The Göttmann files

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Episode in the series SOKO 5113
Original title The Göttmann files
Country of production Germany
original language German
UFA fiction
length 90 minutes
classification Season 33, episode 22
390th episode overall ( list )
First broadcast March 23, 2008 on ZDF
Director Jörg Schneider
script Conny Lens
production Norbert Sauer
camera Afam Bilson

The Göttmann Files is a 90-minute feature film episode of the German crime series SOKO 5113 from 2008.


Werner Kreindl, who played the role of chief detective Karl Göttmann since the start of SOKO 5113 , died of a heart attack on June 6, 1992 after filming the 10th episode of season 12 (episode 123). Originally it was planned in the script that Göttmann would be replaced as head of SOKO in episode 11 of the 12th season (episode 124), transferred to the office and promoted to criminal director. After the death of the actor Kreindl, the script had to be rewritten, and his role Göttmann also died. Göttmann's long-time deputy Schickl was subsequently promoted to the new head of the special commission.

The episode Die Göttmann is the 390th episode (22nd episode of the 33rd season). It is the last episode in 32 years in which Wilfried Klaus takes part as Chief Detective Horst Schickl and head of SOKO 5113 . In this episode, the death of the former SOKO 5113 head of detective chief inspector Karl Göttmann ( Werner Kreindl ) is reopened. It turns out that, contrary to what was assumed when he died in 1992, the chief detective did not die of a heart attack , but of poisoning with arsenic (III) oxide (arsenic).


The episode was filmed from November 8th to December 21st, 2007 in and around Munich . For the broadcast of the episode for the purpose of repetition in the morning program of ZDF, it was cut into two parts approx. 43 minutes long.


The nurse Ivana Novkovic comes home completely distraught and tells her daughter Neda that "after 15 years she suddenly saw the devil [again]". A little later the body of the nurse is found in the Auinger forest. The SOKO 5113 team begins its investigation. Apart from tire tracks, they did not find any usable traces at the crime scene. During the autopsy it turns out that Ivana Novkovic was mistreated, raped and then killed. When the investigators, Chief Detective Horst Schickl and Detective Inspector Manfred Brand, want to question the daughter of the murdered woman, they meet their former colleague, Detective Inspector a, in her apartment. D. Lizzy Berger, who was close friends with the dead woman and who now works as a manager at a non-profit organization. During interviews as part of the reconstruction of the victim's last hours, a testimony leads the investigators to Goran Bebek, the operator of a cleaning company. It turns out that this is under long-term surveillance by the State Criminal Police Office . A little later, the former SOKO investigator, Kriminalobermeister a. D. Fred Less, who came to SOKO 5113 in 1978 as a so-called “pass-through” , in the office of the commissioners. He is now working on asylum and immigration law issues for the Ministry of the Interior and directs suspicion to the Balkan mafia. He also informs the SOKO that the Interior Ministry suspects a connection between Goran Bebek, the Balkan mafia and various smuggling offenses, which is why Bebek is also being monitored. Since the dead Ivana Novkovic herself came to Germany as a refugee in 1992 , the investigators suspect a connection between Goran Bebek and the murder case.

Another questioning of Neda Novkovic reveals the story of the escape of the Novkovic family: They fled to Germany with the help of smugglers during the Yugoslav wars . While fleeing, the women were raped; when Neda Novkovic's father tried to intervene, he was shot. Since Goran Bebek also applied for political asylum in 1992 and apparently had a connection to the murdered woman, the investigations initially focus on him, as the investigators suspect that he was involved in the rape while on the run and now wanted to eliminate a witness. When questioned, however, Bebek denies any connection to Ivana Novkovic. Since Neda Novkovic can not identify him as a participant in the rape during the confrontation and he also has an alibi for the time of the murder, the SOKO officials have to release him.

