Fahrenheit 11/9

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German title Fahrenheit 11/9
Original title Fahrenheit 11/9
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 2018
length 128 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
JMK 10
Director Michael Moore
script Michael Moore
production Michael Moore,
Carl Deal ,
Meghan O'Hara
camera Luke Geissbühler,
Jayme Roy
cut Doug Abel,
Pablo Proenza

Fahrenheit 11/9 is a political documentary by US filmmaker Michael Moore about critical incidents among the US presidents of the 21st century, the 2016 US presidential election and the subsequent presidency of Donald Trump . The film premiered on September 6, 2018 at the Toronto International Film Festival . Fahrenheit 11/9 grossed $ 6.7 million worldwide, which is one of the lowest grossing figures in Moore's career.


The film title refers to the American date notation in which the month is mentioned first and then the day. Accordingly, the title names November 9th . On that day, Donald Trump's victory in the presidential election was announced in 2016 . The title also refers to Moore's 2004 documentary Fahrenheit 9/11 , which referred to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. Both film titles in turn echo the title of the dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury .


After the election, the outcome of which Michael Moore predicted, explanations are presented as to how that was possible. His theses: Trump actually didn't want to run at all, slipped into the race for nomination as a Republican candidate and then overtook the Democrats on the left with demands for the withdrawal of American soldiers from Afghanistan and Iraq. The establishment of the Democratic Party completely underestimated him and at the same time ignored the existential needs of many Americans, disregarding these people. The Democratic presidents Clinton and Obama would not have made a much more social policy than Reagan and the Bushs. The number of drone murders and the convictions of whistleblowers have never been higher than under Obama.

Using the scandal surrounding the water supply in his hometown of Flint , Moore explains that for Republicans and Democrats alike, the interests of investors are more important than the health of the population . The Republican Governor Rick Snyder had contaminated river water fed into the mains instead of the previously clean water from the Huron Sea . Extremely elevated lead levels in blood tests were manipulated downwards. But Barack Obama also disappointed people by pledging funds, but sided with the belittled . The film shows two scenes from Flint in which Obama demands a glass of tap water and pretends to drink from it. Moore's comment, however, notes that Obama merely put his lips to the glass and did not drink anything.

Moore shows the power of solidarity workers using the example of the teachers' strike that was continued against the will of the union leadership and ultimately successful, which began in West Virginia in March 2018 and spread to Kentucky and Oklahoma . The teachers ended their strike only after the rest of the school staff and school bus drivers had been promised wage increases and more money for education.

The massive nationwide demonstrations organized by students themselves via social media , the March for Our Lives and appearances by the young activists in the media after the school massacre in Parkland are intended to give hope that the young generation will push through a policy change towards the interests of the majority becomes.

In the democratic party, too, there was successful resistance to the efforts of the party leadership to push through candidates of their choice. Competitive candidates have pushed through their candidacy against long-term members of the Congress who are considered incontestable. In a (recorded) conversation, a prevented candidate had a leading democrat confirm that the party leadership wants to prevent left-wing liberal candidates.

Moore questions the American system of majority voting (the winner of the majority of the votes in a state receives all of that state's electoral votes), in which someone can become president without having won the popular vote .

Timothy Snyder is asked about parallels to despotic regimes. In addition, scenes by Adolf Hitler are underlaid with speeches by Trump.


Donald and Melania Trump as well as Kellyanne Conway were nominated for the negative film award Golden Raspberry 2019 . Donald Trump received the award in the Worst Actor category , Kellyanne Conway in the Worst Supporting Actress category and Donald Trump along with his everlasting insignificance in the Worst Screen Couple category .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Release certificate for Fahrenheit 11/9 . Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry (PDF; test number: 185994 / K). Template: FSK / maintenance / type not set and Par. 1 longer than 4 characters
  2. Age rating for Fahrenheit 11/9 . Youth Media Commission .
  3. Gregg Kilday: Michael Moore's 'Fahrenheit 11/9' Poster Takes Aim at 'Tyrant' Trump. In: The Hollywood Reporter . August 15, 2018, accessed January 2, 2019 .
  4. Fact Check: Obama, Trump had role in Flint water relief. March 17, 2017, accessed January 20, 2019 .