoid a collapse. This begins with training, in which the requirements of building towers are trained more and more specifically, instead of lifting weights in addition to the assaigs , as the Baixs and Segons used to do. One can therefore say that among the Diades , compared to the last ten years, the Llenyas have decreased, especially in the difficult castells. In addition, through the use of lighter castellers on every level from the Baixs onwards , the castells have become much lighter overall. On the one hand, that is why the castells of Gamma Extra became so present in the first place, and on the other hand, the "impact" is not that massive. Furthermore, the Colles found that the Castellers des Folre suffered more lesions when they collapsed than those of the Pinya . In this respect some have Colles in 2017 started the Folres a l'antiga to configure. These folres "the old way" are arranged like the pinyes - all castellers put their arms on top of each other in their row. This creates a denser "surface" that protects the castellers better - probably without the castell's stability suffering. At the Concurs de Castells , it was included in the regulations for the first time in 2018 that only one Castell carregat may count towards the points. Since only three castells in total count for the overall ranking, it should be prevented that you do not build too many castells that are at the limit of the respective Colla or at least have been dismantled in the Assaig. Since the Concurs de Castells sets trends for the Diades, you can see from the statistics that more and more castells are also being dismantled (instead of "just" Castell carregat ) and no injuries are caused by Llenya . In the event that injuries do occur, it has long been an obligation that a diada only takes place when at least one ambulance is on site. In this respect, first aid is now faster and better; because the paramedics are now prepared for these falls and keep the stretcher and ruff in front of them at all times. In addition, they sometimes receive information via radio from a colleague with a better view of whether they are on the right path to the fall victim - because in the midst of a very crowded crowd, orientation is not so easy.

Origin and history

As with the Muixeranga, the origins of the castells are seen in dances of the 17th and 18th centuries. These dances, the Balls de Valencians , represented religious themes and always ended with a “final scene” in which one or more dancers stepped on top of each other. Various dance troupes tried to outdo each other until, in the last third of the 18th century, the construction of these final constructions became independent and they were performed without dance.

First Colles Castelleres and the golden age of the castells

The first evidence of Colles Castelleres comes from the town of Valls in Alt Camp , where two Colles Castelleres rivaled as early as 1801 . The Colla dels Pagesos ("... the peasant") and the Colla dels Menestrals ("... the citizen") were the forerunners of the Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls ("Older Group of the Boys of Valls") and the Colla Joves Xiquets de Valls ("Younger Group ..."). Valls is therefore considered to be the "cradle of the castells".

Two parallel 3de9f Tres de Nou amb Folre der Collas von Valls in Vilafranca 1862

The development of the castells was closely linked to the economic and social situation from the start. The castells disappeared almost completely in the wake of the war of independence against Napoleon (1808-13). But as early as 1819 the first castell with eight levels was built again. The bitter rivalry of the Collas from Valls and the sometimes violent riots between their supporters led to a ban on performances in their hometown between 1819 and 1834. The castells were then increasingly built in the surrounding cities. In Vilafranca del Penedès a large following developed for these two collas , and they were invited to compete against each other up to three times a year during the performance ban in Valls. With the participation of numerous castellers from Valls, two colles were created in Tarragona during this time , the first outside of Valls.

The 4de9 Quatre de Nou of the Colla Vella in Tarragona 1881 (contemporary drawing). It didn't work again until 1998

At the beginning of the second half of the 19th century, the castellers' performances had become so impressive that they became the main event at the festivals in the region. At this time the largest castels were already being built and it is therefore considered the first golden age of the castells.

As early as 1851, the 3de9f Tres de Nou amb Folre was the first nine-storey construction and in 1853 six castells of the highest difficulty level were built at a Diada Castellera in Torredembarra , including the first 4de9 Quatre de Nou . After several years of interruption as a result of a cholera epidemic , the rivalry between the Collas from Valls revived . No sooner had one completed the first Pde8fm Pilar de Vuit on Folre i Manilles in Vallmoll on August 19, 1858 , an eight-story pillar with supports on the second and third levels, when the other followed just five days later in Alió . It must be taken into account that at that time only completed, i.e. dismantled castells counted and previously collapsed structures were often not even mentioned. All places in the triangle of the cities of Vilafranca, Tarragona and Valls saw the improvement of all types of castells in the following years.

