Platoon troop

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A platoon of the fire brigade in action at night
Tactical sign of the platoon

The platoon troop is used to lead tactical (sub) units with strength from authorities and organizations with security tasks or the military . Depending on the context, it is also called a leadership team . It consists of staff specially trained for this responsible task who have appropriate training and usually several years of operational experience.

The platoon at emergency organizations

Depending on the size of the insert to the Platoon Headquarters is responsible for even the employment line , or it serves a higher-level operational control as a local contact.

Tasks of the platoon

The platoon troop supports the platoon leader or platoon commander in planning and monitoring the work of the emergency services under him. In detail these are:

  • Assessing the situation
  • The observation of the situation development. For example, when deploying a fire brigade to be able to react to an expansion of the fire by calling in further emergency services in good time, or to request relief in the event of long-term operations.
  • Reporting office or contact person for other organizations e.g. B. Ambulance service
  • Feedback of the operations at the incident site to the higher-level operations management or control center (information equality among the various units deployed)

He carries out or supervises all tasks / subject areas of a classic staff .

The platoon at the fire brigade

In Germany

According to fire service regulation  3, the train troop at the fire brigade consists of a command assistant who is also the train troop leader (and deputy train leader), a driver and a reporter; the so-called management assistants. According to fire service regulation 3, the train driver himself does not belong to the train crew. As a command support unit, the platoon troop is the unit that should relieve the platoon driver from as many administrative tasks as possible (see above). The three-member Platoon Headquarters thus has the strength 0/1/2/ 3 (0 drivers, 1 guide assistant, 2 guide agents, total 3 forces), together with the train operator (1/0/0/ 1 ) and two quenching groups (0/1 / 8/ 9 ) thus the total thickness of the resulting delete course with 22 fire fighters (third / 18/ 22 ).

Usually, the platoon troop has a command vehicle to carry out its tasks .

In Austria

The platoon in the fire brigade consists of a platoon commander, who is also the deputy of the platoon commander , and usually a driver, a clerk and a radio operator. A command vehicle , a crew transport vehicle or an emergency control vehicle is usually used as a vehicle , as it is particularly suitable for the tasks of command, communication and transport. In addition, the positions of the platoon troops are also often used in the operational management, which "grows" with the size of the operation.

The type and scope of the train crew are more precisely defined in country-specific service instructions and often vary from operation to operation. The platoon troop is not only installed on site, but is also an integral part of the disaster relief service units .

The platoon at the technical relief organization

Service registration number of the platoon leader at the THW

In the THW , the train troop (ZTr) is used to lead the technical train (TZ). He is responsible for the tactical and technical coordination and handling of operations. During deployment, he sets up a command post and operates it for the technical train and, if necessary, for other subordinate (sub) units. The platoon also organizes the use of personnel and materials as well as the logistics for the subordinate units. The platoon team establishes and maintains the connection to the superordinate operational command (EL) or command post (FüSt) as well as to neighboring units or organizations. If necessary, one or more pulling teams form a THW command post without staff.

The platoon troop has a crew transport vehicle with a 1.1 t payload and nine seats to carry out its tasks. The car is a multifunctional vehicle for the task area of ​​the train crew and also for other tasks of the technical train. Fittings in the vehicle (shelving systems, radio tables, magnetic walls, etc.) are to be procured by the local association themselves, unless required or supplied by the federal government or the manufacturer. This is also where the other leadership and exploration materials for the platoon are housed. According to the StAN , the platoon has a permanently installed 4-meter multi-channel device in the BOS radio (FuG 8b-1 / -2) and five 2-meter handheld radios (FuG 11b). After the analog BOS radio has been converted to the digital TETRA system, the train crew will be equipped with two MRTs with DMO repeater and TMO gateway functionality and 6 HRT devices, according to the StAN.

The platoon consists of four emergency services with a strength of 1/1/2/4 . In addition to the platoon leader (ZFü) and the platoon leader (ZTrFü), with the additional function of deputy platoon leader (deputy ZFü), the team includes two specialist assistants with the additional function of driver B (Kf B) and radio operator (SprFu).

The platoon in disaster control

Medical and care service

In the emergency response units of the disaster control, the leadership team consists of a platoon leader (ZFü), a platoon leader (ZTrFü) or deputy platoon leader (deputy ZFü), a command helper (FüHe) and in most federal states the train doctor of the emergency unit. The guiding group hence has the strength 2/1 / 1/ 4 .

In North Rhine-Westphalia, the train doctor is not a member of the train crew, but a member of the medical group. Instead, a second guide or helper Sprechfunker belongs to the crew (thickness 1/1/2/ 4 ).

