
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Genoveva is a female given name .

Historically and culturally, the biographies of two women must be distinguished:

  • Genoveva of Paris , a consecrated virgin of the 5th century born in Nanterre , patron saint of the French capital
  • Genoveva von Brabant , the main character of a late medieval legend (presumably without a concrete historical background) about a ducal daughter who was falsely cast out as an adulterous woman and who was exposed with her son in pain. Verschriftlicht in the 14th century, found the substance widely used and was the inclusion in the collections of German chapbooks popular

For Genoveva in Art, see the individual articles on these two people.


Name bearers

Genoveva, Genovefa

Genevieve, Genevieve


Works of art

(except Genoveva of Brabant and Genoveva of Paris , see there)
