The little vampire - new adventures

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Television series
Original title The little vampire - new adventures
Country of production Germany
original language German
year 1993
length 30 minutes
Episodes 13 in 1 season
genre Children's series , fantasy
idea Angela Sommer-Bodenburg
First broadcast 1993 ( Germany )
first broadcast
5th December 1993 on ARD

The Little Vampire - New Adventure is the name of a 13-part children's series that ran on ARD on December 5, 1993 .

The series was based on the two children's books " The Little Vampire Traveled " and " The Little Vampire on the Farm " by Angela Sommer-Bodenburg , whose filming rights were secured by WDR in 1990.

The script came from Sabine Thiesler ; Directed by Christian Görlitz .


Ten-year-old Anton Bohnsack has a friend named Rüdiger von Schlotterstein, whose little sister Anna is madly in love with him. But Anton's parents can't stand these two children and they consider everything Anton tells them about his adventures with Anna and Rüdiger to be pure invention. Because these two "strange and dirty" children are nothing more than vampires who live in a family vault in the city cemetery. Anna and Rüdiger have given Anton the cloak of their uncle Theodor, who has not been among the "living" for some time. Anton can go on numerous excursions with his best friends.

But since his friends only visit him at night, Anton's school performance is of course getting worse and worse. And so Anton wishes to be able to sleep in properly in the coming summer vacation. But to his horror, the parents plan to spend the vacation on a remote farm. Anton tries to persuade his friend Rüdiger to come with him to Ottenbüttel . But Rüdiger refuses to waste his time on a farm. But a mishap with his cousin Jörg the quick-tempered forces Rüdiger to hide for a while. And so it happens that the fresh country air suddenly blows around the nose of the little vampire.

But because Rüdiger behaves carelessly on the farm and almost lets himself be caught by the farmer and his son, Anton, Anna and Rüdiger soon have the vampire hunter Heinrich Stöbermann disguised as a country doctor on their necks. He even gets the archenemy of the vampires - his friend Johann Geiermeier - from the city to help. The two now start the vampire hunt. A little mishap with Stöbermann's vampire trap is the reason why Geiermeier drives back to town the next morning, furious, and Stöbermann ends his friendship.

Anton, who has meanwhile learned to ride, wins the annual equestrian tournament in Ottenbüttel and takes part in a vampire festival on the last evening. But then surprisingly, Anton's parents and Dr. Rummage on.


1 fright in the evening hour

Anton is home alone again because his parents wanted to go to the cinema . So he agrees when Rüdiger invites him to play the Schlotterstein's "Vampire and Vampire Hunter" in the family crypt. But everything turns out differently: Anton's parents come back from the cinema early and call the police out of concern about Anton's disappearance. At the same time, Rüdiger's relatives are on their way home and the unsuspecting cemetery attendant Johann Geiermeier blocks their way to the crypt. Anton finally comes home via detours. There he has to explain to his parents where he was during the evening. But since they don't believe him the truth, Anton is banned from the house and the parents threaten to stay at home on Saturdays.

2 Anna in need

Anna plays near the crypt on the cemetery wall. Geiermeier succeeds in catching Anna and taking her to his apartment. Her mother, Hildegard the thirsty, noticed this by chance in the crypt and sneaked to Geiermeier's house. Horrified and helpless, she has to watch as the cemetery keeper showered her daughter with questions and now runs back into the crypt, crying. Rüdiger has an idea: One would have to try to convince Geiermeier that she is human. He's now flying to Anton. Meanwhile Geiermeier tries under various threats to persuade Anna to admit that she is a vampire. But this refuses steadfastly and gets Geiermeier to be able to call Anton, her alleged brother. He immediately sets out to free her. But Anton has a problem: Meanwhile, his parents are holding a slide evening at home with their best friends, Piele and Toto Deichgraf . Rüdiger has to “represent” him by staying in Anton's room and pretending to be asleep. In the house of the cemetery attendant, Anton succeeds in convincing Geiermeier that he and Anna are human ... he eats a clove of garlic in front of his eyes. Although Piele almost unmasked Deichgraf Rüdiger, the children succeeded without being discovered by the adults.

