Evelyn Fuchs

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Evelyn Fuchs (born June 10, 1957 in Weimar ; † March 6, 2011 in Vienna ) was a German - Austrian director and actress .


After graduating from school in Weimar in 1974, she first learned to be a secretary. During her training, she applied to various drama schools and was accepted into the Rostock drama school in 1976 . After completing his studies, he started working at the Kleist Theater in Frankfurt (Oder) in 1979 . In 1985 she left the Frankfurt Ensemble and became a freelance actress. In 1986 she moved to Berlin . She played in various guest roles at theaters in Berlin, Nordhausen and Neustrelitz. In 1987 she left the GDR and went to Vienna, where her husband, the architect Georgi Stefanov, had been living for some time. She continued to play on numerous German and Austrian stages, a. a. at theaters in Kassel , Cologne , Bad Godesberg , Vienna, Klagenfurt , Heinburg (Carinthia), guest appearances in France , Italy and Belgium .

Influenced by Ruth Berghaus , whose working methods she got to know in 1990 during an internship in Graz, she began directing alongside acting. Later, after the “Ariadne-Theater” was founded in Vienna in 1994, he made his own theater productions. With her treatment of the subject matter, she primarily addressed those viewers who want to learn more about people in the theater, about border areas to which the individual is exposed, about breaks and painful experiences of the individual in society. Her special interest was directed towards the great female figures of both ancient theater and those of playwrights of the 19th century and the present.

Several of her productions have received awards from the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Art and Culture, including Fremdkörper (Andreas Staudinger) 2001, Flügel: Schlagen (collage from texts by Heiner Müller 2006 and The Power of Hell according to Clarice Lispector ) 2008. With her last production Penthesilea - Dream without wings (based on Heinrich von Kleist ) In 2010 she was once again concerned with the incompatibility of social constraints and individual needs, with portraying the unconscious as the most powerful force in human thought and action.

As an actress, she has shown in recent years, especially in the productions of Andreas Hutter Bambiland ( Elfriede Jelinek ) 2005, Verkommenes Ufer. Medeamaterial (Heiner Müller) 2006 and in the performance And no hand. Time, murderess, ageless (Heiner Müller) 2010 her great acting talent.

Evelyn Fuchs died on March 6, 2011 in Vienna. She was buried in the main cemetery in Weimar.

Theater roles (selection)

  • 1982: Heinrich von Kleist - The Broken Jug , as Eve (Director: Wilfried Matukat ; Kleist-Theater Frankfurt / Oder)
  • 1983: Heiner Müller - The Order as First Love (Director: Hermann Schein; Kleist-Theater Frankfurt / Oder)
  • 1984: Ödön von Horváth - Kasimir and Karoline , as Karoline (director: Hermann Schein; Kleist-Theater Frankfurt / Oder)
  • 1985: Georg Büchner - Woyzeck , as Marie (Director: Manfred Ernst; Stadttheater Nordhausen)
  • 1985: Anton Chekhov - The Cherry Orchard , as Warja (Director: Manfred Ernst; Stadttheater Nordhausen)
  • 1987: William Shakespeare - A Midsummer Night's Dream , as Hippolyta / Titania (Director: Hermann Schein; Friedrich-Wolf-Theater Neustrelitz)
  • 1989: Edward Bond - Sommer , as Ann (Director: Michael Klette; Landesbühnen Rheinland-Pfalz Neuwied)
  • 1990: Helga David - Alma Windsbraut , as Alma (world premiere; director: Helga David; Wiener Festwochen / own production; guest performances in Rome, Genoa, Prague)
  • 1991: Bertolt Brecht - Drumming in the Night as Anna (Director: Manfred Ernst ; Bauturmtheater Köln)
  • 1991: Jean Giraudoux - No War in Troy , as Helena (Director: Andreas Schäfer ; Theater Cooperation Solingen)
  • 1992: William Shakespeare - Richard the Third , as Lady Ann (Direction: Michael Klette ; Staatstheater Kassel)
  • 1992: Federico García Lorca - The audience , as Julia (Director: Manfred Ernst; Urania Theater Cologne)
  • 1994: James Joyce - Penelope , monologue (version: Evelyn Fuchs and Doris Hotz; director: Augustin Jagg; Feldkirch)
  • 1995: Einar Schleef - Wezel , as Wezel (world premiere; director: Peter Staatsmann; Festival Thüringischer Herbst, Sondershausen)
  • 1995: Christoph Hein - Knight of the Round Table , as Jeschute (Director: Johanna Tomek; Theater mbh Vienna
  • 1995: Peter Barnes - Die Verhexten , as Queen Maiana (Austrian premiere; director: Bruno Max; Scala Vienna)
  • 1996: William Shakespeare - King Lear , as Gonerill (Director: Bruno Max; Scala Vienna)
  • 1996: An Kuohn - Emma , monologue (Director: Heike Gäßler, Tacheles Berlin)
  • 1997: Georg Timber-Trattnig - Cape of Good Hope , as Inez (Director: Eva Brenner; klagenfurt ensemble Klagenfurt / WUK Vienna)
  • 1998: Heiner Müller - The Order as The Man in the Elevator (Director: Eva Brenner; Projekttheater Wien)
  • 1999: Howard Barker - Königshäuter , as Turner / Queen (Austrian premiere; director: Johanna Tomek; Theater mbh Vienna)
  • 1999: Elfriede Jelinek - CLOUDS. HEIM , as 1st wife; Director: Eva Brenner; City Theater Klagenfurt
  • 2001: kassandra life during wartime bachmann , monologue based on a story by Christa Wolf and texts by Ingeborg Bachmann (editing: Susanne Wolf; director: Claudia Oberleitner; theater club klas, Heunburg / Carinthia)
  • 2001: Zorica Radakovic - The Neighbor , as Vjera (Austrian premiere; director: Johanna Tomek; Theater mbH Vienna)
  • 2001: Bernd Liepold-Mosser - Floodlight Fun Figure , as Lou (world premiere; director: Michael Zelenka; Schauspielhaus Wien)
  • 2002: Howard Barker - A Hard Heart. The siege , as a practice / queen; Director: Augustin Jagg; Theater association klas, Heunburg / Carinthia)
  • 2004: Ljudmila Sticker - And I write my feelings on paper , monologue (world premiere, adaptation: Laura Ippen; director: Nika Sommeregger; dietheater Wien - Konzerthaus; guest performance in Carinthia)
  • 2005: Elfriede Jelinek - Bambiland , monologue (Director: Andreas Hutter; Landestheater Vorarlberg Bregenz)
  • 2006: Heiner Müller - Depraved Shore / Medea material / Landscape with Argonauts , as Medea (Director: Andreas Hutter; Kunsthaus Bregenz)
  • 2010: Heiner Müller - And no hand. Time, murderess, ageless , monologue (performance by Andreas Hutter; Theater Monty Antwerp and Palais Kabelwerk Vienna)
  • 2010: Anton Chekhov - A Summer in the Country , as Arkadina (Director: Erhard Pauer; Armes Theater Wien)
  • 2011: Johann Nestroy - Der Zerrissene , as angel (adaptation and direction: Andreas Hutter; Theater Nestroyhof Hamakom Vienna)

