Friedrich sacrifice money

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Friedrich Opfergeldt (also Friedrich Opfergelt ; born December 3, 1668 in Breslau , † October 5, 1740 in Magdeburg ) was a German Lutheran theologian and clergyman .


Friedrich Opfergeldt was born in Breslau as the son of the butcher Andreas. The mother Eva was born Ulrich. At an early age, his parents planned that he would later become a preacher. From 1676 he attended the Elizabethan high school and was taught by private tutors . From 1683, at his father's request, he attended the Jesuit school in Poznan , where he expanded his knowledge and learned the Polish language . Because he was of the Lutheran denomination, he was disadvantaged in school. So he was happy when he returned to his hometown. There he became a chorale student at the Heiliggeistkirche and attended Maria-Magdalenen-Gymnasium . There he learned the Hebrew language .

From 1688, Opfergeldt attended the grammar school in Thorn , where his final disputation took place on December 23rd . He then went to the University of Königsberg . In 1689 he also attended lectures at the University of Leipzig . The University of Wittenberg appointed him on April 28, 1696 to the Magister . Before that he was a tutor and made short trips. In the year of his master's degree he went back to Breslau and preached there for the first time; this was received positively. He also taught young nobles.

In 1697 sacrifice money was appointed to Festenberg as a deacon . He was later ordained . In 1703 he traveled to Berlin , on the way back through Magdeburg , Halle (Saale) , Zeitz , Leipzig, Breslau, where he met scholars everywhere.

In Festenberg, offering money gave sermons on Sundays and holidays, as well as hours of prayer and devotion. In doing so, he strictly adhered to the church books. However, his community accused him of pietism and he was persecuted for it. In doing so, as Heinrich Döring describes, sacrifice money lived with unfeigned religiosity and morality.

In 1707, he was finally appointed pastor , ministerial seniors , inspector and president of the spiritual interim court. In 1711 he was appointed inspector and pastor in Nauen . In 1721 he left Nauen because he was appointed provost and prelate at the monastery of Our Dear Women in Magdeburg.


Sacrifice money was considered a thoroughly learned person, and this also outside of theology. He wrote ascetic works, such as the three-part exercise in true godliness or the spiritual handbook . With Bibliotheca selecta he also wrote instructions for the preaching candidates for the duties of the preaching profession. He also wrote Praecipua S. Scripturae et Ecclesiae fata , in which he told of the fates both the Bible and the Christian Church had to endure over time. He also collected a small supply of prayers and songs for home devotion.


  • Dissertatio ethica (Thorn 1688)
  • Strange festivals (Brieg 1696)
  • Exercise in true godliness (three parts, hall 1704)
  • Faithful Onesimus (Berlin 1714)
  • Bibliotheca selecta, for those who are dedicated to the holy preaching office (Magdeburg 1718)
  • Spiritual handbook (Berlin 1719)
  • Sincere news from the Jewish teachers and their writings relating to exegesis and antiquity (Halle 1730)
  • First sermon on the new pulpit of the monastery church for L. Fr. in Magdeburg, along with a message from this monastery (Magdeburg 1730)
  • Praecipua S. Scripturae et Ecclesiae fata, i.e. the most important thing that happened to the Holy Scriptures and the Church of God in the Old and New Testaments (Magdeburg 1731)
  • Small supply of prayers and songs (Magdeburg 1736)
  • Written dispositions of the small Katechismi Lutheri, including the house table (Magdeburg 1736)