The castells reached their peak from 1877 with the highest levels of difficulty at almost every event. The Diada Castellera at Santa Tecla on September 23, 1881 in Tarragona is considered the best of all time. The Collas from Valls built, among other things, three “pure” (net) castells, that is, without the support of the ground-level Pinya. The members of the Pinya kneel down after the castle has been built and raise their arms to show that they do not support the construction. Both Collas completed the 2de8 net , in the meantime Colla Nova said second Colla the 3de9 net and the Colla Vella the still single net 4de9 history. On August 29 of the same year the Colla Nova tried this , but could only build it. Another historical Diada was Santa Úrsula in October 1883 in Valls. The Colla Vella completed the 5de9f Cinc de Nou amb Folre , called "the basilica" , in the third attempt . Immediately beforehand, she had only been able to set up the castle and had to stop another attempt after the collapse.

The last castell with nine levels of the 19th century was built in 1889. From then on, the number of events and the quality of the castells steadily decreased.

Decline and renewed departure

Castellers from Valls at the Concurs de Castells in Barcelona in 1902 in the Parc de la Ciutadella

The twentieth century began with the steady decline of the castells. It went hand in hand with the phylloxera disaster in Catalan viticulture, the Spanish-American War and the First World War . Within a few years only castells with six or seven levels could be seen. In addition to the plague and the two armed conflicts, the decline was also due to an insufficient generation change in recent years; the younger ones increasingly turned to other activities such as sport or the sardanes .

The Concurs de Castells de Barcelona 1902 was the last Castells competition for the next 30 years. Only the two collas from Valls took part and the towers consisted of a maximum of seven levels. The last four with eight levels was completed in Valls in 1903 and another five years later in Vilafranca. But every year there were fewer places that held a Diada Castellera and the castells became increasingly rare and inferior. The few Collas outside of Valls had long since disbanded.

Vilafranca had seen the most impressive castells in the good years. But even now during the crisis there were still regular events. In some years August 30th, at Sant Felix , was the only Diada Castellera in the country and the Collas only practiced there to give their best. The castells might have disappeared completely if Vilafranca hadn't signed the Valls Collas year after year . For this reason, the square in front of the town hall in Vilafranca bears the additional honor Plaça més castellera ("Castell-friendliest square").

The first signs of a new departure were visible in the 1920s. And again the rivalry among the Collas gave the drive. First of all, the 3de7ps Tres de Set per sota (“built from below”) and the 3de8 succeeded in Valls in 1922 . Three years later a colla appeared again in Tarragona and in 1926 one in El Vendrell . Each of these now four Collas wanted to build the best castells. And so in 1932 the first Concurs de Castells de Tarragona , the first since 1902 in Barcelona, ​​attracted almost 10,000 spectators - a special train ran from Vilafranca. The jury was chaired by Pau Casals , an enthusiastic supporter of the Castells, who had been campaigning for this competition for three years.

Now with the Collas from El Vendrell and Tarragona on their backs , the Colla Vella finally built the long-awaited first 4de8 Quatre de Vuit of the century, the “Big Dipper ”. That was the starting signal for the recapture of the castells. The Colla Nova completed this castell in 1933 and another year later it also achieved the 3de8 Tres de Vuit . This hopeful development was soon interrupted by the civil war from 1936 to 1939. All existing collas were temporarily dissolved.

The regaining of the castells could not be stopped. Immediately after the end of the war, the two Collas von Valls were re-formed in 1939, but first had to merge under pressure from the French authorities. Although this unloved coercive community did not even have a uniform shirt color because everyone wanted to keep their previous one, they succeeded in winning the "Big Dipper" again in the same year. They finally separated again in 1947 and Valls was back to the usual rivalry. In 1946 and 1947 the rivals from El Vendrell and Tarragona were also re-established. From then on, the “Big Dipper4de8 was seen with a certain regularity. After several unsuccessful attempts, the founding of his own Colla Castellera finally succeeded in 1948 in Vilafranca. There were now two collas in Valls and Tarragona and one each in El Vendrell and Vilafranca.

In 1964, 1965 and 1966, Castells competitions were held in Barcelona on the initiative of a company. Since these were intensively accompanied by the regional media, the world of the castells from then on experienced a high level of public attention outside the traditional home country of the castells.

Pde7f Pilar de Set amb Folre of the Minyons de Terrassa

The strongest rivalry in the 1950s and 1960s was between the Colla Vella from Valls and the Nens del Vendrell . In 1969 the climax of this rivalry was reached. First, the consummate Nens on September 21, the first six-story pillars ( Pilar of the century). The Colla Vella replied on October 12th with the first 5de8 of the century, the “cathedral”. Three days later, the consummate Nens to within an event 4de8 , the 3de8 and PDE6 . Nobody had seen such a performance in their lifetime. On October 26th, the Colla Vella repeated its “cathedral” and tried the first 2de8f Dos de Vuit amb Folre of the century. Then, when on November 23 the Nens private place to Pde7f Pilar de Set amb folre completed, this was the culmination of the year. This was the beginning of a long period of domination by the Nens del Vendrell in the construction of the Pilars .

