Georg Friedrich Laurentius

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Georg Friedrich Laurentius (1647)

Georg Friedrich Laurentius (born March 11, 1594 in Lübben ; † February 1, 1673 in Lübeck ) was a doctor, pharmacist and specialist journalist.



It is known that Georg Friedrich Laurentius' father was a doctor. His name is not mentioned, but there are indications that it is the Lübben doctor and pharmacist and later clergyman Georg Laurentius († 1595). Johann Georg Laurentius , a brother of Georg Friedrich, was after he also first practiced in Leipzig , in the 30s of the 17th century personal physician to the Duke of Holstein-Gottorf and later physicist of Lübeck .

Laurentius married the Hamburg merchant's daughter Margarethe Arnson († 1650) in 1639 . The marriage produced at least one son:

  • Ewaldus Laurentius , curator in Stade , ⚭ Gertrud Elisabeth Matthaei (1676–1694)


Lawrence visited in 1611, the school in Görlitz and then studied in Wittenberg and then in Padua , where he in 1620 to Dr. phil. et med. received his doctorate . Then he settled in Danzig as a practicing doctor. Due to the war , he left Danzig in 1623 and first went to Leipzig , from where he finally settled in Hamburg in 1632 for the same reason . In the year of his arrival he got into a technical dispute with his colleague Ebelingk, which resulted in a protracted hostility to his Padua fellow student Dr. Bernhard Langwedel and is accompanied by numerous pamphlets and diatribes . Essentially, however, it was about rankings that Laurentius , not uncommon, derived from the time of his doctorate, but Langwedel , who had already practiced in Hamburg for a long time, wanted to justify this. Directly as a result of the dispute, Laurentius left Hamburg for two years from 1636 to 1638. In the meantime, the Hamburg Senate had stipulated in a decree that the ranking according to the date of the doctorate should be taken into account. However, the dispute between the opposing parties did not end with this regulation, but continued from 1647 at the latest on allegations of plagiarism against Langwedel . It was not until 1648, when Laurentius became personal physician to the Crown Princess of Denmark , that the dispute subsided. After the widowed Crown Princess was remarried, Laurentius became King Friedrich III's personal physician . After saying goodbye in 1663, he lived as a private citizen in Lübeck until his death.

Works (selection)

  • Defensio venæsectionis. Hamburg 1647
  • Monochordum Foresio-Lygaeo-Langwedelianum. 1648
  • Liecht und Recht or successfully saved the honor of the unsuspecting Apologiae Bernhardi Langwedels Med. D. opposed. 1651
  • Exercitationes in nonnullos minus absolute veros Hippocratis Aphorismos. Hamburg 1653 ( digitized version )
  • Defensio exercitationum medicarum. Lübeck 1666
  • Discussion of Scorbutic Disease in a Lady. 1668


  • Georg Friedrich Laurentius . In: Carl Frederik Bricka (Ed.): Dansk biografisk Lexikon. Tillige omfattende Norge for Tidsrummet 1537-1814. 1st edition. tape 10 : Laale – Løvenørn . Gyldendalske Boghandels Forlag, Copenhagen 1896, p. 136-137 (Danish, ).
  • Kristian Frederik Carøe: Den danske Lægestand. 5 volumes. Gyldendal [u. a.], København [u. a.] 1904–1922 (1. Doktorer og Licentiater, 1479–1788, 2. Kirurger eksaminerede ved Theatrum anatomichirurgicum, 1738–85, 3. Den danske Lægestand 1786–1838, 4. Læger 1838–1900 (Supplement til 7. Udgave ), 5th Supplement to Volume 1–4 ved JWS Johnsson)
  • Dictionnaire biographique universel et pittoresque. Volume 3. Aimé André, Paris 1834, p. 227 ( )
  • Gernet: Communications from the older medicinal history of Hamburg. Hamburg 1869, pp. 196–199 ( )
  • August Hirsch (founder), Wilhelm Haberling , Franz Hübotter and Hermann Vierordt (review and supplement): Biographical lexicon of outstanding doctors of all times and peoples . Volume 3. 2nd edition. Urban & Schwarzenberg, Berlin / Vienna 1931, p. 694
  • Vilhelm Ingerslev: Danmarks Lager og Laegevasen fra de aldeste Tider ludtil Aar 1800. Volume 1, Kjobenhavn 1873, pp. 506–507
  • Heinrich Wilhelm Rotermund : Continuation and additions to Christian Gottlieb Jöcher's general scholarly lexico. Volume 3. Georg Jontzen, Delmenhorst 1810, Sp. 1400–1401 ( digitized version )
  • Johann Moller (Johannis Molleri): Cimbria literata, sive, Scriptorum ducatus utriusque Slesvicensis et Holsatici. quibus et alii vicini quidam accensentur, historia literaria tripartita. Volume 2. Orphanotrophius and Kisel, Havaniae [Copenhagen] 1744, pp. 460–463 ( )
  • Hans Schröder: Lexicon of the Hamburg writers up to the present. Volume 4, Hamburg 1866, pp. 386–388, No. 2195 ( digitized version )
  • Jens Worm: Forsøg til et Lexicon over danske, norske and islandske lærde Mænd. Volume 1, Kongl.Bogtrykkerie, Helsingøer 1771, p. 587 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Heinrich Wilhelm Rotermund: continuation and additions to Christian Gottlieb Jöchers general scholarly lexico. Volume 6, Bremen 1819, Col. CCXXXXIII, with reference to: Destinata literaria et fragmenta lusatica. Part 9, Driemel, Lübben [1738], p. 839 ( digitized version ).
  2. Otto Fischer: Evangelical Pastor's Book for the Mark Brandenburg. Volume 2: List of clergymen in alphabetical order. Mittler, Berlin 1941, p. 484.
  3. Christian Gottlieb Jöcher : General learned lexicon. Continuations and additions by Johann Christoph Adelung . Volume 6, Leipzig 1819, p. 183
  4. Marion Gindhart, Ursula Kundert : Disputatio 1200-1800. Berlin / New York 2010, p. 258, footnote 83
  5. ^ Bernhard Koerner (editor): Genealogical handbook of bourgeois families . Volume 7, published by WT Bruer, Berlin 1900, p. 353