A document from the State Criminal Police Office in Goran Bebek's files, which was sent to all department heads of the Bavarian State Police in 1992 , led the investigators on a new track. In 1992, when Bebek's smuggling gang established itself in Munich and the surrounding area, V-men suspected that Bebek was a contact with the police. The SOKO wants to find out who the mole was. At this moment, the former SOKO investigator, Kriminalhauptkommissar a. D. Jürgen Sudmann and offers the investigators information about Bebek. When Kriminalkommissar Hahn and Kriminalhauptkommissar Schickl met with Sudmann the next day, the latter reported a note in the documents of the former SOKO head of Kriminalhauptkommissar Karl Göttmann, which his wife had given Sudmann for his memoirs . In this note, Göttmann asked himself in which position the mole would use Bebek the most, and noted a date for a meeting and the abbreviation "DL". Sudmann suspects that Göttmann observed Goran Bebek and "DL" at his meeting at the time and that it must be a colleague close to Göttmann who was active as a mole. Jürgen Sudmann still believes that the mole is still active for Bebek.

At the same time, Neda Novkovic, Lizzy Berger, who is looking after her friend's daughter, and the police officer assigned to guard the two of them are attacked by two strangers. The police officer is knocked down, but Lizzy Berger and Neda Novkovic initially manage to escape. When Neda Novkovic, who is completely overwhelmed by the situation, escapes from hiding, there is an exchange of fire between the unknown men and the detective inspectors Brand and Renner, which Lizzy Berger had notified shortly beforehand. In this exchange of fire, the former SOKO commissioner Berger is hit by a bullet and dies a little later in the arms of Manne Brand. Theo Renner kills one of the unknown men, the other escapes. Investigators suspect that the attack was against Neda Novkovic and that the attackers were sent by Goran Bebek, but they wonder how he knew Nova Novkovic's whereabouts from. Chief Inspector Schickl suspects a leak in the police apparatus and asks Susanne von Hagenberg, former SOKO investigator and current head of the Eastern Europe department at Europol , for her help. She cannot provide the SOKO with any new information about Goran Bebek, but works with the investigators to develop a plan to convict him. Meanwhile, Chief Inspector Horst Schickl and his wife, Chief Inspector a. D. Anna Schickl, who once worked for SOKO 5113 herself, about his retirement. A little later they get a visit from Sudmann, who presents the results of his investigation: He found out that the meeting between Bebek and "DL", which Göttmann observed, took place shortly before the SOKO leader's death. Sudmann expresses the suspicion that Göttmann did not, as suspected, succumb to a heart attack , but was murdered. Thereupon Schickl arranges for the exhumation of Karl Göttmann's corpse. During the autopsy, residues of arsenic (III) oxide are found. It is thus certain that the former head of the special commission was murdered. Schickl and Sudmann wonder how the murder could have happened and come to the conclusion that “DL” must have been the murderer of their former boss and a close confidante.

When SOKO commissioners Hahn and Renner are on their way to Neda Novkovic, who is in a safe house, they are ambushed and captured. In the evening Horst and Anna Schickl get a visit from Goran Bebek, who demands that the investigation into the lives of the kidnapped officers be stopped. The next day, Neda Novkovic turned to Horst Schickl to provide him with information about Bebek. She burdens him heavily. At the same time, Hahn and Renner learn that Bebek is behind the murder of Ivana Novkovic. When Jasmila Dräger, the founder of the non-profit association, of which Lizzy Berger was the managing director, was shot, the special commission raised further questions because the caliber did not match that of the murders. Hahn and Renner succeed in overpowering one of their kidnappers and thus flee. When they notify their colleague Manne Brand, they meet Jasmila Dräger, who worked with Goran Bebek, and are again overwhelmed by her kidnapper. Brand and Less manage to determine the destination of Jasmila Dräger's taxi, and the SEK storms the building. Dräger and Bebek take Hahn hostage, but when they escape, Less manages to shoot Bebek; Jasmila Dräger leaves Hahn in the stairwell. When Schickl arrives at the scene, there is no trace of the hostage-taker. A little later, the special commission, together with Susanne von Hagenberg, succeeds in preventing a smuggling and uncovering Bebek's machinations. At the same time, Chief Detective Officer Schickl arrests Jasmila Dräger.