At the beginning of the 1970s, the second Colla from Valls, now called Colla Joves , and the Castellers de Vilafranca , while the Nens del Vendrell fell significantly from 1975 onwards. From then on, the two Collas from Valls led the world of castells again, closely followed by the Castellers de Vilafranca .

The second golden age of the castells

The Diada de Santa Úrsula in October 1981 in Valls is seen as the beginning of the second golden age of the castells. The Colla Joves completed their first “cathedral” (5de8) and the Colla Vella completed the 4de9f Quatre de Nou amb Folre in the first attempt . This was the first nine-high tower of the century and opened the door to numerous constructions that had previously had to be regarded as utopias, as in some cases only reports and pictures that were more than 100 years old were known.

4de7 Quatre de Set of the Castellers de Mallorca in Badalona

This Diada Castellera gave a clear impetus to the development of the castells in many ways. For one thing, there were more and more high-quality castells, also with nine levels. Second, as a result of press and television coverage, numerous new Collas Castelleras were created, even in places where no one had heard of Castells before, even in Northern Catalonia and the Balearic Islands . And thirdly, the collas from Valls and Vilafranca lost their exclusivity at the higher-quality castells. These have now also been built by two collas from Terrassa , two from Tarragona and one each from Reus and Barcelona.

Pde8fm Pilar de Vuit amb Folre i Manilles of the Castellers de Vilafranca

Just a year after this memorable Diada of 1981, the Colla Vella managed the first 3de9f Tres de Nou amb Folre of the century, and it retained the superiority of the nine-towers for the following years. Only when the Colla Joves dels Xiquets de Valls also achieved their 4de9f in 1985 , there were two "nine-collas". In 1987 the Castellers de Villafranca joined this exclusive group and built three and four castellas, each with nine levels. Until then, no colla from outside Valls had ever erected a tower of nine. When the Minyons de Terrassa also built a 3de9f in 1988 , there were four “nine-collas” and a certain amount of uncertainty among the purists, because a colla outside the castells' homeland had now also reached the highest level.

In 1990, the Castellers de Vilafranca completed two towers of nine for the first time in one event. In 1992, the increased Colla Joves from Valls this performance by a Diada addition to these towers and the "Cathedral" ( 5de8 completed). This combination of 4de9f , 3de9f and 5de8 is also summarized with the term Tripleta Màgica - ('Magical Triple'). In the following year, the Minyons de Terrassa built a castell that had not even been tried in the previous century: The 2de9fm Dos de Nou amb Folre i Manilles , the first tower with additional support structure on the third level, the "Manilles". In the same year 1993, the Colla Jove de Tarragona was the fifth Colla to join the “Club of the Nine”. New records were set every year. In 1994 34 towers of nine were completed and another ten were built.

9de7 Nou de Set with three Enxanetes from the Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls .
As the only Colla so far , the Castellers de Vilafranca built a 4de9f and a 3de9f simultaneously in 2001 .
The only 2de9f Dos de Nou amb Folre in history, built in 2005 by the Castellers de Vilafranca .

From 1995 the Castellers de Vilafranca developed into the leading Colla . After winning the Pde7f Pilar de Set amb Folre in May , no major event ended without a pillar beyond the reach of any rival. At Sant Felix in August they then built their first 2de9fm Dos de Nou amb Folre i Manilles and Pde8fm Pilar de Vuit amb Folre i Manilles . This pillar had not been seen for over a hundred years. Just a month later, they used their sovereignty to build pillars and four-member constructions and set up the first 4de8a Quatre de Vuit amb l'Agulla of the century. A pillar with six castellers is built within the four-tier tower with eight levels, which remains alone after the four-tier tower has been dismantled. Another month later this construction was followed by a further upgrade. The castell received a folre on the second level and a pillar of seven castellers was erected in the now nine levels high four. This 4de9fa Quatre de Nou amb Folre i l'Agulla had never happened before. But the Minyons de Terrassa also succeeded this year in a castell that was hardly thought possible, the first 5de9f Cinc de Nou amb Folre of the century, the basilica .

