David M. Walsh

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David Martin Walsh (born July 23, 1931 in Cumberland , Maryland ) is an American cameraman , one of the leading image creators in Hollywood entertainment cinema of the 1970s and 1980s.

Live and act

David M. Walsh had served in the US Army until 1955 and in the same year made contact with the Walt Disney Studios through a friend . There he was hired as a camera apprentice and until 1960 helped with the photography of the drawings of some Disney classics, from Lady and the Tramp to Pongo and Perdita . At the same place Walsh met the experienced and respected feature film cameraman Lucien Ballard , who made him known in 1960 as his assistant in the Disney production The Marriage of Her Parents . Walsh stayed at Ballard's side until the late 1960s, working for him on such key film productions as Sacramento , The Four Sons of Katie Elder , The Daring and The Five Outlaws . In 1967 Walsh switched to the head cameraman William A. Fraker , a key representative of New Hollywood cinema, and photographed the two box office hits Rosemary's Baby and Bullitt as well as the musical Westwärts zurück der Wind under his direction .

Fraker then signed him to his head cameraman when Walsh teacher Fraker made his directorial debut in 1969 with the Western Monte Walsh . From the beginning, Walsh was involved in A-productions, which represent a representative cross-section of the classic entertainment mainstream in Hollywood of the 1970s and 1980s. His photography is considered highly professional and entirely in the service of history and its stars, but not very ambitious artistically. Walsh photographed both fast-paced thrillers ( mass murder in San Francisco , roller coaster , Trans-America-Express ) as well as chamber play-like tabloid comedies ( The Subtenant , Chapter Two , House Visits ). In addition to this, David Walsh was also involved in two Woody Allen early works ( The Sleeper and What You Always Wanted To Know About Sex But Were Afraid To Ask ).

Since the late 1980s, he was rarely able to get jobs as head cameraman, mostly he was now only involved as cameraman for additional recordings, for example in 1989 with Stella , the following year with F / X 2 - The Deadly Illusion and 1991 with What about bob? . Walsh has also worked for television several times , winning an Emmy Award for his 1975 film Queen of the Stardust Ballroom . In the 1990s he made his living primarily as a cameraman for television commercials.

Filmography (selection)


  • Kay Less : The film's great personal dictionary . The actors, directors, cameramen, producers, composers, screenwriters, film architects, outfitters, costume designers, editors, sound engineers, make-up artists and special effects designers of the 20th century. Volume 8: T - Z. David Tomlinson - Theo Zwierski. Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-89602-340-3 , p. 242.

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