Droga wojewódzka 527

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Tabliczka DW527.svg

The Droga wojewódzka 527 ( DW 527 ) is a Polish province road that the eastern part of the Pomeranian Province to the west and the capital of Warmia and Mazury combines. Over a length of 74 kilometers, it also connects the voivodship roads DW 505 , DW 513 , DW 515 , DW 519 , DW 526 , DW 528 and DW 598 to each other and to expressway 7 or state road DK 7 and state roads DK 16 , DK 51 and DK 53 .

In the Pasłęk ( Prussian Holland ) and Olsztyn ( Allenstein ) section, DW 527 corresponds to the course of the former German Reichsstrasse 133 .


  • Powiat Elbląski ( Elbing District):
    • Protowo ( prostheses )
    • Krupin ( Ober Krapen )
    • Kwietniewo ( Königlich Blumenau , 1931–45 Königsblumenau )
X Former Reichsbahn line (1893–1945) Elbing –Miswalde X
    • Rychliki ( Reichenbach, Kr.Prussian Holland )
    • Marwica ( Klein Marwitz )
~ Kanał Elbląski ( Oberland Canal ) ~
X State railway line No. 220: Olsztyn ( Allenstein ) - Bogaczewo ( Güldenboden ) X
  • Powiat Ostródzki ( Osterode district (East Prussia) ):
    • Kalnik ( Kahlau )
    • Łączno ( meadow )
    • Morąg ( Mohrungen ) (→ext. 519 : Stary Dzierzgoń ( Alt Christburg ) –Małdyty ( Maldeuten ) –Morąg, ext. 528 : Morąg– Miłakowo ( Liebstadt ) - Orneta ( Wormditt ))
X PKP line no. 220 (as above) X
    • Bramka ( Himmelforth )
    • Zawroty ( Schwenkendorf )
    • Florczaki ( Eckersdorf )
    • Łukta ( curls )
    • Pelnik ( Pulfnick )
X PKP line 220 (as above) X