The remarkable year 1998 was also dominated by the four leading Collas . First, the Castellers de Vilafranca succeeded in building the first castell with ten levels of history, the 3de10fm Tres de Deu amb Folre i Manilles . Just a week later, the Minyons de Terrassa repeated this construction and even dismantled it. They also completed the first 4de9 (excluding Folre ) of the century, the second ever in the history of the castells. The Colla Vella from Valls built the 4de9fa Quatre de Nou amb Folre i l'Agulla twice and it was the second Colla to complete a pillar with eight levels ( P8fm ). The Colla Joves de Valls could eventually also the 5de9f include in their repertoire. The last figure eight tower, which had not been built since the 19th century, was completed by the Colla Vella in 1999, the 3de8ps Tres de Vuit per sota . This three-part construction grows as the castellers slide under the tower and raise it one level.

2000 was the year of the Collas from Valls. The Colla Vella won the Tarragona competition with their first 3de10fm and the Colla Joves won the 4de9 six times this year (without Folre ). The Vella von Valls completed a completely new tower in 2001: an eight-storey three-tier construction with three two-tier towers connected to the side. This 9de8 Nou de Vuit was completed by three Enxanetes . This year, however, the Castellers de Vilafranca again demonstrated their technical, organizational and personal superiority . As the only Colla so far , she built two towers of nine, a 4de9f and a 3de9f , simultaneously up and down again.

The current highlight is the never-before-seen two-person tower with nine levels. This 2de9f Dos de Nou amb Folre was first built in 2005 by the Castellers de Vilafranca . Excelled in scoring was this Castell , as it up but was not degraded by the Minyons de Terrassa on 22 November 2015 the 4de10fm that up this behemoth not only as Very first, but were also able to break down. On this day, the Minyons lagged just behind the best performance they have ever seen, as they built and dismantled two castells with ten levels for the very first time . In addition to this construction, which was assembled (and dismantled) for the first time, they also built the 3de10fm , the Pde8fm up and down, and set up the 3de9fa . One year later, on November 20, 2016, they were also able to dismantle the 3de9fa - and thus “belong” to them, the currently most highly rated diada to date .

The castells today

The upswing of the castells in the nineties not only resulted in structures that were unthinkable until then. With the support of the media, the castells have developed into a kind of fad in these years, which led to the establishment of Collas Castelleras even in places without any Castells tradition. The founding of the Colla Castellera de Madrid is remarkable here . This Colla “came out” for the first time in early 2017. In its coat of arms, the colors of the Senyera (Catalan flag) are worn next to the symbols of the colors of the city of Madrid as a reminiscence of the origin of the castells in Catalonia . This is unique in that in many areas of life there is a clear distance between Catalonia and (rest) Spain and Madrid (as the capital of Spain) in particular!

The television broadcasts in particular contributed to the popularity of the castells throughout Catalonia and made them a Catalan national symbol. There are now numerous apps that deal with the castells ( e.g. Baròmetre Casteller ) or specifically with the biannual concurs ( Concurs de Castells ).

In 2016, the highest level to date was reached overall (also in terms of breadth). A total of 22 colles were able to surpass their previous level of performance (the best-rated Diada) in 2016. This could also be seen at the top, when a total of 67 castells enmanillats (with the third support level) were built - in the 3 years before, around 20 of these castells were built annually. The colossus 4de10fm , previously considered impossible, lost its singular exclusivity from 2015 in 2016 - when it was built 6 times by three colleges.

One explanation for this is the shortened or abolished training phase ( Assaig ) in winter. The training has been intensified - the Castellers de Vilafranca practice twice a week instead of the traditional one , now three times a week. The training and organization methods of the colleges are becoming more and more professional [e.g. the use of safety nets ( Xarxes ) in training - as a result, in 1999 the Bordegassos de Vilanova tried the incredible Pde7net in Assaig and the Enxaneta or Sete (7th "floor") made it to the position of the fifth (5th "floor") ], the meanwhile very widespread knowledge about the exact configuration of the Castellers depending on the Castell, and evaluation of the Assaigs and Diades through video studies. As a result, for example, a foreign Colla, the Xiquets de Hangzhou from China, was able to set up and dismantle a Neunercastell for the first time in 2016 . For several years now, you have been receiving “development aid ” from the Colla Vella dels Xiquets Valls . Since 2017 there is an app on that not only makes it easier for the Colles to organize the Assaigs , but also to configure the Pinyes and Folres .

The motto "Força, Equilibri, Valor i Seny"

Força, Equilibri, Valor i Seny (“strength, balance, courage and spirit”) is the Castellers' motto . This describes the essential properties that are required for their works.

  • Força ("force"): The origins of the castells lie in the rural tradition. The Castellers of that time were used to hard work and great effort. This property is naturally required to a high degree in the lower areas of the castells.
  • Equilibri ("balance"): The need to stand on the shoulders of other people - usually even together with others on the same level - requires a very good sense of balance and great trust in the abilities of others.
  • Valor ("courage"): a quality that all members who climb the castell must have, especially the children of the upper levels, the canalla .
  • Seny (“spirit” or better “community spirit”): When planning a castell, training and setting up on the field, this quality is required, since the success of a castell depends on the collective effort of all.

