Gaspar Hovic

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Gaspar Hovic , also known as Jaspaert Heuvich or Gaspard Heuvick (* around 1550 in Oudenaarde , † 1627 in Bari ) was a Flemish painter who stayed in Italy for a long time and made several paintings, especially for the Bishop of Apulia .


Hovic was born around 1550 in Oudenaarde, a small Flemish town near Ghent. His father Josse was a carpet weaver, in whose workshop the son probably learned the trade. Around 1570, at the age of twenty, he made his first trip to Italy and stayed in Mantua , where he became a student of Lorenzo Costa , who also introduced him to the style of Taddeo Zuccari , with whom he worked in Rome would have.

Then Hovic moved to Rome , where he met Karel van Mander . Hovic stayed there for about 11 years and was part of the group around the grotesque painter Giacomo Rosignolo . Even in Mantua, Hovic received insights into the techniques of Roman mannerism from Federico Zuccari , Federico Barocci and Marco Pino . He developed this knowledge in Rome and studied the works of Raphael and Michelangelo intensively . From 1580 to 1588 he stayed at the court of the Bishop of Bari, Antonio Puteo . There he was not only active as a painter, but also became an importer of grain from Flanders during a famine.

From 1588 the painter was again frequently employed in his hometown. Where he stayed between 1590 and 1596 is largely unknown to this day. He may have lived in Venice during this time , as his painting shows influences from Venetian painting. From 1596 he lived again in Bari, where he now settled permanently and had a flourishing workshop.

Works (selection)

  • 1581: San Nicola di Myra in cattedra oil on canvas, Capuchin Church in Minervino Murge ( Barletta-Andria-Trani )
  • 1582: Ultima Cena oil on canvas, Santa Maria Vetrana Church in Triggiano (Bari)
  • 1588: Giudizio universale painting on wood, Stedelijk Museum in Oudenaarde ( Belgium )
  • 1589: L'allegoria della Giustizia painting on wood, Stedelijk Museum in Oudenaarde
  • 1590–1596: Natività painting on copper, Galleria Sabauda in Turin
  • 1596: Adorazione dei pastori and San Michele painting on canvas, Church of San Bernardino in Molfetta (Bari)
  • 1598: Madonna degli Angeli oil on canvas, Church of Sant'Angelo in Ruvo di Puglia (Bari)
  • 1602: Sant'Orsola e le compagne painting on wood, Maria Santissima Annunziata Church in Modugno (Bari), originally owned by the Church of San Giuseppe delle Monacelle
  • 1604: Madonna di Costantinopoli oil on canvas, Church of Sant'Antonio in Polignano a Mare (Bari)
  • 1608: L'Immacolata oil on canvas, Church dell'Immacolata Concezione in Acquaviva delle Fonti (Bari)
  • 1613: Adorazione dei Magi oil on canvas, Church of Sant'Angelo in Ruvo di Puglia

Works ascribed to him (selection)

  • San Nicola di Bari Capuchin Church in Corato (Bari)
  • La strage degli Innocenti painting on canvas, Church del Cristo Re in Bitonto
  • La Vergine con santi painting on canvas, Church del Cristo Re in Bitonto
  • around 1600: Natività , circa, fresco, Church of San Giacomo in Bari
  • between 1602 and 1608: Il Redentore painting on canvas, Church of Matrice di Santa Maria la Porta Palo del Colle (Bari)
  • between 1602 and 1608: L'Immacolata oil on canvas, Sant'Anna church in Bari
  • between 1602 and 1608: Madonna con Angeli painting on canvas, Church of San Francesco in Bitonto (Bari)


  • Heuvick, Kaspar . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General lexicon of fine artists from antiquity to the present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 17 : Heubel – Hubard . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1924, p. 12 .
  • Vander Meersh: DJ Gaspar Heuwick. Jean Snellinck et Simon de Pape, pintres belges, et quelques-unes des leurs productions. In: Messager des Sciences historiques et archives des arts de Belgique. Gand, 1845.
  • HW Schulz: Monuments of the arts of the Middle Ages in Lower Italy. Dresda, 1860, Volume 1, p. 70.
  • GK Nagler: Monogram list. Monaco 1863, t. III p. 162 n.517.
  • A. Salvemini: Saggio Storico sulla città di Molfetta. Naples 1878.
  • Van Mander: C. Le Livre des Peintres. Vie des Peintres flamand, hollandais et allemands. (1604). Translation and annotations by Henri Hymans , Paris 1884–85.
  • E. Bernich: La Cattedrale ei monumenti di Ruvo. Bari 1901.
  • M. Salmi: Appunti per la storia della Pittura in Puglia In: L'Arte. 1919.
  • I. Galizia: Ricerche storiche sulla città di Polignano a Mare. Manduria 1924.
  • TH Fokker: Works by Dutch masters in the churches of Italy. Hague 1931.
  • Maria Stella Calò Mariani: L'attività Pugliese di Gaspar Hovic (o Heuvick), pittore Fiammingo. In: Bulletin de L'Istitut Historique Belge de Rome, Fascicule XXXIV. Academia Belgica, Brussels 1962.
  • M. D'Elia: Gaspar Hovic, in Commentari. 1962.
  • G. Capursi: La Chiesa di San Bernardino di Molfetta. Molfetta 1964.
  • Mostra dell'Arte in Puglia. 1964.
  • A. Nappi: Vie, Piazze, Chiese di Molfetta. Molfetta 1964.
  • Opere di Pittura del Cinquecento e del Primo Seicento importate in Puglia. In: Rivista Letteratura. No. 94-96. Rome December 1968.
  • La Pittura del Cinquecento e del Primo Seicento in Terra di Bari. Adriatica, Bari 1969.
  • Precisazioni sui Caratteri Veneti delle opere Pugliesi di Gaspar Hovic. Grafiche Cressati, Bari.
  • A. Pepe: Puglia. In: Enciclopedia Bernardiniana. Vestigia, III, Salerno 1984, p. 244.
  • LM De Palma: La Parrocchia di S. Bernardino from Storia e Cronaca. Mezzina, Molfetta 1987.
  • MG Di Capua: Arte e Restauri nella Chiesa di S. Bernardino. In: La Parrocchia di S. Bernardino fra storia e cronaca. Molfetta 1987.
  • P. De Vecchi, E. Cerchiari: Arte del Tempo. Bompiani, Milan 1999, Volume 2, Part II.

Web links

Commons : Gaspar Hovic  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Georg Kaspar Nagler: Heuvick, Caspar . In: etc or messages from the life and works of the painter, sculptor, architect, engraver: New general artist Lexicon . tape 6 : Reel-Keym . EA Fleischmann, Munich 1838, p. 167 ( ).
  2. Gaspar Hovic - Vita e Opere on (Italian)
  3. a b Gaspar Hovic. In: General Artist Lexicon. The visual artists of all times and peoples. Volume 73, de Gruyter, Berlin 2012, p. 25.
  4. ^ Italian Touring Club, Guida d'Italia.