Ludwig von Geldern

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Heinrich Ludwig von Geldern (born April 24, 1834 in Ebersdorf ; † January 14, 1892 in Trier ) was a Prussian district administrator in the Stuhm district (1867 to 1872) and subsequently in the Saarbrücken district until 1883 .


The Protestant Ludwig von Geldern comes from a family belonging to the old Russian nobility whose nobility diploma was renewed on May 19, 1816 in Greiz . His parents were the Fürstlich Reuss jL Real Secret Council and Minister of State Eduard Heinrich von Geldern and his wife Agnes Sidonie von Geldern, née Fritz. After attending grammar school in Brandenburg, he began studying law in 1852 at the University of Halle . There von Geldern became a member of the Neoborussia Halle association on May 12, 1852 and joined the Coburg Landsmannschafter Convent . With tapeDismissed (honorably), he continued his studies in Berlin and Bonn . After completing his university years in 1855, he joined the Erfurt Court of Appeal for further legal training on June 19, 1855 as an auscultator . With the end of his legal clerkship on April 19, 1858, he was appointed court trainee , von Geldern was initially dismissed from the Prussian judicial service on June 17 and joined the Royal Prussian government in Magdeburg on June 22 and was appointed government trainee . After taking the assessor exam on December 30, 1863, von Geldern moved from Magdeburg to the district office of Beuthen and then in the same position to the government in Opole on March 22, 1864 and to Frankfurt (Oder) on December 29, 1865 .

During his employment in Frankfurt (Oder) in 1866 as a volunteer in the German War , von Geldern was assigned the management of the Sorau district, which was part of the Frankfurt Regional Council, in November 1869 , before taking over the administration of the to the Marienwerder administrative district , which belonged to the West Prussian Stuhm district. Von Geldern stayed in Stuhm for just over four years after his final appointment as district administrator there on January 4, 1868 .

In the succession of the deceased on September 20, 1872 Saarbrücken district administrator Franz von Gaertner and its representation have successor, Adolf Ulrich to turn initially Acting District Administrator appointed on October 8, 1872 there came Ludwig von Geldern on 6 March 1873 its service to the Saar to . The presentation election on September 23, 1873 was followed by appointment as the new Saarbrücken district administrator on October 22, and the formal inauguration on November 19. Ten years later, joined Ludwig of funds under appointment as Senior Government to the Government in Trier , where he worked as a conductor died of the Department of Church and Education and Deputy District President on duty.


Ludwig von Geldern married on June 15, 1868 in Breslau Cäcilie Wunderlich (born on February 10, 1849 in Trier; died on October 15, 1879 in Saarbrücken), a daughter of the District Court Assessor and later Consistorial President in Breslau, Oskar Wunderlich and his wife Caroline Catharina Ferdinande Christine Wunderlich née Viereck.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Horst Romeyk : The leading state and municipal administrative officials of the Rhine Province 1816–1945 (=  publications of the Society for Rhenish History . Volume 69 ). Droste, Düsseldorf 1994, ISBN 3-7700-7585-4 , p. 466 .
  2. Kösener corps lists 1910, 100/28.
  3. Album of Neoborussia, No. 36
  4. ^ Rüdiger Döhler: District administrators in the district of Marienwerder , in: The Senior Citizens' Convention in Königsberg. East Prussia and its corps before the end . Einst und Jetzt, Vol. 54 (2009), p. 246.