Franz von Krenner

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Franz de Paula Krenner , from 1792 Edler von Krenner , (also Franz von Paula Krenner ; born December 24, 1762 in Munich , † September 27, 1819 ibid) was a Bavarian statesman and historian .


Krenner, son of a court chamber councilor , graduated from Munich high school in 1776 and studied law at the University of Ingolstadt from December 1779 . It was probably during this time that he became a member of the Illuminati Order . In 1785 he was employed as a secretary at the court chamber in Munich. In the same year he was appointed real court chamber councilor as well as assigned court system accountant. In 1786 he was also appointed fiscal authority . In this role he began to re- map Churbaiern . After the end of the imperial vicariate , he and his brother Johann Nepomuk Gottfried von Krenner were raised to hereditary nobility and imperial knighthood .

Krenner became a secret trainee lawyer in the Ministry of Finance in 1799. After he had previously worked in the so-called debt repayment commission, he was now placed under its main fund. In 1808 he was awarded the title of privy councilor . His career culminated in his appointment in 1813 as acting and finally in 1817 as general director of the Ministry of Finance. As such, he was appointed to the Bavarian State Council as a state councilor in the ordinary service when it was established.

Krenner was both one of the leading officials in implementing Maximilian von Montgelas' reforms and a prominent proponent of constitutional reform in Bavaria. He also had a very large library which, in addition to a legal section, also contained a collection of erotic literature comprising 2900 volumes . After Krenner's death in 1819, it was bought by the Royal State Library in Munich for 4,000 florins . There it was stored separately and locked. The work "Bibliotheca erotica et curiosa Monacensis", written by Hugo Hayn and published in Berlin in 1889, was mainly based on this collection.

Krenner was valued by the ministers as well as the Bavarian king and honored in many ways for his services. He was a knight and from 1810 commander of the Order of Merit of the Bavarian Crown and from 1818 honorary member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences . In addition, in 1956 the Krennerweg in Munich- Solln was named after him and his older brother.

In 1811 Krenner acquired a piece of land on the east bank of Lake Starnberg and built a small wooden summer house on it around 1816. He was the first Munich citizen to discover Lake Starnberg as a local recreation area. The property later became the property of the singer Joseph Leoni , a friend of Krenner, who opened an inn there and gave the place its current name Leoni .


Krenner wrote a variety of statistical essays. He also published:

  • Bavarian financial status in the years 1777, 1792, 1798, 1799 and 1800 , Hübschmann, Munich 1803.
  • Baierische Landtag actions in the years 1429 to 1513 , 18 volumes, Hübschmann, Munich 1803-1805.
  • The Landtag in the Duchy of Baiern Landtag actions from 1514 to 1669, 9 volumes, Hübschmann, Munich 1803–1807.


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Individual evidence

  1. His electoral candlelight to Pfalzbaiern court and state calendar . Munich 1793, p. 231.
  2. Court and State Manual of the Kingdom of Bavaria , Munich 1812, p. 139.
  3. ^ Max Leitschuh: The matriculations of the upper classes of the Wilhelmsgymnasium in Munich , 4 vol., Munich 1970–1976; Vol. 3, p. 152.
  4. His electoral candlelight to Pfalzbaiern court and state calendar . Munich 1793, p. 231.
  5. Court and State Manual of the Kingdom of Bavaria , Munich 1812, p. 44.
  6. ^ Christian Lehmann : Joseph Leoni. An Italian at Lake Starnberg. Volk, Munich 2018, ISBN 978-3-86222-251-3 .