Georg Hermes (theologian)

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The grave of Georg Hermes in the old cemetery in Bonn.

Georg Hermes (born April 22, 1775 in Dreierwalde ; † May 26, 1831 in Bonn ) was a Roman Catholic theologian and philosopher .


Georg Hermes, the son of a farmer, studied theology and philosophy at the University of Münster from 1792 to 1798. He first took up a job as a high school teacher (1798). He was ordained a priest in 1799. After his first work, the Inquiry into the Inner Truth of Christianity , appeared, he was appointed Professor of Dogmatics in Münster in 1807 .

From 1820 he taught at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität in Bonn . From 1825 he belonged to the Cologne Cathedral Chapter . Hermes was a student of Ferdinand Überwasser (1752–1812). As a representative of the Catholic Enlightenment , he founded so-called Hermesianism , a critical , psychological and anthropocentric system for the rational justification of the Catholic faith.

Hermesianism contained as a basic trait an overcoming of moral doctrine in its religious motives in Immanuel Kant . His teaching found widespread dissemination especially at the educational establishments in Prussia , which was promoted by the Archbishop of Cologne, Ferdinand August von Spiegel . The teaching of Hermesianism was in 1835 by Pope Gregory XVI. banned by the Breve Dum acerbissimas . His works were placed on the forbidden books index .

The Prussian state, which supported Hermesianism, found a bitter opponent in the Archbishop of Cologne, Clemens August Droste zu Vischering . Zealous defenders of Hermesianism were Clemens-August von Droste zu Hülshoff , a cousin of the poet Annette von Droste-Hülshoff , and Peter Joseph Elvenich . The philosopher Wilhelm Esser is also one of his students .


  • Inquiry into the Inner Truth of Christianity , 1804.
  • Introduction to Christian Catholic theology , 2 volumes, 1819–1829.
  • Christian Catholic Dogmatics , edited by Johann Heinrich Achterfeld , 3 volumes, 1834–1835.


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