After the case of Goran Bebek seems to have been resolved, the investigators of the special commission try to expose the mole. Schickl and Sudmann consider where the mole could have been best used and come across the K7, the coordination point between the police, customs and the Federal Border Guard . You realize that the mole is only Chief Detective a. D. Fred Less, the so-called pass-through ("DL"), who moved to the K7 at the end of 1992. Schickl and Sudmann develop a plan to convict him, and the SOKO succeeds in arresting the mole and murderer of detective chief inspector Karl Göttmann.

In the evening, Chief Detective Horst Schickl was shot in front of his house. After the funeral, Dr. Evelyn Kreiner told the remaining investigators of the special commission that Schickl's death was only a cover. The chief inspector and his wife have been accommodated in the witness protection program and enjoy together with chief inspector a. D. Jürgen Sudmann, whom they bring with them, their retirement.


main actor

actor Role name role
Wilfried Klaus Horst Schickl Chief detective ; Head of SOKO 5113
Anna Schickl's husband
Hartmut Schreier Manfred "Manne" Brand Detective inspector
Michel Guillaume Theodor "Theo" Renner Detective inspector
Bianca Hein Katharina Hahn Detective Inspector

supporting cast

actor Role name role
Ingeborg Schöner Anna Schickl Former detective commissioner
wife of Horst Schickl
Ilona Grübel Evelyn Kreiner Detective
Adrian Can Yasar Coroner

Guest actor

actor Role name role
Heinz Baumann Jürgen Sudmann Chief Detective Inspector retired
Christine Döring Susanne Hagenberg Chief detective ; Head of the Eastern Europe Department at Europol
Bernd Herzsprung Fred Less Kriminalobermeister retired ("pass-through"); Interior Ministry staff
Goran Bebek's Mole; Karl Göttmann's murderer
Olivia Pascal Lizzy Berger † Former detective chief executive of a non-profit association
Heinrich Schmieder Goran Bebek Owner of a cleaning company; Smugglers
Gaby Dohm Jasmila Dräger Founder of a non-profit association
Sabrina Hodzic Ivana Novkovic Nurse ; Murder victim
mother of Neda Novkovic
Aleksandra Odic Neda Novkovic Daughter of Ivana Novkovic
Johannes Casell Mirko Hijacker; Employed by Goran Bebek
Bernhard Baron Boneberg NN Bodyguards


Michael Reufsteck and Stefan Niggemeier write, in their work " The television lexicon - Everything over 7000 programs from Ally McBeal to the ZDF hit parade ", the episode The Göttmann Files a special meaning for the SOKO story by retrospectively revealing the true circumstances of the first head of SOKO 5113 , chief detective Karl Göttmann , uncovered.

“This last case, 'The Göttmann Files', incidentally rewrites the entire SOKO story of the past decades: It turns out that Karl Göttmann did not die of a heart attack, but was murdered by a traitor, a mole who Has provided internal information to traffickers for 15 years. "

- The television dictionary

Broadcasting and audience rating

It was first broadcast on March 23, 2008. Unlike normally on the Monday evening slot, this episode was broadcast in primetime on Sunday evening. The first broadcast was followed by 5.51 million viewers, which corresponded to a market share of 17.2% of the total audience.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "SOKO 5113 - The Göttmann Files" 90-minute special to say goodbye to Wilfried Klaus from ZDF. In: Press portal, March 19, 2008, accessed on December 23, 2015 .
  2. 'Göttmann Files' is Schickl's last 'SOKO' case. In: Retrieved December 23, 2015 .
  3. SOKO 5113. In: The television dictionary, accessed on December 24, 2015 .
  4. Alexander Krei: "SOKO 5113" - Farewell wins on Easter Sunday. In: , March 24, 2008, accessed December 24, 2015 .