Eva Schumann (translator)

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Luise Eva Schumann , b. Feine (born January 8, 1889 in Hainichen , † December 3, 1973 in Freital ) was a German translator and writer .


Feine attended secondary school for girls from 1899 to 1904 and then completed a study visit to England. Then she began an apprenticeship as a bookbinder at the University of Book Trade and Graphic Arts in Leipzig . In 1910 he graduated from high school and studied botany , zoology and geology in Berlin, Dresden, Munich and Vienna. She received her PhD in 1914.

Eva Feine married the writer Wolfgang Schumann (1887–1964) in 1912 . From 1918 she was active in the labor movement and worked on the "Social Democratic Dresdner People's Newspaper". In the same year she joined the SPD . The first translations such as Victor Hugo'sDie Elenden ” followed. From 1933 Schumann lived in exile in Czechoslovakia and England . At the end of the Second World War she returned to Dresden. As the Schumann family's house was destroyed in the air raids on Dresden , the couple moved to Freital to live with their friends Karl Hanusch and Marianne Bruns .

Further translations followed after 1947, including works by Romain Rolland , Theodore Dreiser , Theun de Vries and Vincent van Gogh's correspondence .



  • The Acrosticheen and their position in the fern system , Jena 1915


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ New Germany , April 1, 1966, p. 2