The music

Gralles during a Diada Castellera

The castells evolved from the Balls de Valencians . The musical accompaniment has been preserved by the gralla , a Catalan shawm , and the timbales drums. Every Colla Castellera therefore has a group with musicians, the Gralles .

Various traditional melodies are played during each performance of Castells, a Diada Castellera . The most famous and indispensable melody of the Gralles is the Toc de Castells ("Song of the Castells"). It was created towards the end of the 18th century when the castells became independent from the dances. The oldest surviving notation is from 1834.

The Toc de Castells accompanies the various phases in the construction of a castle. It starts as soon as the Castellers have laid the base for their tower. Only with the onset of the Grail does this become a “valid attempt”.

The melody begins with a call to indicate the "valid attempt". The structure is then musically accompanied by two repeating elements until the Enxeneta has almost reached its place. After the tension has passed, the coronation of the castle is indicated by a solemn sequence of tones. Through the musical accompaniment, all participants learn the current state of the castle, even if they have no view of it. For the descent, the repetitive elements set in again until the pinya dissolves. Depending on the level of difficulty of the castle, there is a longer or shorter finish. If the castle collapses, the escort ends immediately.

Usually, the individual collas enter the square with a “walking” pilar (“pillar”) that was erected in a side street. While it is being set up, the first part of the Toc de Castell is played. This then turns into the Toc d'Entrada a Plaça ("song to move into the square"), which is played as long as the Pilar is carried onto the square and possibly makes a turn there. As soon as the Enxeneta begins to descend, the Toc de Castells resumes and ends.

In some places it is a tradition that the closing pilars ("pillars") are carried to the balcony of the town hall and the Enxeneta is pulled up by a sash. There is also a melody for this.

The Diada Castellera

The construction of castells at events is called a Diada Castellera . In addition to the local Colla - if there is one - foreign Collas are also invited to a Diada . As a rule, they each build three castells and finally a pilar ("pillar"). In addition to the strongholds in Valls, Vilafranca, Tarragona or, more recently, Terrassa or Mataró, a direct comparison of top collas can also be viewed in smaller towns with a long tradition. For example, two to three “big ones ” meet regularly at the Diades of villages like L'Arboç or El Catllar .

Squares and monuments

Board in Mataró : "On June 4, 2006, the Plaça de Cuba became a Plaça de 9 thanks to the 4de9f of the Colla Castallera Capgrossos de Mataró "

The Diada Castellera usually takes place in the town's main square, usually near the town hall. If diadas are held there regularly , the place usually has the addition Plaça Castellera ("castells-friendly place"). Depending on which structures were seen there in the past, it is called Plaça de 8 , if castells with eight levels were already visible. Accordingly, there is also a Plaça de 9 or Plaça de 10 .

Monument to the Pd8fm Pilar de Vuit amb Folre i Manilles in Altafulla

Numerous places have monuments dedicated to their collas castelleras or extraordinary events within their walls. It is not surprising that the first monument was erected in Valls in 1951. Others followed throughout Catalonia. A particularly noteworthy one was created in 1989 in Altafulla , where a natural size Pde8fm Pilar de Vuit amb Folres i Manilles was reproduced in a corner of the town hall square. The more than ten meter high monument was erected on this square as a homage to the mythical Pilar de Vuit of 1878 of the Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls . For the inauguration, 19 Collas set up their pilars on the square. In 1999 the Castellers de Vilafranca erected the second Pde8fm in the history of this square right in front of the monument .

Another large sculpture has been in Tarragona since 1999. Also in natural size in the Rambla Nova is an eleven meter high and twelve tonne 4de8 Quatre de Vuit , the classic of the Castells (see picture above) . It consists of 219 figures worked out in great detail, among which Pau Casals , Pablo Picasso and Joan Miró can also be recognized in the Pinya .

The Castellers

Castellers are preparing for a Diada in Vilafranca
The Pilar de Quatre of the Nens del Vendrell is carried to the Plaça de la Villa in Vilafranca

The place of a Diada usually fills up very late. At first you can see the castellers individually, then more and more often and in smaller groups in their respective colors in the town and in the bars. The trousers are traditionally white, the shirts in the color characteristic of the respective Colla with a coat of arms. Sometimes it's whole families. The Castellers are only ready for use immediately before the demonstration begins.