3 surprise in the night

Anton's parents have to go to a business lunch again. Since Anton has been under closer observation since his “escape”, a babysitter is needed. Lisa, who usually does this, is sick. So now the mothering and TV addicted neighbor Mrs. Puvogel is hired as a replacement. With the claim that he was tired and wanted to go to bed, Anton and Rüdiger went to a fairground. In the ghost train, Rüdiger accidentally hits his cousin Jörg on the head with a wooden stick, who had been lying in wait for a “little snack”. Now Jörg Rüdiger swears that he will “break all bones” if he gets caught first. But Geiermeier is also at the fair, who recognizes the vampires immediately. And so it happens that Rüdiger decides to go on vacation with Anton in the country.

4 Geiermeier's suspicions

Anna leaves Anton with her poetry album so that he can be the first person to write something into it. Unfortunately it falls into Geiermeier's hands when she loses it while picking it up. Anna and Rüdiger now direct suspicion to Anton's parents. Geiermeier puts Anton's parents' house under surveillance and enters the apartment the next day to stake his parents in their bedroom. Anton can just save his parents by opening the curtains. Geiermeier has to admit defeat again and reluctantly gives Anton the poetry album. So Anton Anna can return the book in the evening. Incidentally, Anton's nocturnal excursions are noticeable through exhaustion in school, so that his teacher Ms. Schlauberger is forced to have a serious word with Anton's parents.

5 The coffin must be with you

How do vampires travel? Anton and his best friends, Anna and Rüdiger von Schlotterstein, think about it. One comes up with the idea of ​​wrapping Rüdiger's coffin in wrapping paper and disguising Rüdiger as a person. On the way to the train station, Anton and the Schlottersteins also meet the cemetery gardener and vampire hunter Geiermeier. Although he recognizes his “little vampires” in Anna and Anton, he now sees Anna as a “human” thanks to Anton. He doesn't recognize the little vampire Rüdiger as a vampire in his disguise as a Tyrolean . After Rüdiger explained to him that there were “7000 garlic braids” in the big package, Geiermeier even carried the coffin to the train station. Only when the train leaves does Rüdiger openly reveal himself as a vampire. Now Geiermeier also realizes that his original suspicion that Anna could be a vampire has come true. He is now following the fleeing Anna across the station. But this can just escape him again. During this, Jörg the quick-tempered moves into the crypt and Anna now takes care of her sick mother, Hildegard the thirsty .

6 night train journey

Anton and Rüdiger are now on their way to Ottenbüttel and play Mensch-an-an-dich-nicht on the train journey. When suddenly an elderly lady, Frau Giftich , comes into the compartment, the first problems arise for Anton; because Rüdiger had still not eaten anything and is terribly bored. When Rüdiger finally flew past the compartment window, Mrs. Giftich pulled the emergency brake. It is difficult to convince the conductor that everything was just a mistake. But a little later Rüdiger Frau Giftich openly reveals herself as a vampire and she faints . Anton and Rüdiger now have to get off the train and walk the rest of the way.

7 Fear for Rüdiger

The farm holidays begin. Immediately after arrival, Anton begins to look for Rüdiger's coffin. In doing so, he squeezes the farmer's children Hermann and Johanna Hering , who of course immediately dismiss him as a weirdo. In the meantime, Rüdiger's aunt Dorothee comes to the crypt in the city and causes unrest with the remark that the country is teeming with vampire hunters. The farmer's wife, Mrs. Hering , makes an incredible discovery in the chicken coop and Rüdiger loses his cloak on the farm. Ms. Hering informs the country doctor Heinrich Stöbermann about her discovery and he immediately suspects vampires as the cause.

