Love after death

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Original title Love after death
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2005
length 90 minutes
Director Matti Geschonneck
script Hannah Hollinger
production Reinhold Elschot
music Nikolaus Glowna ,
Siggi Mueller
camera Wedigo von Schultzendorff
cut Inge Behrens

Love after death (reference title Die Liebenden ) is a German melodrama by Matti Geschonneck from 2005. The main roles are starring Maja Maranow , August Zirner and Laura-Charlotte Syniawa . The film premiered on June 27, 2005 at the Munich Film Festival . On February 13, 2006 he was seen for the first time on television in the ZDF program .


The chemist Lutz Bücking says goodbye to his wife and daughter because he has to fly to Sylt for work. At the same time, Karin Markwart also makes her way to the airport after saying goodbye to her husband Paul.

Shortly thereafter, Barbara Pfeiffer receives a visit from the detective Rado Gorsky and his team, as well as Paul Markwart, who is introduced to her by Gorsky as the chief prosecutor. It's about tax evasion on a large scale. Markus Pfeiffer and Markwart know each other from before. Pfeiffer's lawyer said, addressed to Markwart, that one could almost think that he had an old bill to settle with his client. At the same time, the doctor Greta Bücking has an argument with her daughter Ines, in which Lisa, her husband's assistant, bursts with the news that the plane with Greta's husband on board has crashed. Paul Markwart learns of the plane crash while shopping in a garden center through a monitor running there.

Greta Bücking is informed by her daughter that her father has had a relationship with another woman for a long time and for Paul Markwart, too, it becomes certain that his wife has kept a lot from him. His assumption that she had a relationship with Lutz Bücking is confirmed. His attempt to talk to Greta Bücking about it initially fails. After Greta Bücking's daughter has disappeared and Paul has offered Greta his help, this becomes more accessible and no longer blocks every conversation in the beginning. Together they look for Ines. Through a telephone number in a small shop for travel literature they come across the mother of a Micha, who had hit Ines with his car some time ago and with whom she was traveling. Greta and Paul get closer through conversations.

After Greta found out that her husband and Karin Markwart wanted to move into an apartment together that also provided a room for Ines, she got involved with Paul Markwart. They sleep together. Shortly afterwards, Lutz's body is found, while Karin's is missing. After Greta has identified her husband and the funeral service is over, she wrestles her 16-year-old daughter's promise to go on vacation together for a few weeks and then, through her wish, with Micha, with whom Ines fell in love decide to move in with this.

After Pfeiffer was released from custody for lack of evidence, which Paul Markwart is not entirely innocent of, this Paul appears at the airport before the departure of mother and daughter Bücking, who want to fly to Italy, and says goodbye to Greta with the words, he would like to see her again after her return.

Production notes

Love after death was filmed with the working title Die Liebenden from May 4, 2004 to June 11, 2004 in Berlin and the surrounding area and at the North Sea . The film was produced by Network Movie Film- und Fernsehproduktion GmbH & Co. KG (Hamburg).

Love after death is the eleventh collaboration between the writer Hannah Hollinger and the director Matti Geschonneck.


Audience rating

When it was first broadcast on February 13, 2006, the film was viewed by 7.34 million viewers, which corresponds to a market share of 20.5%.


The critics of the television magazine TV Spielfilm awarded the best possible rating (thumbs up) and said that in the film Random Hearts was Harrison Ford and Kristin Scott Thomas happened to "the same". “Here and there” “confident performers would make the daring plot believable”. Conclusion: "Daring story, confident actors". certified Matti Geschonneck at the moment that he “always has the right hand”, because he “hits the right note” “also with this drama” and “brings the leading actors Maja Maranow and August Zirner to impressive performances”. As is so often the case , Geschonneck buildson a proven teamfor 'Love after Death' . He has worked with both the author Hannah Hollinger and network movie producer Reinhold Elschot several times, the same applies to cameraman Wedigo von Schultzendorff and Maja Maranow. As was the case recently in Dear Sister , this time too she was allowed to “sound out the spiritual depths for Matti Geschonneck”. Her game is "quiet and emotional, while partner August Zirner is appropriately responsible for the rational-psychological approach". They would be flanked by the excellent supporting actors Laura-Charlotte Syniawa, Jan Gregor Kremp and Bernhard Schütz. It is also said that Geschonneck's staging is “atmospheric” and “as usual, on soft tones”.

Presseportal spoke of an "exciting television film that oscillates between thriller, family drama full of psychological subtleties, chamber play and quiet love story".

The lexicon of international film confirmed the film: “Dignified and atmospherically densely staged, well-acted (television) drama about a not too precisely drawn reorientation in the face of an existential crisis. The plot is based on Sidney Pollack's film Encounters of Fate - Random Hearts (1999). "

Rainer Tittelbach from gave the film 4.5 out of 6 possible stars and said, even if the story sounds “well thought-out at first”, it is “coherently told every minute, psychologically exciting and existentially true. Very closely observed Geschonneck-Hollinger drama with a high melodrama content, "it said. Maja Maranow and August Zirner would play their roles like two "whose feet have been pulled from under their feet". “As with so many films by Matti Geschonneck”, “the special thing here too is how the director builds closeness to his protagonists, who are in turmoil of emotions”, namely “not through cinematic tricks, but through careful observation and the time he spent his characters and the audience ”.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Love after death at
  2. a b love after death see PDF document at
  3. a b ZDF shows “Liebe nach dem Tod” by Matti Geschonneck / TV film of the week with Maja Maranow and August Zirner see page Retrieved May 19, 2019.
  4. ^ Love after death See (including 32 film images). Retrieved May 19, 2019.
  5. "Love after death". Despite their difficult situation, the surviving spouses of a fatally injured couple are gradually getting closer ... see page Retrieved May 19, 2019.
  6. Love after death. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed May 19, 2019 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  7. ^ Rainer Tittelbach : TV film "Love after death". Maranow, Zirner, Geschonneck, Hollinger and the survivors of the adulterers see page Retrieved May 19, 2019.