  • The black belly band is tightened at kidney level to support the lumbar vertebrae and to help the other Castellers climb up.
  • The red handkerchief with the white dots is used depending on the function of the casteller. Castellers at the base, the Pinya , have the scarf tied either around their hair to prevent them from being pulled by feet, or around their wrists to provide additional support from sliding off one another. Castellers in the tronc , the trunk, often tie the cloth over the knee to give the castellers on the upper levels additional support when climbing.
  • The traditional footwear is the espardenyas , even if sports shoes are mostly worn today. When building the castells, however, only the people at the base wear shoes, as it is easier to climb barefoot.
  • The smallest members of the Colla, Aixecador and Enxeneta have been wearing a special protective helmet weighing 230 grams since 2006 and the Dosos they have been wearing since 2010.

A Quatre de Vuit is being built

The Diada begins. The Toc d'Entrada a Plaça (“song to move into the square”) sounds from a side street and a group of people with a pilar (“pillar”) in the middle approaches the square at astonishing speed. Usually the pilar consists of four or five castellers. After this entry, which can be more than a hundred meters long, some Collas make a complete turn around their axis so that the Enxeneta can greet everyone present. As soon as the Pilar is broken down, the other Collas repeat the move until everyone is in place. Then the center of the square is filled with groups of castellers, each with shirts of the same color.

After a short time, the actual castells begin. Traditionally, the Collas each create an equal number of constructions. The order of the collas and the location on the pitch were drawn beforehand. As soon as arms reach up into the air from a red, green or blue crowd, many supporters of the castells already recognize which construction is being prepared.

A pinya is formed

The base of every castle is always formed by the subordinates in the Pinya , the Baixos . In the case of a 4de8 , these four must Baixos form a uniform, stable square. So that it is not squeezed apart, another casteller stands behind the Baixos . Four castellers also squeeze into the interior, support the square with their chest and raise their arms in order to later support the lower legs of the castellers on the second level. More castellers slide under each shoulder of the Baixos . Because of their smaller body size, women are often too. Finally, the Baixos and their backers are secured to the side and arms are raised to be able to support the second level from the rear. The rest of the pinya forms behind it.

4 de 8 Quatre de Vuit of the Castellers de la Vila de Gràcia in Lleida (24-10-2009)

Then the castellers of the second level, the Segons , climb the Pinya and stand on their respective Baixos . They support themselves with their arms and the corresponding people of the Pinya support their legs. If the square is still stable, the third level castellers , the Terços, will rise . If the structure of the castle has not warped either, a loud “amunt!” ( “Upwards ”) sounds and the castellers of the fourth level, the quarts , rise. At this moment the Gralles begin with the Toc de Castells (“Song of the Castells”). This is the sign of a valid attempt - there is no turning back. If the Terços had not been well positioned, the tower would have been dismantled and the Gralles would not have used. After a few minutes a new attempt would have been made.

While dealing Quarts the fourth level on the Terços position that are Quint's already on the Pinya and begin the ascent. The four children (At the same time increase Canalla ) that the Pom de Dalt will form ( "dome"), to the Pinya . As soon as the quints are standing, the canalla rises . First of all, the two Dosos rise on two opposite sides, hold each other by the shoulders and thus close the Castell. They are immediately followed by the aixecador ("porter") who crouches on the dosos . It forms the seventh level of the castle. Immediately afterwards the Enxaneta ("squirrel") follows as the eighth level and as a conclusion. He climbs over the Aixecador and raises his arm, he does " l'Aleta ". With that the first goal is reached and the Castell is erected ( carregat ).

For the castle to be considered complete, it must be dismantled again. In addition, the Enxaneta completely exceeds the Aixecador and climbs down on the opposite side of the castle. The Aixecador follows on the other side. As soon as these have left their places, the two Dosos follow at the same time and then gradually the rest of the trunk. When only the Segons are standing on the Pinya , the Castell is dismantled ( descarregat ) and thus completed.

The Colles Castelleres

Like the sardana , in which everyone, young or old, can get involved, the castells are also considered a symbol of solidarity among the Catalans. So the strong carry the weak and yet it depends on each individual. There is a suitable function for everyone. In the strongholds of the castells there are members of Castellers families who have fulfilled all tasks over the years from the pom de dalt of a tower to the tribe to the pinya .

Training session on the wall bars

The Colles Castelleras have developed over many years into a catalyst for social integration. Everyone can take part in them with the will to help set up a joint project and to achieve success not individually, but only collectively. Therefore, many people feel immediately drawn to the world of the castells, regardless of gender, social class, religious or ethnic affiliation. The structure of a castle is so diverse that it offers space for every body size, weight or strength.