8 happiness in misery

Anton is sick and his mother calls the country doctor Dr. Stöbermann. Anton realizes with horror that Stöbermann is also a vampire hunter. Farmer Hering is now making a scarecrow out of Rüdiger's cloak and setting it up in the field. Anna discovers this on her way to Ottenbüttel and now believes that her brother is no longer alive. Since Stöbermann makes a tour with his Dalmatian Brutus every evening to track down vampires, he finds the crying Anna by the side of the road. Anna can convince Stöbermann that she is just lost and is looking for her boyfriend Anton. Stöbermann takes Anna with him to the Hering farm and Anton can warn her about Stöbermann just in time. But only a little later Anna, Anton and Stöbermann meet Rüdiger, who fled from Brutus in a tree.

9 Ridden by the devil

Rüdiger is beginning to enjoy country life when he and Anton find horses in a pasture. Shortly thereafter, Anna also joins them. Anton and the vampire children now ride night after night. The farmer, Mr. Hering , now calls Dr. Stöbermann, because he can't explain the exhausted horses. But he has had a certain suspicion for a long time, and when he sees Anna flying in the pasture, he calls his friend and colleague Geiermeier. Both vampire hunters lay in wait. But when Geiermeier accidentally falls into Stöbermann's vampire trap, he leaves the next day angrily and Stöbermann also ends his friendship. Meanwhile, Anton wins the annual horse show in Ottenbüttel.

10 The eerie organist

It is Anna's birthday and invites Anton to her party in the old church. But then both are surprised by Stöbermann; Anna can still hide, but Anton is caught by this one. Anton now says that he hid from a "black vampire" and now doesn't dare to go home. Stöbermann now brings him to the farm and wants to know everything about the vampire. A few days later, Anton suddenly meets a vampire that he has never seen and that corresponds exactly to the description he gave Stöbermann. Aunt Dorothee then turns up in the old mill and so it is getting tight for Anton, who was able to hide just in time. The mysterious vampire turns out to be Ludwig the Terrible , Anna's and Rüdiger's father in the old church: in the old church he is playing an organ for Anna when Stöbermann suddenly appears. Stöbermann now persuades Anton to stand by him as a vampire hunter's assistant. Arrived at the farm, Anton goes to bed. Stöbermann is invited by the herring to have another glass of wine with them and the bean bags. Then Anton's mother sees huge bats in the sky , which he recognizes with horror as vampires. Overwhelmed by this realization, Stöbermann faints.

11 The scary show

The Peanuts, Americans on a trip to Germany, discover the old mill, the shelter for the vampire children, and want to buy it. Anton now wants to warn the vampires, especially since Stöbermann has started to set up vampire traps in the form of a coffin. In the meantime, the irascible brother of the two vampire children, Lumpi the Strong , has also moved into the old mill. He now has the idea to put on a horror show to drive the Americans away. But the shot backfires: Mr. and Mrs. Peanut are very satisfied with this scary show and decide to buy this too and take it to America. The involuntary rescue of the vampires brings Stöbermann's vampire trap: When Mr. Peanut lies down in a Stöbermann coffin, he cannot get out. Annoyed, the peanuts leave and don't want to buy the mill anymore, because it would only be teeming with vampires.

12 The blood-red ruby

Dr. Stöbermann has a specific suspicion: Vampires are hiding in the old mill! Despite Anton's efforts to stop him, Stöbermann finds Rüdiger's coffin, but when he opens it, the coffin is empty. Because the vampire children are back in the family crypt to host the international vampire festival. This takes place every 130 years and at its center is a red ruby, the symbol of the vampires. But this has disappeared and now the Schlottersteins are about to be ostracized. The vampire grandparents, Sabine the Terrible and Wilhelm the Desert , remembered that the ruby ​​fell into the hands of the dangerous vampire hunter Kuno Bösermann 100 years ago when he staked a distant relative, Victoria the Unfortunate. With Anton's help, Anna and Rüdiger find out that the vampire hunter "Kuno Bösermann" was actually called Kuno Stöbermann and was the country doctor's grandfather. The three of them can locate the red ruby ​​through old records.

