A great departure

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TV movie
Original title A great departure
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2015
length 90 minutes
Director Matti Geschonneck
script Magnus Vattrodt
music Marco Meister ,
Robert Meister
camera Martin Langer
cut Eva Schnare

A German TV film by Matti Geschonneck from 2015 is a great start .


Patriarch Holm Hardenberg wants to put an end to his fulfilled life himself and without further ado invites his family and friends to his country house on the Bavarian Chiemsee to say goodbye. His two daughters Marie and Charlotte, his ex-wife Ella and his childhood friends Adrian and Katharina accept his invitation. However, the family volume unexpectedly gets out of hand because the guests reproach their host badly, which the host does not want to endure.


A great departure was filmed from February 23, 2015 to March 27, 2015 in Munich , Fürstenfeldbruck and Chiemsee . The film was first shown on television on November 16, 2015.


"Wordful and punchy, as biting as profound (television) chamber play , which, thanks to the brilliant cast ensemble, avoids any slipping into a farce and always keeps the existentially serious background visible."

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. A big start at crew-united.com.
  2. A great departure. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed February 22, 2020 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used