Erich Haslinger

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Erich Haslinger (1901)

Erich Haslinger (born May 14, 1882 in Königsberg i. Pr. , † July 21, 1956 in Bremen ) was a German lawyer and entrepreneur in East Prussia , Hamburg and Bremen.


Haslinger began as a descendant of Salzburg exiles after graduating from the Kgl. Wilhelms-Gymnasium completed his law studies at the Albertus University in Königsberg . In the winter semester 1900/01 he was active in the Corps Masovia . As an inactive , he moved to the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich and later to the Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg . In 1909 he passed the state examination in Berlin . Already accepted into his father's company, he was waterways representative in the East during the First World War .

East Prussia

Meyhoefer shipping company

In the Weimar Republic he was one of the leading men in the East German economy. In 1919 he played a key role in the construction of the Königsberg airport in Devau . He was the sole representative of the German-Soviet airline Deruluft . The Deutsch-Russische Luftverkehrs AG , founded in 1921, also delivered German aircraft to the Soviet Union as part of the secret air force cooperation . Haslinger was one of the founders of the German East Fair .

His father Justus Haslinger had been the sole owner of the Robert Meyhoefer shipping company since 1910 . After his death in 1919, Erich Haslinger and his brother Oswald Haslinger expanded the aspiring company. He recommended HAPAG to set up a passenger express steamer line from Swinoujscie to Pillau . Haslinger negotiated personally with the Prussian State Railroad and (from 1920) with the Reich Ministry of Transport about the necessary rail connections in the ports. Haslinger was one of the founders of the East Prussian Sea Service . The old shipping lines to Gdansk , Elbing , Memel and Tilsit were the basis for this “political shipping line that never made a profit and yet flourished” .

Haslinger opened the first East Prussian travel agency on Königsberger Steindamm . He was the general agent of HAPAG for Königsberg, Pillau and Memel, traffic officer and vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Königsberg and Finnish consul.

Hamburg and Bremen

During the Second World War , his company was badly hit in the air raids on Königsberg ; everything burned, almost all ships were lost. Nevertheless, Haslinger managed to continue the company on a smaller scale, first in Hamburg-Bergedorf and from 1949 in Bremen with five rescued inland vessels and three coasters. In 1952 he had the cargo ship Galtgarben built near Seebeck . It was named after the Galtgarben .

Haslinger was the trustee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for East Prussia as well as the founder, chairman and honorary chairman of the Federation of Displaced Companies with 140,000 companies. He was also politically committed to the interests of the displaced . As a member of the GB / BHE , he ran unsuccessfully in the federal election in 1953 on the Bremen state list . He was awarded the Great Cross of Merit of the Federal Order of Merit.


Haslinger was deeply connected to his corps throughout his life. It was primarily thanks to his initiative that in 1928 the new corp house on Weidendamm could be acquired (for 80,000 Reichsmarks ). Close friends with Alfred Prang , Wilhelm Brindlinger , Hans Widera , Rolf Grabower and Franz Willuhn , he pulled the strings for the reconstruction of the corps in the post-war period . His wife Margarete b. Witte was Masovia's grande dame in Königsberg . After the war she was a lay judge in the judicial proceedings at the Neuengamme concentration camp .


  • E. F. Kaffke: Pacemaker of the East Prussian traffic system. 100 years of the Robert Meyhoefer company. 1969.

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 87/919
  2. Wolf Oschlies: Symbiosis of the outlaws . In: Preussische Allgemeine Zeitung , No. 38 of September 19, 2009
  3. ^ Kurt Gerdau : Sea Service East Prussia . Herford 1990.
  4. ^ Robert Albinus: Königsberg Lexicon . Würzburg 2002, p. 212.
  5. Flag rarities
  6. ^ Letter from Erich Haslinger dated January 6, 1948