Droga wojewódzka 194

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Template: Infobox high-ranking street / maintenance / PL-DW
Droga wojewódzka 194 in Poland
Droga wojewódzka 194
Basic data
Overall length: 34.3 km

Voivodeship :

The Droga wojewódzka 194 ( DW 194 ) is a 34.3 km long Droga wojewódzka ( provincial road ) in the Polish Province Wielkopolska , which poses about Kobylnica and Pobiedziska with the Expressway S5 west of Gniezno connects. The street is located in Powiat Poznański and Powiat Gnieźnieński .

Course of the road

Greater Poland Voivodeship , Poznań Independent City ( Posen )
Greater Poland Voivodeship, Powiat Poznański
Greater Poland Voivodeship, Powiat Gnieźnieński