Eugen Gebeschus

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Karl Georg August Eugen Gebeschus (born December 12, 1855 in Demmin ; † November 11, 1936 in Hanau ) was a German lawyer, mayor of Höchst am Main , mayor of Hanau and member of the Prussian state assembly.


Eugen Gebeschus was a son of the former Pölitz mayor Albert Erdmann Gebeschus and brother of the music teacher Ida Gebeschus . As a private tutor he met his future wife, Julie Schweickhardt (* May 8, 1860 in Tübingen ; † July 6, 1931 in Hanau), sister of the Reichstag delegate Heinrich Schweickhardt , in 1873 . They married on February 18, 1884. The two children were Leni (born December 9, 1884 - emigrated to the USA ), Rudolf (born April 10, 1887, † January 28, 1918 as the commander of the UB 63 submarine when it was sunk Scotland ) and Kurt (born March 1, 1889). The Gebeschus couple's circle of personal acquaintances included u. a. the entrepreneurs Fritz Canthal and Wilhelm Heraeus , Admiral Reinhard Scheer , Lieutenant General Hans Walter and Felix Graf von Luckner .

Life and career

Give Schus studied at the University of Tuebingen law and then worked there in a law firm Tübingen. Then he switched to the University of Greifswald , where he continued to study law and political science and took the assessor exam. Eugen Gebeschus was promoted to Dr. iur. did his doctorate and then moved to Sankt Goarshausen , where he worked as a lawyer and notary.

In 1888 he became the first full-time mayor of the then independent town of Höchst am Main; he held the office until 1893. In 1885 he became a member of the Freemasons' Union and the Bad Kreuznach lodge "United Friends of the Nahe". From 1890 he was a member of the Frankfurt Freemason Lodge Zur Einigkeit . From 1895 he was a member of the Hanauer Lodge Braunfels for perseverance .

From 1893 until 1916 he was Lord Mayor of Hanau. During his tenure, the municipal sewer system was expanded and waterworks I and II were built. Furthermore, new gas works were built. In addition, the construction of the district court , the district office and the slaughterhouse and in 1908 the commissioning of the tram took place. In 1907 Kesselstadt was incorporated into Hanau and in 1910 barracks were built in Hanau-Lamboy to house Prussian railway regiments. One of the projects that he was no longer able to realize was the Mainhafen Hanau due to the outbreak of the First World War .

In 1916 he resigned from his post for health reasons. In the same year the city of Hanau awarded him honorary citizenship . In 1919 he was a member of the constituent Prussian state assembly for the DNVP .


  • On the occasion of his 70th birthday in 1925, District School V, which opened in Lamboy in 1912, was named after him. In maximum the encoder Schu street remembers him.
  • On the 90th anniversary of his death in 2016, various exhibits were shown in the town hall's shop on the market square in Hanau as part of a panel exhibition.


  • Jens Gustav Arndt: About field railways and barracks. The history of the Hanau railway regiments 1907–1919. JG Arndt, Hanau 2013, ISBN 978-3-00-041009-3 , pp. 26-28.
  • Markus Häfner: Mayor with passion. Life and work of Eugen Gebeschus - Lord Mayor of Hanau 1893-1916. VDS Verlagsdruckerei Schmidt, Neustadt ad Aisch 2018, ISBN 978-3-935395-31-1 .
  • Werner Kurz: “To serve the people”. In: Hanauer Anzeiger - Magazine for the weekend , June 9, 2012, p. C1.
  • Barbara Nagel (Ed.): Buried, but not forgotten. Well-known personalities at Hanau cemeteries. Wolfgang Arnim Nagel Foundation, Hanau 2008, ISBN 3-935395-12-4 , p. 78.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Cf. Werner Schwarz: Pomeranian Music History. Historical overview and pictures of life. Volume 1: Historical Overview. (= Publications of the Historical Commission for Pomerania. Series 5: Research on Pomeranian History. 21). Böhlau, Cologne a. a. 1988, ISBN 3-412-04382-6 , p. 214.
  2. Cf. Martin Biastoch: Tübingen students in the Kaiserreich. A socio-historical investigation (= Contubernium. Vol. 44). Thorbecke, Sigmaringen 1996, ISBN 3-7995-3236-6 , p. 186, (at the same time: Tübingen, Universität, Dissertation, 1993/1994).
  3. See Nassau parliamentarians. Part 1: Cornelia Rösner: The Landtag of the Duchy of Nassau 1818–1866 (= publications of the Historical Commission for Nassau. 59 = Prehistory and history of parliamentarism in Hesse. 16). Historical Commission for Nassau, Wiesbaden 1997, ISBN 3-930221-00-4 , p. 94.
  4. Cf. Markus Häfner: The term of office of Dr. Eugen Gebeschus taking into account his connections to the Hanau bourgeoisie and the social and economic relationships of the surrounding communities to the industrial and garrison town of Hanau. In: Markus Häfner: Hanau's urban development at the turn of the 19th to the 20th century. ( online ), accessed March 29, 2016.
  5. ^ History of Freemasonry i. O. Hanau a. Main. Festschrift of the [Loge] Braunfels on perseverance for the 25th anniversary 1872–1897. (Printed by G. Heydt.), Hanau 1897, p. 72.
  6. Cf. Dieter Pelda: The Members of the Prussian Communal Parliament in Kassel 1867-1933 (= Prehistory and history of parliamentarism in Hesse. 22 = Publications of the Historical Commission for Hesse. 48, 8). With appendix: The Provincial Parliament in Hessen-Nassau 1885–1933. Elwert, Marburg 1999, ISBN 3-7708-1129-1 , p. 448.
  7. Time of development and expansion in FAZ of October 21, 2016, page 43
predecessor Office successor
Peter Anton Bied Mayor of Frankfurt-Höchst
1888 - 1893
Wilhelm Karraß
predecessor Office successor
Albert Westerburg Mayor of Hanau
1893- 1916
Karl Hild