Directing / productions

  • 1989: Gertrude Stein - none none (scenic reading; Theater Der Kreis Wien)
  • 1995: Walter Jens - Ich ein Jud (Austrian premiere; arrangement: Evelyn Fuchs; Ruprechtskirche Vienna; guest performances in Vorarlberg and Germany; production: Projekttheater Vorarlberg)
  • 1996: Christoph Hein - Drachenblut (arrangement: Evelyn Fuchs; dietheater Konzerthaus Wien / Pandora-sietheaterfestival; production: Ariadne-Theater)
  • 1998: Oliver Reese - Bartsch, child murderer (dietheater Konzerthaus Wien; guest performance at Mittersteig Prison, Vienna; production: Ariadne-Theater)
  • 1999: Dimitré Dinev - Russenhuhn (after Euripides Die Troerinnen; world premiere; WUK Theater Vienna; production: Ariadne Theater)
  • 2000: Falk Richter - God is a DJ (klagenfurt ensemble Klagenfurt; dietheater, Konzerthaus Wien; production: klagenfurt ensemble / Ariadne-Theater)
  • 2000: Women's votes. Heide Schmidt reads Gertrude Stein (stage in Hof St. Pölten; production: Theater im Hof ​​St. Pölten)
  • 2001: Andreas Staudinger - foreign body (Altes Hallenbad Feldkirch / Kosmos Theater Wien; production: Projekttheater Vorarlberg)
  • 2002: Goodbye, ruined world. Singspiel based on texts and songs by Laurentius von Schnifis (chapel of the Landeskonservatorium Feldkirch; production: Kulturkreis Schnifis)
  • 2002: Ulrich Hub - The Offended (Pförtnerhaus Feldkirch / Dietheater Konzerthaus Wien)
  • 2003: Howard Barker - A House of Correction (Austrian premiere; Heunburg / Carinthia; production: Theaterverein klas)
  • 2004: If the secret is too impressive, you dare not resist. Play based on themes from the story The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (Schäxpir Festival Linz CCL)
  • 2005: Children of the Cold. TextBildTonCollage for a theatrical event in the public space of Vienna (Production: Ariadne Theater)
  • 2005: Charles Dyer - Under the stairs (Production: Stadttheater Mödling, Vienna)
  • 2006: wings: flapping. Theatrical Heiner-Müller-Parcours for four actresses and one butoth dancer (production: Kosmos Theater Wien)
  • 2007: Werner Schwab - Antiklimax (Production: Kosmos Theater Wien)
  • 2008: The power of a hell. Performance for a dancer and actress based on the novel by Clarice Lispector Die Passion after GH (Production: Kosmos Theater Wien)
  • 2009: Dea Loher - Land without Words (Austrian premiere; production: Kosmos Theater Wien)
  • 2010: Penthesilea - dream without wings (based on Heinrich von Kleist; adaptation: Evelyn Fuchs; production: Ariadne-Theater and Kosmos Theater Vienna)


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