Evangelical Church (Kobułty)

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Evangelical Church in Kobułty
- Church ruins -
(Kościół ewangelicki w Kobułtach)
- Ruiny kościoła -

Evangelical Church of Kobulten
Evangelical Church Kobułty / Kobulten

Evangelical Church Kobułty / Kobulten

Construction year: 1830 to 1832
Inauguration: 1832
Architect : ( Karl Friedrich Schinkel )
Style elements : Classicist brick building
Client: Evangelical Church Community Kobulten Ecclesiastical
Province of East Prussia , Church of the Old Prussian Union
Location: 53 ° 48 '9.6 "  N , 21 ° 1' 56.3"  E Coordinates: 53 ° 48 '9.6 "  N , 21 ° 1' 56.3"  E
Location: Kobułty
Warmia-Masuria , Poland
Purpose: until 1945: Evangelical Lutheran parish church
Parish: ul.Plażowa 3
11-731 Sorkwity
Regional Church : Evangelical-Augsburg Church in Poland , Diocese of Masuria
Website: luteranie.pl/parafia/sorkwity.html

The Evangelical Church in Kobułty ( German  Kobulten ) is a church from the beginning of the 19th century that was destroyed in the Second World War . Until 1945 it was the parish church of the Protestant parish Kobulten in East Prussia . Today is Polish Kobułty only the tower with some remaining walls of the nave .

Geographical location

Kobułty is 37 kilometers east of the district town of Olsztyn (Allenstein) on a side road that branches off at Borki Wielkie (Groß Borken) on Landesstraße 16 (former German Reichsstraße 127 ) and via Popowa Wola (Pfaffendorf) to Kałęczyn (Kallenczin , 1938 to 1938 Kallenau) ) leads.

The ruined church stands on a hill in the north of the village, east of the main road coming from Borki Wielkie.

Church building

The church tower, which was structurally secured after 1945

A Protestant church stood in Kobulten as early as the middle of the 16th century. It was mentioned in 1574 and 1595 respectively. On January 23, 1830 this church had to be closed due to dilapidation.

A new church was built between 1830 and 1832. The result was a classicist hall church made of bricks , which unmistakably bears the signature of Karl Friedrich Schinkel . A four-sided tower stands on the western gable side . It originally had a wooden tile roof.

The church interior had side galleries . Altar and pulpit formed a whole.

A special feature were the figures of Christ made around 1600 and the crucifixion group with Mary and John in front of the cross of Jesus. They were probably transferred to the local history museum in Ortelsburg (today Szczytno in Polish ).

The church received an organ in 1849. It had a pedal and seven stops .

The church bell consisted of two bells cast in 1869 .


Church history

It is uncertain whether there was a church in Kobulten in the pre-Reformation period. In any case, the church accounts reached back to 1580. So that was Parochie Kobulten well-founded in the mid-16th century, and at the same time built probably a church. She was royal patronage . Pastors are mentioned in Kobulten from 1599, the services were held in Polish until the end of the 19th century, every fortnight in German.

Until 1945 the parish of Kobulten was incorporated into the superintendent district of Passenheim (today Pasym in Polish ) of the parish of Ortelsburg ( Szczytno ) in the church province of East Prussia of the Church of the Old Prussian Union . In 1925 - the church patronage was now with the state authorities - the parish had 2,400 parish members.

In the last years of the war the church was destroyed and could no longer be used. With the help of donations it was at least possible to save the tower, otherwise the building structure is completely rotten. The Protestant church members of the village now called Kobułty are now cared for by the parish in Sorkwity (Sorquitten) . It belongs to the Masurian Diocese of the Evangelical-Augsburg Church in Poland .

Parish locations (until 1945)

Up to 1945, the Kobulten parish consisted of 18 villages, localities and residential areas:

German name Changed name from
1938 to 1945
Polish name German name Changed name from
1938 to 1945
Polish name
* Bottowen Bottau Botowo * Kobults Kobułty
Dimming Dymer * Moythienes Moithienen Mojtyny
Dimmer meadow Łąka Dymerska New parlous New parole
Dimmer cloud Small dimmers Wólka Dymerska Parösenwolka
also: Alt Parlösene
(from 1928:)
Stara Wólka
Dombrowken Dąbrówka Kobułcka * Pfaffendorf Popwa Wola
* Large bark Borki Wielkie * Rudcisks (since 1928 :)
* Haasenberg Labuszewo Saadau Sadowo
Small bark Borki Małe Sgnilken Knauffshof Zgnilki
Small parlous (from 1928:)
Parleza Mała Wilhelmsthal Rudne

Pastor (until 1945)

At the Evangelical Church in Kobulten the pastors officiated as clergy:

  • Johann Lichtenstein, 1599/1600
  • Michael Tybo, 1621/1626
  • Martin Guttowius, 1625–1666
  • Christian Böttcher, 1676–1679
  • Christoph Lichtenstein, 1680–1724
  • Samuel Alexius, 1724–1756
  • Michael Rudell, 1756-1760
  • Gottfried Gering, 1760–1766
  • Johann Buttler, 1767–1769
  • Andreas Schubert, 1770–1775
  • Benjamin Ursinus, 1776-1788
  • Michael Ernst Schreiber, 1789–1813
  • Gottlieb Briese, 1814–1818
  • Friedrich Joswich, 1818-1825
  • Daniel Wlotzka, 1826-1857
  • Edmund Wilh. R. Schickert, 1858-1864
  • Wilhelm Albert Mendrzyk, 1864–1867
  • Adolf Jul. Leop. Skopnick, 1868-1878
  • Julius Nieszytka, 1878–1888
  • Hugo Otto Buchholz, 1888–1892
  • Dietrich GJ Hassenstein, 1892–1900
  • Georg Albr. M. Stentzler, 1900-1923
  • Karl Heinrich Heldt, 1924–1929
  • Eugen Drwenski, from 1930
  • Johannes Rohde, 1930–1945
  • Ernst Ruske, 1942–1945

Web links

Commons : Evangelical Church in Kobułty  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Kobułty - Kobulten at ostpreussen.net
  2. Kobulten (Ev. Parish) at GenWiki
  3. a b c d Agathon Harnoch, Chronicle and Statistics of the Evangelical Church in the Provinces of East and West Prussia , Neidenburg 1890, printed by GenWiki: Kobulten (Ev. Parish), see above
  4. ^ Kobulten at the Ortelsburg district community
  5. Historical photo of the church (outside)
  6. a b c Walther Hubatsch , History of the Evangelical Church of East Prussia , Volume 2 Pictures of East Prussian Churches , Göttingen 1968, p. 130, figs. 612–614
  7. ↑ Architectural drawing of the church in Kobulten by Karl Friedrich Schinkel at the State Museums in Berlin
  8. Historical photo of the church (inside)
  9. Historical photo of the figure of Christ
  10. Historical photo of the crucifixion group
  11. a b Friedwald Moeller, Old Prussian Protestant Pastor's Book from the Reformation to the Expulsion in 1945 , Hamburg, 1968, pp. 65–66
  12. ^ A b Walther Hubatsch, History of the Protestant Church in East Prussia , volume 3 documents , Göttingen 1968, p. 497
  13. ^ Parafia Sorkwity
  14. The * indicates a school location