Water rescue

Due to the federal structure of the emergency response, this information initially only relates to North Rhine-Westphalia.

The platoon troop (also: leadership troop) consists of a motor vehicle and 4 people (platoon leader / guide assistant / 2 helpers). The vehicle will usually be a command vehicle (KdoW) or command vehicle (ELW). The task is to coordinate and manage a water rescue train or an SEG water rescue.

  • Qualifications:
    • Train driver: appropriate training by the aid organization
    • Management assistant: at least a group leader, but mostly a platoon leader
    • Helpers: 1 × driver and min. 1 × BOS radio operator
    • Furthermore, all persons must be instructed on the material carried and regularly work and practice with it.
  • Furnishing:
    • Vehicle with min. 5 seats
    • all wheel drive
    • Radiotelephone equipment
    • Management and documentation equipment
    • Identification vests

The platoon in the military

In Germany

In principle, the platoon leader in the German military is not part of the platoon. However, for the sake of simplicity, it is often grouped together with the platoon. The exact strength of the platoon varies depending on the type of troop and, if necessary, also on the type of company / battery and was / is regulated in the corresponding war strength certificates (K.St.N.) or strength and equipment certificates (STAN).


In the rifle platoons a / b (Reich) and the mixed Landwehr rifle companies of the Wehrmacht , the platoon troop z. B. from:

In the rifle platoons c of the Wehrmacht from 1940 and the rifle platoons c / e / f from 1941 to 1943, the platoon troop z. B. from:

  • a platoon leader (NCO), also deputy platoon leader, with a pistol or carbine (airborne units only)
  • three detectors , one of which is a horn player and a second to operate the flasher , all with a carabiner

In the rifle companies of the new version (nA) the platoon troop existed 1943–1945 z. B. from:

  • two detectors ( carabiners )
  • a stretcher carrier ( pistol , this at the same time carriage attendant)
  • a horse handler (carbine)
  • a single-horse infantry cart (If.8) for equipment and ammunition
  • a driver from the box (carabiner)
  • a two-horse buggy for ammunition and clothing
  • two more infantry carts for ammunition as trailers on the two hauled vehicles

In the grenadier companies the platoon troop existed in 1944/1945 z. B. from:

From 1943 onwards, the platoon troop could also be reinforced by a detector with a field radio speaker from the company troop , who maintained contact with the company commander.

armed forces

Task of the train troop: “The soldiers of the train troop support the train driver in leading the train ”.

Frequently also be teams (eg. As anti-tank squad and / or sniper squad ) attributed to the Platoon Headquarters, particularly if these do not have a designated own squad leader have ( sergeant or sergeant , meanwhile Chief Staff Corporal ).

Structure of the platoon of a B3 TerrH fighter platoon (1985) according to STAN (obsolete)

In 1985, the B3 fighter platoon of the Bundeswehr's territorial army consisted of z. B. from:

The next higher command support unit is the company command group .

In Austria

In the Austrian Armed Forces , the platoon usually consists of a platoon commander and four clerks / radio operators and four drivers. This structure was mainly used in the border area surveillance assistance mission , as this classification meant that at least one clerk and one driver were available at all times in the usual rank. The platoon of the fighter platoon also has two snipers and a medic.

In Switzerland

In the Swiss Army , the platoon of a fusilier platoon is divided into:


  • Dach, Major H. von: Gefechtstechnik. Volume 1: General. , Verlag Karl-Heinz-Dissberger, 6th unchanged edition, Düsseldorf 1992.

Individual evidence

  1. Fire Brigade Service Regulations 3 (PDF) Units in fire fighting and rescue operations, Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief, 2008
  2. Departments. Train troop (ZTr). In: Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW). Retrieved June 11, 2019 .
  3. Ministry of the Interior of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia: Water rescue train North Rhine-Westphalia (PDF; 597 kB)
  4. K.St.N.131a (R) of November 2, 1937
  5. K.St.N.131b (R) of November 2, 1937
  6. K.St.N.131 (Lw) of October 1, 1937
  7. K.St.N. 131 (T) dated October 23, 1939
  8. K.St.N. 131c of February 1, 1941
  9. K.St.N.131c (LL) of February 1, 1941
  10. K.St.N. 131e of February 1, 1941
  11. K.St.N. 131f of February 1, 1941
  12. K.St.N.131n of December 1, 1943
  13. K.St.N.131n of May 1, 1944
  14. K.St.N.131V of November 1, 1944
  15. Quote: HDv_212_100
  16. ^ Roof: Combat technology. Volume 1: General, page 148

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