Friedrich Heinrich von Podewils

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Friedrich Heinrich Graf von Podewils (born November 17, 1746 in Vienna , † May 28, 1804 in Gusow ) was a royal Prussian district administrator.


Friedrich Heinrich Graf von Podewils came from the well- known noble family of the von Podewils , who lived in Pomerania . His parents were the royal Prussian ambassador Kasper Otto Christoph Graf von Podewils (* 1719, † 1781) and the daughter general Sophie Amalie Albertine von der Marwitz (* 1718; † 1784).

Podewils studied at the Brandenburg University of Frankfurt and graduated with a doctorate in law , held various positions in Kleve and Halberstadt , most recently as a royal Prussian war and domain councilor before he was elected district administrator for the Lebus district in 1774 . He was also a deputy of the knighthood in the dike association of the Oderbruch .

In 1778 Podewils married Friederike Amalie Albertine Countess von Blumenthal (* 1765), the daughter of the royal Prussian state, war and conducting minister Joachim Christian Graf von Blumenthal (* 1720; † 1800) and Katharina Sophie Auguste von der Groeben (* 1728; † 1750).

In order to support his father, who became ill in old age, he gave up the district office and devoted himself only to the management of Gusow and Platkow . Here he created a recognized model economy of his time. Podewils also owned Schmargendorf , acquired the Tempelhof manor in 1796 and the Dahlem domain in 1799 .

From his father's inheritance he also owned the West Pomeranian goods Wusterwitz , Balenthin , Deutsch Puddiger , Dochow , Zarrentin and Großendorf.

He had the baroque pleasure garden in Gusow transformed into an English landscape park, where he also created the ruins in the neo-Gothic style.

Podewils was an honorary member of the Natural Research Society in Berlin and the Mecklenburg Agricultural Society . Podewilsstrasse in Berlin was later named after him.

Since Podewils himself remained childless, he bequeathed his Kurmark property in a will to the children of his deceased cousin on his mother's side, von Schönburg-Waldenburg . His Pomeranian possessions received his cousin, the royal Prussian captain in the guard on foot , Otto Friedrich Graf von Podewils (* 1745, † 1812).


  • Economic experience in the Gusow and Platkow estates. Volumes 1–4, Berlin 1801–1804.
  • Comments on the saving of the potatoes, etc. 1803.


  • Theophil Gerber: Personalities from agriculture and forestry, horticulture and veterinary medicine: Biographisches Lexikon. Berlin 2005, Volume 2, pp. 581-582

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Podewilsstrasse . In: Street name lexicon of the Luisenstädtischer Bildungsverein