The first goal of a Colla is always to increase its own performance, from Castell to Castell and from Diada to Diada . The performance of the individual Colla does not only depend on the height of the castells. Technical, organizational and personnel difficulties also play a role. Although increasing one's own performance is the first goal, the successes of the rival groups also encourage the establishment of increasingly complex structures. This has been the case since the first Collas Castelleras was founded in Valls.

In addition to building castells, the larger collas offer extensive social and leisure activities, especially for the children.

Today there are around 60 Collas Castelleras . They are organized in the Coordinadora de Colles Castelleres de Catalunya (CCCC) .

After the decline of the castells at the beginning of the 20th century, the Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls took over the leadership in regaining the castells from 1932. Together with the Colla Joves , the only serious rival from the same city at the time, they determined the new development in the world of the castells until the end of the 1970s. Then first the Castellers de Vilafranca and, from the 1990s, the Minyons de Terrassa joined the inner circle at the top of the Castells. Since then, these four Collas have regularly led the best list in alternating order, although in recent years with a clear advantage for the Castellers from Vilafranca. Since the Concurs de Castells in 2014, the Colla Jove Xiquets de Tarragona has also been part of the “Club of Ten” when they built the 3de10fm , which the Colla Joves de Xiquets de Valls has not yet succeeded in doing .

Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls

Logo CollaVellaValls.JPG

The Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls has a history of over 200 years. Its origins go back to the end of the 18th century, in the context of the religious dances Balls de Valencians . The Colla is documented for the first time in 1801 as Colla dels Pagesos ("... the farmers"), which built castells. In the 19th century it was the pioneer of all large constructions, some of which were only achieved again after more than a hundred years.

The Colla Vella has taken part in almost all competitions since it was founded. She last won the competition in Tarragona, which has been taking place regularly since 1980, in 2000 with a 3de10fm . In the other years she always achieved one of the top three places. In 2018 they were able to bring the "honor" back to Valls with their victory after 18 years of dry spell.

In the social field, the Colla Vella has distinguished itself through large projects such as its own housing cooperative or through the first leisure home of a Colla Castellera , but also through close cooperation with its city of Valls on social issues. In addition to many other honors, the Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls also received the Creu de Sant Jordi Prize from the Generalitat de Catalunya .

Today the Colla consists of around 500 active castellers, a group of musicians, the Gralles , and around 1,000 other members. The castellers of the Colla Vella wear pink shirts with their white trousers.

Colla Joves dels Xiquets de Valls

Logo CollaJovesValls.gif

Although the Colla Joves was only founded in its current form in 1971, it can look back on an uninterrupted series of predecessor associations right back to the beginnings of the Castells. It is documented as Colla dels Menestrals ("... the citizen") in Valls as early as 1801. Their highest quality castell is the 4de9 Quatre de Nou , which they completed for the first time in August 2000 in Vilafranca. The Colla Joves received the Creu de Sant Jordi Prize in 1993.

The castellers of the Colla Joves wear red shirts with their white pants. The colors are based on the city arms of Valls.

Castellers de Vilafranca

Despite the great passion in Vilafranca del Penedès for the castells from the start , it was not until 1948 that a Colla was founded. Thanks to the close ties to other groups, the first castells with seven levels are already at the beginning. The significant qualitative leap was achieved at the end of the 1960s and the first eight-story castells were built. In 1972 they finally won the Tarragona competition. Larger internal restructuring of the association meant that further increases were not possible until the mid-1980s. In 1987 the first 3de9f and 4de9f (tres- and quatre de nou amb folre) were built.

From 1995 one success followed another, including the first P8fm Pilar de Vuit amb Folre i Manilles and 4de8a Quatre de Vuit amb l'Agulla of the 20th century as well as the first 4de9fa Quatre de Nou amb Folre i l'Agulla in history. A highlight in the truest sense of the word was the construction of the first ten-storey castle, the 3de10fm on November 15, 1998. They only managed to build the 3de10fm on August 30, 2013 and dismantle it on November 1, 2010 15 years later the Vilafranquins the first Torre de vuit neta up and down. The Temporada 2010 was completed with a new record number of points. Since 1996, the two-year competition from Tarragona until 2000, in which the Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls were successful, was won exclusively by the Castellers de Vilafranca . The quality of a "serial winner" and the sometimes arrogant appearance of some castellers and supporters of this Colla means that outside of Vilafranca they are often received ambivalently: one admires their performance, but also allows them a defeat.

Today the Colla der Castellers de Vilafranca consists of over 400 active members of all ages. The Castellers de Vilafranca wear green shirts with their white pants.