13 The vampire festival

The vampire festival is supposed to take place in an old factory ruin near the mill. Anton takes part in disguise and is introduced to the vampire society as “Uwe the Intrepid”. Suddenly his parents appear, also disguised as vampires, firmly convinced that they are at a costume party. Anton's friends are now trying to smuggle the parents through the festival as the "vampire clan of those from Skorpio". At the highlight of the festival, the drawing of the red ruby, Anton wins the great honor of hosting the next international vampire festival with his family in 130 years. Anton releases the won ruby ​​for a second drawing, because he and his clan have not been vampires for so long and also do not have a proper tomb. A little later, Anton’s mother is taken over by Dr. Stöbermann, who observed the festival. He wants to stake her, but has to admit his mistake when Helga Bohnsack takes out the fake vampire teeth. Stöbermann fled, completely confused. The next day the beanbags go home and take a supposed prop from the “film crew” with them: Rüdiger's coffin.

Filming time and locations

The series was produced from April 28 to November 27, 1992. Filming locations were Düsseldorf , Wuppertal , Mönchengladbach , Xanten , Cologne , Duisburg and Verviers in eastern Belgium .


The WDR acquired the film rights for the books "Der kleine Vampir verreist" and "Der kleine Vampir auf dem Bauernhof" and the new series should now be a purely German-speaking and not a large international production, in which English-speaking countries only start if theirs Language is rotated.

The children's series “The Little Vampire - New Adventure” is considered to be the most expensive children's production to date , with production costs of over DM 10 million . The children's editors of WDR and Südwestfunk each brought in just over 2 million DM, other ARD stations such as MDR, ORB, NDR and SFB a little over 500,000 DM.

In addition, the ORF got involved as a co-producer, and the film company Polyphon , which had co-produced the first television series with the little vampire in 1985 , also made a large contribution. But only the funds from the Filmstiftung NRW made the realization of this project possible.

During the 149 days of filming, the child actors were exempted from compulsory schooling and taught by a specially appointed teacher.

It was also forbidden to shoot at night because of the child actors. The “vampire scenes” were filmed in broad daylight. The so-called “ Day-for-Night ” method was used, which filtered out the sun's rays in such a way that a night-like atmosphere was created.

The “home tomb of those von Schlotterstein” was finally found in Verviers in East Belgium , a cemetery that was a gray stone desert with a single tree in the middle.

The “old mill” by the pond of the Xanten farm does not exist: the eight-meter-high mill was specially designed by the set designer Bernd Graebler, a trained architect, in a nature reserve adjacent to the farm and indoor photos could be taken in it if the weather was good Outside shooting in the yard was too bad. After the shooting, it was completely dismantled.

In the episode “Die Gruselshow”, Klaus Dahlen drives his VW Beetle to the “Mill Pond” as Mr. Peanut ... Special feature: Dahlen never had a driver's license!

The "Red Ruby" was also designed for the series by Bernd Graebler. He was influenced by the model drawings of the jewelry of the British Queen that were sent to him.

According to the script, Matthias Ruschke shouldn't be bitten in all of the episodes. And so he had to hold out a meat sausage to Stöbermann's dog in the episode “The Blood Red Rubin”: The Dalmatian “Brutus” did not take the assured “bite ban” so seriously and bit the child actor's right index finger. The shooting was interrupted, Matthias Ruschke had to go to the Xanten hospital and the scripts were meanwhile being rewritten. Now “Dr. Stöbermann "with" Hector "a second dog that had to guard the house. Matthias Ruschke, however, preferred to throw the sausage to this when the shoot was resumed.

The “great international vampire festival” took place in the disused Thyssen steelworks in the Meiderich district of Duisburg.

In 1994 Christian Görlitz and Achim Hagemann received the Adolf Grimme Prize for the series .

DVD release

On October 4, 2004, the entire series was released on a total of four individual DVDs through the distribution company WVG Medien GmbH . The first DVD contains episodes 1–4, the other DVDs three episodes each. On September 29, 2006, all episodes were released in one complete edition with 4 DVDs.

On March 25, 2009, ARD released a DVD box entitled The Little Vampire - All Adventures with 8 DVDs, which contains both the complete series The Little Vampire from 1985 and the complete series The Little Vampire - New Adventure from 1993.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ARD Video: The Little Vampire - All Adventures (8 DVDs)  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (Accessed April 8, 2009)@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  

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