Communauté de communes de l'Isle-Crémieu

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Communauté de communes de l'Isle Crémieu
Isère ( Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes - France )
Establishment date December 21, 2007
Dissolution date January 1, 2017
legal form Communauté de communes
Seat Villemoirieu
Communities 21st
president Adolphe Molina
SIREN number 200 012 037
surface 228.3 km²
Residents 29,154 (2013)
Population density 128 people / km²
Location of the CC de l'Isle Crémieu in the Isère department
Location of the CC de l'Isle Crémieu in the Isère department

The Communauté de communes de l'Isle Crémieu is a former French association of communes with the legal form of a Communauté de communes in the Isère département , the administrative seat of which was in Villemoirieu . It lay on the northern edge of the department and comprised both a flat plain on the left bank of the Rhone and an adjoining plateau, the Plateau de Crémieu . The community association consisted of 21 communities on an area of ​​228.3 km 2 .


The competencies required included the development and promotion of economic activities and tourism as well as spatial planning based on a Schéma de Cohérence Territoriale . The community association operated the road maintenance service and garbage collection and disposal. In addition, the association sponsored cultural events and determined housing policy.

Historical development

The inter-municipal cooperation began in 1994 with a district of the same name comprising 21 municipalities . By its members, five of the communities located in the North and Südrändern left a few years later the District . The actual Communauté de communes did not come into being until 2007 and in the following year incorporated the four communes of the former Communauté de communes du Balcon du Rhône into the association. With the addition of the municipality of Tignieu-Jameyzieu at the beginning of 2014, the number of members rose again to 21.

With effect from January 1, 2017, the community association merged with the Communauté de communes Les Balmes Dauphinoises and the Communauté de communes du Pays des Couleurs and thus formed the successor organization Communauté de communes Les Balcons du Dauphiné .

Former member parishes

The following 21 municipalities belonged to the Communauté de communes de l'Isle Crémieu:

local community Residents
January 1, 2017
Density of
population / km²
Post Code
Annoisin chatelans 000000000000676.0000000000676 13.3 000000000000051.000000000051 38010 38460
Chamagnieu 000000000001674.00000000001,674 13.7 000000000000122.0000000000122 38067 38460
Chozeau 000000000001064.00000000001,064 8.2 000000000000130.0000000000130 38109 38460
Crémieu 000000000003282.00000000003,282 6.1 000000000000538.0000000000538 38138 38460
Dizimieu 000000000000837.0000000000837 9.7 000000000000086.000000000086 38146 38460
Frontonas 000000000002069.00000000002,069 12.7 000000000000163.0000000000163 38176 38290
Hières-sur-Amby 000000000001192.00000000001,192 8.7 000000000000137.0000000000137 38190 38118
La Balme-les-Grottes 000000000001060.00000000001,060 14.6 000000000000073.000000000073 38026 38390
Leyrieu 000000000000838.0000000000838 6.4 000000000000131.0000000000131 38210 38460
Moras 000000000000511.0000000000511 8.3 000000000000062.000000000062 38260 38460
Optevoz 000000000000843.0000000000843 12.0 000000000000070.000000000070 38282 38460
Panossas 000000000000666.0000000000666 8.0 000000000000083.000000000083 38294 38460
Saint-Baudille-de-la-Tour 000000000000814.0000000000814 21.8 000000000000037.000000000037 38365 38118
Saint-Romain-de-Jalionas 000000000003288.00000000003,288 13.7 000000000000240.0000000000240 38451 38460
Siccieu-Saint-Julien-et-Carisieu 000000000000583.0000000000583 14.2 000000000000041.000000000041 38488 38460
Soleymieu 000000000000777.0000000000777 13.4 000000000000058.000000000058 38494 38460
Tignieu-Jameyzieu 000000000007249.00000000007,249 13.3 000000000000545.0000000000545 38507 38230
Vernas 000000000000266.0000000000266 5.9 000000000000045.000000000045 38535 38460
Trust 000000000000639.0000000000639 4.6 000000000000139.0000000000139 38539 38390
Veyssilieu 000000000000336.0000000000336 6.5 000000000000052.000000000052 38542 38460
Villemoirieu 000000000001852.00000000001,852 13.3 000000000000139.0000000000139 38554 38460