Emil Nussbaum

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Emil Nussbaum (born June 29, 1855 in Offenburg , † August 20, 1936 in Freiburg im Breisgau ) was a lawyer and official member of the Baden state service since 1883 , comparable to a current district administrator .


Emil Nussbaum was the son of Johann Adam Nussbaum (born July 12, 1818 in Ichenheim ), geometer and factory owner in Offenburg, and Barbara Viktoria née Schmidt (born November 29, 1820 in Offenburg). On April 28, 1887, he married Hermine, born Feyerlin (born December 28, 1858 in Offenburg; † February 24, 1915), daughter of the District Court Councilor Feyerlin (born July 23, 1823 in Konstanz ; † November 29, 1902 in Basel ) and Maria Theresia née Kaltenbach (born August 6, 1829 in Waldkirch ; † May 24, 1902 in Villingen ). From this marriage there were three children: Hedwig (* October 14, 1888), Otto (* September 12, 1890) and Gertrud (* March 27, 1893).


Emil Nussbaum attended the Progymnasium Offenburg and then from 1873 the Gymnasium Karlsruhe, where he passed the Abitur in 1875 . From the winter semester 1876/77 he studied law at the University of Heidelberg , interrupted by three semesters at the University of Leipzig , until the summer semester 1879. After successfully completing this, he became a trainee at the local court on February 9, 1880 and then at the public prosecutor's office in Offenburg. After further positions in various offices, he passed the second state examination on June 16, 1883 .




  • Bernd Breitkopf: The old districts and their heads of office. The emergence of the districts and offices in what is today the district of Karlsruhe. Biographies of the senior officials and district administrators from 1803 to 1997 . Regional culture publisher, Ubstadt-Weiher 1997, ISBN 3-929366-48-7 , pp. 157-158.
  • Wolfram Angerbauer (Red.): The heads of the upper offices, district offices and district offices in Baden-Württemberg from 1810 to 1972 . Published by the working group of the district archives at the Baden-Württemberg district assembly. Theiss, Stuttgart 1996, ISBN 3-8062-1213-9 , pp. 431-432 .