Erik from Loewis

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Erik von Loewis , born as Erik Richard Michael Adalbert von Loewis of Menar (born February 22, 1904 in Dorpat , Russian Empire , today Tartu, Estonia ; † November 5, 1986 in West Berlin ) was a German actor and director .


Loewis , who came from the old nobility - his father was the knightly-tsarist officer Harley von Loewis of Menar, his mother Alice a née von Zoeckell - had attended secondary school up to high school. He then studied law in Germany at the universities of Kiel , Greifswald and Münster . In 1924 he became a member of the Corps Holsatia . After graduating, he worked as an assessor and department head at Deutsche Bodenbank until the mid-1930s.

In 1935 Loewis switched to acting and began working at the Kurmärkisches Landestheater. From 1936 to 1938 he trained as an actor in Berlin with Lilly Ackermann and at the same time worked in tiny roles in several films. After completing his acting lessons, von Loewis played on stages in Neisse , Bad Altheide , Magdeburg , Bremen and Gera . His subject was that of a bon vivant and buffo . In 1943 Loewis was drafted. He served in a transport command for the remaining war years.

In 1945 Erik von Loewis continued his acting career and worked as a director at theaters in Düsseldorf and Munich until 1947 . He settled in Berlin in 1947 and worked in film at the Volksbühne Berlin . Until the founding of the Federal Republic of Germany, von Loewis worked primarily for DEFA , from 1951 onwards there were offers from German cinema and a little later from television. He has also appeared in radio broadcasts for the RIAS , the NWDR and the SFB and has appeared in numerous radio plays . He was also active for the school radio .

Thanks to his aristocratic charisma and his angular character, Loewis was usually given (small) roles of lordly gentlemen. He often played aristocrats and officers, whom he designed with great dignity due to his habitus.

Erik von Loewis was buried in the Berlin-Schmargendorf cemetery.

Filmography (selection)

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1996, 78 , 461

Web links


  • Herbert A. Frenzel , Hans Joachim Moser (ed.): Kürschner's biographical theater manual. Drama, opera, film, radio. Germany, Austria, Switzerland. De Gruyter, Berlin 1956, DNB 010075518 , p. 440 f.
  • Johann Caspar Glenzdorf: Glenzdorf's international film lexicon. Biographical manual for the entire film industry. Volume 2: Hed – Peis. Prominent-Filmverlag, Bad Münder 1961, DNB 451560744 , p. 1017 f.