Eugen Becker

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Eugen Becker (born February 21, 1848 in Pforzheim ; † January 2, 1914 ) was Finance Minister of the Grand Duchy of Baden from 1904 to 1906 .

Origin and family

Becker was born the son of a manufacturer. Ernst Felix Becker was a son of Eugen Becker.


Becker attended the Karlsruhe Lyzeum until 1866 , and then studied law at the universities of Berlin and Heidelberg , which he completed in 1872 with the second state examination in law. After the first state examination, he worked at the Pforzheim District Court in 1870. In August 1870 he was secretary in the German siege corps outside Strasbourg . After working in various legal offices in Baden-Baden, Mannheim and Lörrach, Becker was employed as a secretary in the Baden Ministry of the Interior under Julius Jolly from 1875 to 1876 . In 1876/77 he was bailiff of the Lörrach district office and from 1877 to 1884 he was the head of the Schopfheim district office , where he was promoted to senior bailiff in 1880. In 1884 Becker moved to the Domain Directorate of the Ministry of Finance as a Domain Councilor , and in 1890 he was appointed to a member of the Baden Ministry of Finance as a Ministerial Councilor . After he was promoted to Ministerial Director in 1897, he was appointed Privy Councilor, 2nd class, in 1899. On January 8, 1904, he was entrusted with the management of the Baden Ministry of Finance on behalf of the sick Minister Adolf Buchenberger . After he died on February 20, Becker was officially appointed President of the Ministry of Finance and promoted to the First Class Privy Council.

On March 18, 1904, he joined the Brauer cabinet as finance minister and held this position in the shower cabinet until October 22, 1906. He completed the tax reform that Buchenberger had begun. On October 25, 1906, Becker was retired at his own request for health reasons. From 1904 to 1906 Becker was also one of three Baden representatives at the Federal Council of the German Empire.


Becker was awarded various degrees of the order of the Zähringer Löwen (1887: Knight 1st class; since 1894 with oak leaves; 1898 commander 2nd class; 1905 Grand Cross from 1906 with a gold chain ). In 1906 he received the newly donated Friedrich Luisen Medal and in 1907 the Prussian Royal Crown Order .


  • The Baden law of June 14, 1899, the inheritance and gift tax related to: together with the Executive Ordinance of December 8, 1899 ; Text edition with introduction, explanations and subject index, Karlsruhe: Lang, 1900.


  • Wolfram Angerbauer (Red.): The heads of the upper offices, district offices and district offices in Baden-Württemberg from 1810 to 1972 . Published by the working group of the district archives at the Baden-Württemberg district assembly. Theiss, Stuttgart 1996, ISBN 3-8062-1213-9 . , P. 176

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Albert Herzog: Your happy eyes: a journalist from Karlsruhe tells from his life , Karlsruhe 2008, p. 225