Minyons de Terrassa

Logo MinyonsTerrassa.gif

The Minyons from Terrassa had their first appearance on July 14, 1979. Although Castells had no tradition in the city, the Colla acquired the technical basics in a very short time and quickly gained a top position. Their development in the world of castells is unique, both in terms of the speed at which they conquered the castells of the highest category, with nine and ten levels, and in the role they played in renewing the partially frozen traditions. The Minyons de Terrassa pioneered the full inclusion of women and girls in the castells from the start. And they refuted the traditional conviction that for a good casteller who wants to master large constructions, it is essential to work his way through the castell over many years from top to bottom. This conviction had already condemned many new Collas to a very slow development. In 1993 the Minyons received the Creu de Sant Jordi Prize.

The Minyons were the first Colla that succeeded in building and dismantling the 3de10fm , the Tres de Deu amb Folre i Manilles as well as the Castell total , the 4de9 . With the Basilica , the 5de9f and the 4de9 , they were also the first to be able to rebuild these mythical castells in the 20th century. They could also be the first Colla an entirely new Castell 20th century that. Torre de Nou amb folre y manilles - 2de9fm build. This also marks the beginning of the circuit board era, the Gamma extra - the special repertoire. On 22 November 2015 they built the first Colla two Castells with 10 levels and again - while the construction and dismantling of 4de10fm , the Quatre de Deu amb folre i manilles the hitherto most valuable Castell under the current points table of the Concurs de Castells built. Although they have a top position in the world of castells, the Minyons de Terrassa regularly decline invitations to the two-year competition ( Concurs de Castells de Tarragona ). They consider this event, with its purely competitive character, to be unsuitable for presenting Castells appropriately. The Minyons wear mauve shirts with their white pants.

Colla Jove dels Xiquets de Tarragona


The Colla Jove dels Xiquets de Tarragona were founded in 1979. She quickly expanded her repertoire until she joined the “Club der Neuner” in 1993. In 1994 they were the first to try their hand at the basilica , the 5de9f , which had not been built in the 20th century - when, after ups and downs, they were finally able to build this colossus in 2011, the “soaring” that followed culminated next to other castells the Gamma extra in the construction of the 3de10fm on October 5, 2014 during the Concurs de Castells in Tarragona, and which they were able to dismantle on October 16, 2016. You are now the fourth Colla that could build a "10".

The castellers of the Colla Jove wear purple shirts with their white pants.

Association of the Colles Castelleres

Today there are around 60 Colles Castelleres . They are organized in the Coordinadora de Colles Castelleres de Catalunya (CCCC) association. It was founded in 1989 in Sant Pere de Ribes and represents the interests of the Colles in Catalonia , the Balearic Islands and Northern Catalonia . One of its important tasks is to ensure adequate insurance cover for the members. The affiliated colleges each elect a council for three years, which is composed of twelve representatives from different colleges .

Regular events (festival calendar)

Below is a selection of major regular opportunities to see the castells. In addition, castells are built at many patronage festivals (Festa Major).


  1. information on the website of UNESCO (Engl.)
  2. Castellers de Vilafranca - Primer 3 de 9 amb folre i l'agulla descarregat
  3. according to the evaluation table of the "Concurs des Castells 2008" .
  4. So far the only 2de9f in history by the Castellers de Vilafranca on Youtube
  5. The first 3de10fm in history by the Castellers de Vilafranca on Youtube
  6. The first set up and dismantled 3de10fm in history by the Minyons de Terrassa on Youtube
  7. The first 2de8 of the 20th century by the Castellers de Vilafranca in Youtube
  8. The 4de9 by the Colla Joves dels Xiquets de Valls (2001) in Youtube
  9. The 4de9fa by the Castellers de Vilafranca (2007) in Youtube
  10. The first 5de9f ("the basilica") of the 20th century by the Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls (1996) in Youtube
  11. The Pde8fm by the Castellers de Vilafranca (2008) in Youtube
  12. The Pde8fm by the Castellers de Vilafranca (2008) in Youtube (completed)
  13. The first 3de8ps ("from below") of the 20th century by the Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls (1999) in Youtube
  14. Report in 7dies ( Memento of 11 December 2011 at the Internet Archive ) to the fatal accident in 2006
  15. The only simultaneous 4de9f and 3de9f in history by the Castellers de Vilafranca (2001) on Youtube
  16. El Periodico Los Castellers de Vilafranca consiguen la 'torre de vuit neta' ( Memento of the original of November 4, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  17. in the program Quarts de nou ( Memento of the original from December 1, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. dated December 6, 2010 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

Sources and literature

(all sources in Catalan)

Web links

Commons : Castellers  - Collection of images, videos and audio files