Desmond Connell

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Coat of arms with the motto "Secundum verbum tuum" ("According to your word") from the Angelus

Desmond Cardinal Connell (born March 24, 1926 in Dublin ; † February 21, 2017 there ) was an Irish Roman Catholic clergyman and Archbishop of Dublin .


Desmond Connell studied Catholic theology and philosophy in Dublin and received the sacrament of ordination for the Archdiocese of Dublin on May 19, 1951 . He completed further studies at the Catholic University of Leuven with a doctorate in the field of systematic philosophy. From 1953 he taught in the section for metaphysics at University College Dublin .

In 1972 he became full professor for the entire field of metaphysics and head of the faculty for philosophy and sociology at the same university . In 1981 the National University of Ireland awarded him a doctorate in literature in recognition of his numerous publications on theological and philosophical subjects . In addition to his teaching activities, Desmond Donnell looked after a Poor Clare monastery and two Carmelite monasteries as a pastor .

Pope John Paul II appointed him Archbishop of Dublin on January 21, 1988. He was ordained bishop by the Apostolic Nuncio in Ireland, Archbishop Gaetano Alibrandi , on March 6 of the same year; Co- consecrators were Joseph Carroll , Vicar General and Auxiliary Bishop in Dublin, and Brendan Oliver Comiskey , Bishop of Ferns . In the consistory of February 21, 2001, Pope John Paul II accepted him as a cardinal priest with the titular church of San Silvestro in Capite in the college of cardinals . On April 26, 2004 he resigned as Archbishop of Dublin due to age; he was succeeded by Diarmuid Martin .

Child Abuse Awareness Commission in Ireland

Cardinal Connell sued his successor in the office of Diarmuid Martin to prevent the release of several thousand documents. He caused a sensation and unrest among Irish Catholics and among victims of sexual abuse .

Seán Brady , Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of the Roman Catholic Church of All Ireland, persuaded him to withdraw his action against the surrender of the documents. Connell's successor, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, had intended to hand the documents over to the Commission to Investigate the Archdiocese of Dublin's handling of child abuse by clergy between 1975 and 2004.

In 2009, Connell was named in the Murphy Report as one of the bishops who protected church perpetrators, some of whom had abused hundreds of children severely for decades, instead of stopping them, thereby refusing to help the victims. Several bishops had to resign after the Vatican expressed outrage over the events in Ireland.


Cardinal Connell was a member of the following dicasteries of the Roman Curia :

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Paul Hosford: Former Archbishop of Dublin Desmond Connell dies aged 90 ., February 21, 2017, accessed February 21, 2017.
  2. a b Rinuncia dell'arcivescovo di Dublin (Irlanda). In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office , accessed December 24, 2015 (Italian).
  3. a b Patsy McGarry: Primate urged Cardinal Connell to drop action. The Irish Times , February 12, 2008, accessed December 24, 2015 .
  4. Martin Alioth : Scandal in Ireland's Church: Beaten, Humiliated, Raped. Spiegel Online , May 20, 2009, accessed December 24, 2015 .
  5. Abuse scandal: Irish bishops offer resignation on Christmas Eve. Spiegel Online, December 25, 2009, accessed December 24, 2015 . Carsten Volkery: Bishop's resignation after abuse scandal: Ireland's Catholics muck out. Spiegel Online, December 17, 2009, accessed December 24, 2015 .
  6. ^ A b Nomina di Cardinali Membri delle Congregazioni Romane. In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office, May 15, 2001, accessed December 24, 2015 (Italian).
  7. ^ Nomina di Cardinali Membri dei Dicasteri della Curia Romana. In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office, May 18, 2001, accessed December 24, 2015 (Italian).
predecessor Office successor
Kevin McNamara Archbishop of Dublin
Diarmuid Martin