Christine Hebbel

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Christine Hebbel, lithograph by Josef Kriehuber , 1855
Christine Hebbel

Johanne Louise Christine Hebbel , b. Engehausen, pseudonym Christine Enghaus , (born February 9, 1815 or 1817 in Braunschweig , † June 29, 1910 in Vienna ) was a German stage actress and wife of the German playwright Friedrich Hebbel .

Early years

Christine Hebbel grew up in a poor family with many children. Since her father died before she was seven, she had to contribute to the family's livelihood through work. At the age of seven she came to the Braunschweiger Hoftheater 's children's ballet on the initiative of her mother . Due to her acting talent , she soon appeared in smaller roles until she was finally discovered and promoted by Max Köchy .


From 1829 Enghaus belonged to the ensemble of the court theater in Braunschweig. In 1833 she played the Maid of Orléans in Bremen and thus had her theatrical breakthrough, which earned her an immediate engagement in the city. Soon afterwards she came to the Hamburg City Theater via the theater in Oldenburg , where her future husband Friedrich Hebbel saw her for the first time on stage. In 1840, Christine Enghaus was already famous, she got an engagement at the Vienna Burgtheater , of which she belonged until 1875.

Marriage to Friedrich Hebbel

On May 26, 1846, she married the German playwright Friedrich Hebbel in Vienna. Christine, who continued to perform in Vienna, but also in Weimar , mainly embodied Hebbel's tragic female characters after the marriage . The marriage with Friedrich Hebbel had two children: Emil (1846–1847) and Christine (1847–1922). Christine took care of Elise Lensing, who had been abandoned by Friedrich, in a sensitive manner and made a friendship with her that lasted until after Elise's death, when Christine later cared for a dignified grave for Elise. After her marriage, she had also given her illegitimate son Carl to Elise for upbringing.

Christine Hebbel rests at the Matzleinsdorf Evangelical Cemetery , at the side of her husband (Gr. 19, Gruft 38). In 2005 the Christine-Enghaus-Weg in Vienna- Penzing (14th district) was named after her.


Christine Hebbel's importance (among other things as a secure source of finance for her husband Friedrich Hebbel) can also be seen in the fact that there are two novels with her as the main character - see “Literature”.


Her granddaughters Christine and Therese were also actresses.


Web links

Commons : Christine Enghaus  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Hebbel-Gesellschaft eV - Vienna 1845–1849 ( Memento of the original from October 7, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /