Dan Christian Ghattas

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Dan Christian Ghattas at an event of the Europride 2019 in Vienna

Dan Christian Ghattas ( Kai Christian Ghattas; also: Dan (Kai) Christian Ghattas, Kai (Dan) Christian Ghattas, Christian Ghattas ) is a German university lecturer, cultural scientist, journalist and coach for communication and text work. As a civil rights activist for intersex - and transgender - human rights , he published in 2013 under the title of human rights between the sexes (English: Human Rights between the Sexes ) repeatedly rezipiert the first international comparative analysis of the situation of human rights of intersexed people.


Education and employment

Dan Christian Ghattas graduated from the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg from 1993 to 1999 in the subjects Older German Literature and Modern German Literature as well as Theater and Media Studies. In July 1999 he graduated with a Magister Artium (MA) in older German literature . From 2000 to 2004 he worked as a research assistant in the Sfb 447 Cultures of the Performative for the “Project A1 'Representation and Kinesthetics”. From 2000 to 2006 he studied at the Humboldt University in Berlin , from January to July 2005 with a grant from the Berlin Equal Opportunities Program in Research and Teaching and the KFF. In February 2006, he received his doctorate in philosophy (Dr. phil.) In medieval culture . (Dissertation published in 2009.) Among other things, he works as a cultural scientist and since 2010 as a university lecturer. From August 2014 to July 2018 he acted as project co-manager for anti-discrimination work and empowerment for the association TransInterQueer e. V. (TrIQ e.V.). He writes articles, does press work and gives lectures as well as workshops and training courses, all in a university and activist context on the topics of transgender and intersexuality . Since the beginning of 2018 he has been working full-time as “Executive Director” of OII-Europe (see also below).

Trans * / Inter * and human rights activist

Ghattas has been active in Berlin's trans * scene since 2002, and has also been politically active in the trans * and inter * area at state, federal and European level since 2006. Since 2007 for the association TransInterQueer e. V. (TrIQ) and from October 2009 to September 2015 as outreach and networking officer for IVIM / OII-Germany .

Ghattas has been a civil rights activist for the human rights of intersex people since 2009 . He was co-organizer of the first International Intersex Forum in 2011 in Brussels and was also a participant in the other three (2012, 2013 and 2017) forums.

On Human Rights Day , during the second Intersex Forum in Stockholm in December 2012, he co-founded the non-governmental organization (NGO) Organization Intersex International Europe ( OII Europe ) , a member organization of the international organization Intersex International , based in Berlin, as the European umbrella organization of Intersex human rights organizations and was registered as a German registered association (e.V.) in 2016. The OII Europe working for the protection and the full implementation of the human rights of intersex people in Europe and around the world based upon the Declaration of Malta, on the third International Intersex Forum was adopted. Until September 2015 he was a member of the board of the OII Europe Network and then until January 2018, alongside Miriam van der Have, its co-chair. In February 2018 he was appointed as the first managing director (“Executive Director”).

Ghatta's publication Human Rights Between the Sexes, which was published in October 2013 in German and English (as Human Rights between the Sexes ) in the series of writings on democracy of the Heinrich Böll Foundation , is considered the first comparative international analysis of human rights of intersex people. It found that intersex people are discriminated against worldwide.

Further honorary positions

Since 2015 Ghatta has been a European Advisor on the international advisory board of the philanthropic Intersex Human Rights Fund, which was founded by the Astraea Lesbian Foundation For Justice based in New York , and has also been one of the global Bridge Builder Advisors of the Boston ( Massachusetts ) based NGO Disability Rights Fund (DRF). He is also a frequent speaker and lecturer at events across Europe, for example the publication of a Council of Europe briefing paper on human rights and intersex people in Montenegro , and has provided a number of institutions with expertise, including the Maltese government, the European Parliament , the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the UN Committee for the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities .

For a while (around 2012) Ghattas was chairman of the association mob e. V., to which the homeless magazine Strassenfeger and Kaffee Bankrott in Prenzlauer Berg belong, and also looked after homeless people in this context.

Ghattas' definition of "Inter *"

“... Inter * is a term for people who, due to their physicality at birth, do not fit into the norm of male or female bodies. ... It is not about a gender identity in the sense of an in-between or neither-nor. Even if intersex people can develop an intersex identity due to their experienced physicality, this always has a relation to the not-in-the-norm of male and female-fitting bodies and the associated experiences. "

- Dan Christian Ghattas : Quoted from: Hilde Link, 2019


As an LGBTI and human rights activist:

  • Lena Eckert, Carsten Balzer, Adrian de Silva, Kai Christian Ghattas, Jannik Franzen and Astrid Süß: (2008) Editorial: Pathologization and Emancipation. In: Liminalis. Journal of Sexual Emancipation, Volume 2, 2008.
  • Wiebke Fuchs, Dan Christian Ghattas, Deborah Reinert, Charlotte Widmann: Study on the living situation of transsexuals in NRW. Lesbian and Gay Association - Landesverband Nordrhein-Westfalen e. V. (Hrsg.), Cologne 2012. ( PDF on the LSVD website, accessed on November 5, 2019. First empirical study (2011/2012) on the everyday life of trans * people in Germany.)
  • Human rights between the sexes. Preliminary study on the living situation of inter * people (=  Heinrich Böll Foundation [Hrsg.]: Schriften zur Demokratie . Volume 34 ). Berlin 2013, ISBN 978-3-86928-115-5 ( [1] [PDF; accessed on November 5, 2019] Second, slightly modified version. With a foreword by Barbara Unmüßig, Head of the HBS, September 2013).
    • at the same time: Human Rights between the Sexes. A preliminary study on the life situations of inter * individuals (= Heinrich Böll Foundation [Hrsg.]: Publication Series on Democracy . Volume 34 ). Berlin 2013, ISBN 978-3-86928-107-0 (English, boell.de [PDF; accessed on November 5, 2019], translated by Adrian de Silva).
  • Silvan Agius, Morgan Carpenter, Dan Christian Ghattas: Third Gender. A Step Towards Ending Intersex Discrimination. In: Der Spiegel , August 22, 2014. ( Full text online , accessed on November 5, 2019.)
  • Standing Up for the Human Rights of Intersex People. In: Jens M. Scherpe , Anatol Dutta, Tobias Helms (eds.): The Legal Status of Intersex Persons. Intersentia, Cambridge 2018, ISBN 978-1-78068-475-8 , pp. 427-444.
    • first: Standing up for the human rights of intersex people - how can you help? ILGA-Europe and OII Europe (eds.), Brussels / Berlin 2015. ( PDF . ILGA-Europe website, accessed on November 5, 2019.)
  • Elisa Barth, Ben Böttger, Dan Christian Ghattas, Ina Schneider (Ed.): Inter: Experiences of intersex people in the world of the two genders. NoNo, Berlin 2013, ISBN 978-3-942471-03-9 .
  • Protecting Intersex People in Europe: A toolkit for law and policymakers. With digital appendix and checklist. ILGA-Europe and OII-Europe (eds.), Brussels / Berlin 2019. (In: ILGA-Europe reports and other materials with: Toolkit. Appendix to the toolkit. Checklist for law and policymakers. Website of ILGA-Europe, accessed on November 5, 2019.)

Scientific publications:

  • Kai Christian Ghattas. Edited together with Christa Brüstle, Clemens Risi, Sabine Schouten: Aus dem Takt. Rhythm in art, culture and nature. transcript Bielefeld 2005.
  • Kai Christian Ghattas: The rhythm of the images. Narrative strategies in text and images from the 11th to 13th centuries. (= Pictura et Poesis, vol. 26) Böhlau / Cologne / [u. a.] 2009, ISBN 978-3-412-20186-9 . (At the same time: Dissertation at the Humboldt University in Berlin .)
  • Kai Christian Ghattas, Steffi Bahro, Philip Bracker: Survey on the standard period of study at the Philosophical Faculty: Why do students in the Philosophical Faculty exceed the standard period of study? With the support of the PEP team of the ZfQ - Center for Quality Development in Teaching and Studies, University of Potsdam, May 2011, online in the blog 2011/2. In: Potsdam evaluation portal, accessed on November 5, 2019. See also “A qualitative quantitative study”: “internal document” (Ghattas).
  • Kai Christian Ghattas: body narration. Movements as a narrative strategy of sensualization in the imperial chronicle. In: Nine Miedema (Hrsg.), Matthias Rein (Hrsg.), Et al .: Die Kaiserchronik: Interdisciplinary studies to a buochgehaizzen crônicâ. Commemoration for Wolfgang Haubrichs on his retirement. Röhrig Universitätsverlag , St. Ingbert 2018, ISBN 978-3-86110-671-5 , pp. 147–180.

Web links

  • Kai Christian Ghattas, Dr. Berlin, Germany. Older German literature (subject) - older German literature (subject). In: Germanist Directory of the German Association of Germanists , in the version of the last update: October 20, 2016.
  • Public Relations - "Extensive national and international public relations work in the area of ​​gender, LGBTIQ and poverty / homelessness since 2006." In: call-your-brother.de. Christian Ghattas' personal website.

Individual evidence

  1. See List of Scientific Publications .
  2. a b c d e Dan Christian Ghattas et al .: Study on the living situation of transsexuals in North Rhine-Westphalia. Lesbian and Gay Association - Landesverband Nordrhein-Westfalen e. V. (Ed.), Cologne 2012, p. 171 ( full text online PDF; p. 175).
  3. a b See Gender and Diversity: Lecture Series in the 2012/13 winter semester. Here: 11/28/2012 - Intersex studies: for a respectful research ("Kai (Dan) Christian Ghattas, Dr. phil., Also OII, is politically active in the area of ​​intersex as well as a trainer and researcher.") In: Website of the Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Research (IZfG) at the University of Greifswald , 2012/13, accessed on November 5, 2019.
  4. Imprint. In: call-your-brother.de. Christian Ghattas' personal website, undated, accessed November 5, 2019.
  5. a b c d Scientific curriculum vitae. In: call-your-brother.de. Christian Ghattas' personal website, undated, accessed November 5, 2019.
  6. a b c d e f g h i Dan Christian Ghattas. Extensive LinkedIn profile as a personal website, accessed November 5, 2019.
  7. a b c d e Global Advisory Panel: DRF Bridge Builder Advisors: Dan Christian Ghattas. In: Disability Rights Fund website , undated, accessed November 5, 2019.
  8. a b See new acquisitions September - December 2016. (PDF) Website of the University of Münster , accessed on November 5, 2019. Here: FL 13/208, p. 4.
  9. a b The author. In: Dan Christian Ghattas: Human rights between the sexes. Berlin 2013, p. 4 (see literature).
  10. Anti-discrimination work & empowerment for Inter * (TrIQ Inter * project). In: Website of the TransInterQueer e. V. , undated, accessed on November 5, 2019.
  11. Events: First ever international intersex forum. In: ilga-europe.org. ILGA-Europe , September 5, 2011, accessed November 5, 2019 .
  12. ^ First ever European Intersex NGO founded. OII Europe sets up work on Intersex Human Right Issues. In: oiieurope.org. OII Europe, December 14, 2012, accessed November 5, 2019 .
  13. NGO in Germany: On the 25th of September, 2015 in Berlin OII Europe takes the important step of officially registering as an non-profit NGO. In: oiieurope.org. OII Europe, September 26, 2015, accessed November 5, 2019 .
  14. Caroline Ausserer, Dan Christian Ghattas: "The taboo is still very big". Interview. In: boell.de. Heinrich Böll Foundation , December 3, 2015, accessed on November 5, 2019 .
  15. Welcome our Executive Director, Dan Christian Ghattas! In: oiieurope.org. OII Europe, February 7, 2018, accessed November 5, 2019 .
  16. Human rights between the sexes: preliminary study on the living situation of inter * people. In: boell.de. Heinrich Böll Foundation, October 18, 2013, accessed on November 5, 2019 .
  17. a b Human Rights between the Sexes. A preliminary study on the life situations of inter * individuals. In: oiieurope.org. OII Europe, November 4, 2013, accessed November 5, 2019 .
  18. Human rights between the sexes, a study. In: ihra.org.au. IHRA - Intersex Human Rights Australia, January 11, 2014, accessed November 5, 2019 .
  19. Introducing the Intersex Fund team at Astraea! In: astraeafoundation.org. Astraea Lesbian Foundation For Justice, June 16, 2015, accessed November 5, 2019 .
  20. Summary: Trans and intersex people - Challenges for EU law. In: lgbti-ep.eu. European Parliament Intergroup on LGBT Rights, September 28, 2018, accessed November 5, 2019 .
  21. IDAHO 2015: Montenegro's government contributes significantly to holding of 14th Roundtable of European Governmental LGBT Focal Points Network. In: gov.me. Government of Montenegro , May 12, 2015, accessed November 5, 2019 .
  22. Franziska Felber: As of today, cold aid takes care of Berlin's homeless in need. In: Der Tagesspiegel , November 1, 2012, accessed on November 5, 2019.
  23. Hilde Link: Mannfrau: An Oral-History Novel. Draupadi @ Unionsverlag, Heidelberg 2016, ISBN 978-3-293-60936-5 , p. 19: "Dan Christian Ghattas, written communication, April 14, 2015" ( limited preview in the Google book search version February 18, 2019 ).
  24. See Dr. Lena Eckert: Publications. Website of the research assistant in the gender * project at the Philosophical Faculty III and the equal opportunities officer of the MLU. In: Gleichstellung.uni-halle.de. Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (Ed.), Undated, accessed on November 5, 2019.
  25. Malte Göbel: It is easier to wear a beard. “Intersex: Intersex people have long been the subject of standardized, irreversible medical interventions. A book has now been published by Nono-Verlag in which those affected raise their voices. ”In: taz archiv , July 25, 2013, accessed on November 5, 2019.
  26. Andreas Hechler: Hermstories. Up until now there were almost only books about Inters * in German-speaking countries, but Inters * is now having a say in this publication, beyond the status of “affected”. Review. In: kritisch-lesen.de, October 1, 2013, accessed on November 5, 2019.
  27. ↑ List of publications - books. In: call-your-brother.de. Christian Ghattas (Ed.) Website, undated, accessed November 5, 2019.
  28. See Birgit Zacke, book review on: Kai Christian Ghattas: Rhythmus der Bilder. Narrative strategies in text and images from the 11th to 13th centuries. In: Journal for German Studies (ZfGerm), New Series. XXI. Volume 1/2011. Edited by the Philosophical Faculty II, German Institute of the Humboldt University of Berlin Bern / Berlin / Frankfurt am M./Wien/[u. a.], ISSN 0323-7982, pp. 175ff. ( Contents of the issue. Website of the Leibniz Institute for the German Language (IDS), accessed on November 5, 2019.)