Elite student of sport

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Since 2009, the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) and the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe have been honoring students as elite students who have achieved special athletic achievements and who, through their personalities, should also serve as role models for the students at the elite sports schools .



The elite students of the sport are characterized by outstanding sporting achievements. In addition to nominations for national teams, international successes and top performances, the high training expenditure also plays a role. Determination, professional commitment and good academic performance are also decisive reasons for an award. Through their personality, they are also role models for the other students. Other factors are special achievements, such as big leaps in performance, a successful comeback after injuries, large personal expenses or social commitment. The “elite students of sport” also have good prospects with regard to successful participation in the Olympic Games and world championships.


At each elite school of sport, a student is nominated in coordination with the Olympic base by election or a jury and reported to the DOSB by September 15 each year. The “Elite Schools of Sports” working group then decides on the nationwide winner (s). The award takes place during the DOSB's New Year's reception. The winners will receive grants of 5,000 euros for first place and 3,000 euros each for second and third place.


  • 2019:
  1. Andrea Herzog ( Canoe Slalom ) - Leipzig
  2. Alessa-Catriona Pröpster ( track bike ) - Kaiserslautern
  3. Isabel Gose ( swimming ) - Heidelberg
  • 2018:
  1. Leni Wildgrube ( athletics - pole vault ) - Potsdam
  2. Jakob Thordsen ( canoe racing ) - Hanover
  3. Lara Lessmann ( BMX ) - Berlin (Flatow-Oberschule)
  • 2017:
  1. Tabea Alt ( gymnastics) - Stuttgart
  2. Lou Noel Massenberg ( water jumping ) - Berlin (SLZB)
  3. Marlene Galandi ( Judo ) - Potsdam
  • 2016:
  1. Max Heß ( athletics - triple jump ) - Chemnitz
  2. Johannes Hintze ( swimming ) - Potsdam
  3. Pauline Tratz ( gymnastics ) - Karlsruhe
  • 2015:
  1. Pauline Grabosch / Emma Hinze ( track cycling ) - Kaiserslautern / Cottbus
  2. Jessica Tiebel ( luge ) - Altenberg
  3. Maxine Wolters ( swimming ) - Hamburg
  • 2014:
  1. Andreas Wellinger ( ski jumping ) - Berchtesgaden
  2. Tina Punzel ( diving ) - Dresden
  3. Laura Lindemann ( triathlon ) - Potsdam

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