Friedrich Cordemann (General)

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Ernst Ludwig Friedrich Cordemann (born June 15, 1812 in Lauenau , † April 18, 1891 in Hanover ) was a Prussian major general .



Friedrich was a son of the merchant Christian Friedrich Cordemann (* 1782) and his wife Wilhelmine, née Reinharth, a daughter of the chief forester Just Georg Reinharth.

Military career

Cordemann was raised by his uncle, the retired Lieutenant Colonel Ernst Cordemann (1784-1833), who fought with the King's German Legion in the Wars of Liberation . He attended various schools, including the Wehnersche Erziehungsanstalt in Wülfel and the grammar school in Hanover. He then joined on 21 September 1828 cadet in the artillery - Brigade of the Hanoverian army one, avancvierte end of July 1831 second lieutenant and was on 1 October 1836 in the General Staff ordered. Promoted to Prime Lieutenant on February 13, 1838 , he was appointed General Staff Officer, 2nd class, on June 1, 1840 . Cordemann rose to captain at the beginning of October 1848 and took part in the battles near Sonderburg, Nübel, Bitschau, Ulderup and Düppel during the campaign against Denmark .

After the war he was appointed company commander on May 27, 1853 , promoted to major on May 27, 1856, and on May 28, 1863 to lieutenant colonel and chief of the general staff. He became a colonel on June 17, 1866 and achieved a Pyrrhic victory with the army in the battle of Langensalza in the war against Prussia .

After the annexation of Hanover by Prussia, Cordemann was taken over as a colonel in the Prussian army on March 9, 1867 . He came to the Army General Staff with the fees of a department chief and the pension of a brigade commander aggregated . He could not get used to the circumstances and therefore took his leave on February 4, 1868 with the pension of a brigade commander and the permission to wear his previous uniform.

During the mobilization on the occasion of the war against France , he was on 29 July 1870. Disposition made and stage inspector of the X. Army Corps appointed. He got the character of major general on February 14, 1871 and was commissioned on July 22, 1871 with the conduct of business as the commandant of Nancy . It was deactivated again on August 15, 1871.

He died on April 18, 1891 in Hanover.


Cordemann married Klara Louise Clausen († after 1890) on July 29, 1843. The couple had six children, including their daughter Thekla (1843–1925), who married the gendarmerie officer Otto von Petersdorff .



Individual evidence

  1. North Ludlow Beamish : History of the Royal German Legion. Volume 1, p. 36.
  2. ^ Military weekly paper . No. 102 of September 2, 1871, p. 791.