Friedrich Vogeler

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Friedrich Georg Eduard Vogeler (born October 4, 1883 in Soest ; † May 9, 1945 in Prague ) was a German administrative lawyer who first worked as district administrator of Ottweiler and then of Saarbrücken . At the time of National Socialism , he was regional president of the Reichsstatthalter Konrad Henlein in Reichenberg in the Sudetenland .


Vogeler was the son of the Soest high school professor and city archivist Eduard Vogeler. He finished his school career at the Archigymnasium Soest in 1903 with the Abitur and then studied law and political science at the universities of Tübingen , Strasbourg , Berlin and Münster until 1906 . After passing the legal traineeship examination at the Hamm Higher Regional Court , he did military service as a one-year volunteer . In October 1907 he was appointed court trainee and trained at the Soest district court . From July 1908 he was a government trainee with the Münster government and from 1912 as a government assessor at the Memel district office. From the beginning of May 1913 to the end of March 1914, he was an assistant at the Law Faculty of the University of Berlin and was established in February 1914, the University of Würzburg Dr. jur. PhD . He then worked as an alternative at the Ottweiler District Office. Vogeler took part in the First World War as a soldier .

After the end of the war, he was initially provisional in February 1919 and from June 1919 officially District Administrator of the Ottweiler district. From 1920 to 1937 he was district administrator of the Saarbrücken district and, in personal union, from 1921 to 1937 he was president of the state insurance institute of the Saar area and from March 1935 Reich representative for the provisional regulation of border traffic between Germany (Saarland) and France . Then he was government vice president in Arnsberg . Vogeler was not a party member, but rose as an honorary member within the SA in November 1944 up to the brigade leader.

As a result of the Munich Agreement , he was the representative of the Reich Commissioner for the Sudeten German territories. After the German occupation of the rump Czech state , he became the regional president of the Reich Governor of the Reichsgau Sudetenland in Reichenberg and his representative. One day before the unconditional surrender of the Wehrmacht on May 7, 1945, Henlein transferred the powers resulting from his functions as Reich Governor and Reich Defense Commissioner to him. Vogeler died in this city two days later after the Prague uprising .


  • The administrative compulsion against municipal associations according to Prussian law. A historical dogmat. Examination. Borna, Leipzig 1914 (at the same time legal and political dissertation at the University of Würzburg).
  • Building the state administration. In: Sudetenland in the Reich. Reichenberg 1943.


  • Joachim Lilla : Senior administrative officials and functionaries in Westphalia and Lippe (1918–1945 / 46). Biographical manual. Aschendorff, Münster 2004, ISBN 3-402-06799-4 , p. 149 (= publications of the Historical Commission for Westphalia. 22, A, 16; Historical work on Westphalian state research. Economic and social history group. 16).

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