Franz von Adler

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Viktor Heinrich Franz Adler , von Adler since 1864 (born November 5, 1829 in Berlin , † September 1, 1898 ibid) was a Prussian lieutenant general .



Franz was the son of Karl Adler († 1857) and his wife Emilie, née Bergmann († 1850).

Military career

Adler attended the Friedrich-Wilhelm-Gymnasium in Berlin . On November 1, 1847, as a one-year volunteer, he joined the Guard Pioneer Department of the Prussian Army and was transferred to the 1st Pioneer Department when he was promoted to NCO in mid-August 1848. For further training, Adler completed the United Artillery and Engineering School for one year from September 1848 . At that time he was transferred to the porteef ensign on February 3, 1849 with a patent from September 10, 1848 in the guard pioneer department. On August 29, 1850 he came to the 1st engineer inspection as an extra-budgetary second lieutenant with a patent from September 10, 1849, but already on December 7, 1850 he changed the guard pioneer department. From the beginning of October 1853 to mid-September 1856 he was adjutant in the 1st pioneer division. This was followed by a use in the fortification service in Königsberg and on November 1, 1856, the promotion to prime lieutenant . After being assigned to the fortification service in Spandau , Adler became adjutant of the 7th fortress inspection on March 30, 1858. From April 1, 1860 to March 31, 1862 he was commanded to learn the French language in Paris . Soon his reports showed very good knowledge, excellent powers of observation and recognition of military facilities.

During the German-Danish War , Adler fought near Rackebüll in 1864, took part in the assault on the Düppeler Schanzen and the transition to Alsen . For this he received on May 14, 1864 the Red Eagle Order IV. Class with Swords and on August 14, 1864, King Wilhelm I raised him to the hereditary Prussian nobility for demonstrated bravery . In the war against Austria in 1866, Adler took part in the battles at Thrush , Königinhof and Königgrätz and was commended for his brave behavior on September 20, 1866.

After the war, on November 13, 1866, he became a member of the examination board for captains and prime lieutenants of the engineering corps . He was promoted to major on March 16, 1867, when he was transferred to the General Staff and on April 23, 1867, he was assigned to the General Staff of the 13th Division . This was followed by a command to the Hanoverian Fusilier Regiment No. 73 in Münster from March to May 1868 . On October 21, 1869, Adler was transferred to the staff of the engineering corps and from the beginning of December 1869 was also a member of the commission for holding the last professional examination for engineering officers.

For the duration of the mobilization on the occasion of the war against France , Adler was on the General Staff of the General Government of the I. , II. , IX. and X. Army Corps and returned to its peacetime position on April 8, 1871. On June 24, 1871 he became the commander of the Magdeburg Pioneer Battalion No. 4 and resigned on October 18, 1871 as a member of the examination committee for captains. He rose to lieutenant colonel on January 18, 1872 and was commanded to Russia from July 25 to October 27, 1873. On September 19, 1874, he was promoted to colonel and on April 13, 1875 , he was appointed inspector of the 3rd fortress inspection. On May 15, 1875, Adler was appointed inspector and on December 14, 1878, he was transferred to the 4th pioneer inspection in the same function.

On July 10, 1880, he was promoted to major general , on October 14, 1880, he became the inspector of the 1st Engineer Inspection and on November 16, 1880, he was chairman of the examination commission of the engineering corps. At the same time he acted from October 1881 to October 1884 as a representative of the absent members of the court for conflicts of jurisdiction. During this time he was appointed inspector of the artillery and engineering school on November 28, 1882. On September 16, 1885, he was promoted to Lieutenant General and on February 13, 1886, Lieutenant General von Brandenstein was commanded to represent the sick inspector general of the engineer and pioneer corps . On the occasion of the Order Festival in January 1887, Adler received the star for the Order of the Red Eagle, 2nd class with oak leaves and swords on the ring. On June 28, 1887, he was commissioned to represent the inspector of the 1st Pioneer Inspection, before he was put up for disposal on April 17, 1888, with the award of the Crown Order, 1st class with pension .

He died on September 1, 1898 in Berlin and was buried three days later in the old Luisen cemetery .


Adler married Anny Hoffmann (1845–1906) in Berlin on July 29, 1875, widow of the Prussian captain Richard Eugen von Steinwehr , who died on August 30, 1870 near Beaumont .


  • Ballegard and Alsen. Lecture given on February 17, 1865 at the Berlin Military Society . Mittler & Sohn, Berlin 1865, digitized


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Carl von Winterfeld: History of the Schleswig-Holstein War of 1864. Eduard Döring, Potsdam 1868, p. 425.
  2. ^ Wilhelm Krause (ed.): Memorial hall for the German warriors who fell in the campaign of 1870/71 and who subsequently died. First part: Biographical notes on the officers of the German Army. Verlag Siegfried Cronbach, Berlin 1873, p. 441.