Georg Rosenthal (pedagogue)

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Georg Rosenthal

Georg Wilhelm Otto Rosenthal (born January 23, 1874 in Berlin , † March 16, 1934 in Lübeck ) was a German classical philologist and teacher .



Georg Rosenthal, son of a businessman, attended the Askanische Gymnasium in Berlin and received his maturity certificate in 1893 . At the Berlin University of the Classical Philology and German . In March 1897 he received his doctorate with his dissertation " De sententiis Horatianis ", which includes philology, doctor of philosophy and passed in June 1898 his state examination .

His service as a one-year volunteer was sufficient for Rosenthal from October 1, 1898 to September 30, 1899 in Berlin. After his military service he completed his seminar year at the Königliches Wilhelms-Gymnasium in the school year 1899/1900. The following year of probation at the Royal Friedrich-Wilhelms-Gymnasium .

From October 1, 1901, Rosenthal taught at the Luisengymnasium in Moabit and from April 1, 1902 also at the humanistic Bismarck-Gymnasium in Wilmersdorf . At Christmas 1912 he was appointed professor .

On April 1, 1914, Rosenthal, elected by the magistrate in Fürstenwalde as director of the grammar school, took over the management of the grammar school there . There he wrote treatises such as: “On art-historical exercises within scientific teaching” along with the excursus : “ut pictura poesis”, “ Seneca as school reading”, “ Lessing and Dutch painting”, “The concept of beauty in Kant and Lessing” and “Tacitus Germania, also a German speech in difficult times ”. He published the following book: " Latin school grammar for a quick introduction for mature students."

Christian Reuter , director of the Humanist Gymnasium in Lübeck , volunteered as a reserve officer with his regiment when the war broke out . At the beginning of 1915 he was wounded so badly that he died shortly afterwards. In May 1918, the Lübeck Senate filled the position of director at the Katharineum, which had been vacant for years, with Rosenthal on October 1st of that year.

Thanks to his speeches and his publications, the German national Rosenthal in Lübeck soon became known far beyond the school public. He published articles like Der Dom zu Ratzeburg. in the father-city sheets .

The political climate changed in the city. Ernst Wittern , a member of the Lübeck citizenship , was first a member of the German National then the German National Party . He defamed Rosenthal by means of an anti-Semitic diatribe and public speeches in the Lübeck citizenship. and lengthy arguments in the college. Rosenthal prevailed against Wittern in two courts.

Of particular importance for the school were the school trips he initiated for the primary school, including to Prague and Tyrol. Hans Blumenberg and Theodor Eschenburg were among his students . In 1931 he invited Thomas Mann to give a speech on the 400th school anniversary.

Rosenthal, who saw himself as a German national, but also and above all as a reform pedagogue in the sense of the Bund resolved school reformers , was initially on leave after Easter 1933 and then dismissed on July 1, 1933 due to the law to restore the civil service . He died a broken man, officially of heart failure ; however, there is also evidence of suicide.


Rosenthal had married Auguste, nee Bauch, in 1900.

His daughter, Annedore , who was born in 1904 , was to receive private tuition from him and later take a so-called “External Abitur”.

In Berlin, the publicist Annedore was later to meet the politician Julius Leber , who she already knew from Lübeck , and was to marry him on November 21, 1927, against her parents' wishes.


  • Latin school grammar. Teubner, Leipzig, Berlin 1904.
  • The value of humanistic education for our time. Lübeck 1919.
  • Spirit and form of student self-management. Lübeck 1919.
  • From the history of the German spirit. Six speeches given in Lübeck at the beginning of 1919. Lübeck 1919.
  • Lübeck Gothic. Borchers, Lübeck 1921. (Forays into Lübeck's old German art 1.)
  • Lively Latin. New ways in Latin lessons. Oldenburg, Leipzig 1924. (= Decided School Reform Issue 37)
  • Hellas and Rome and their rebirth from the German spirit. New goals and ways of humanistic education for our time. Weidmann, Berlin 1925.
  • How do I learn to translate Latin texts into good German? Diesterweg, Frankfurt am Main 1925.
  • Earthbound school. Schmid-Römhild, Lübeck 1931.
  • Volksgymnasium: Bringing the school to life and new development opportunities; Letters to all higher schools in Germany. Schmid-Römhild, Lübeck 1931.


Web links


  • Professor Dr. Georg Rosenthal, the future director of the Katharineum. ; In: Vaterstadtische Blätter ; Born 1917/18, No. 20, edition of May 26, 1918, pp. 77-78.
  • Hans Blumenberg : Reminding of Georg Rosenthal. In: Katharineum zu Lübeck. Festschrift for the 450th anniversary. Published by the Association of Friends of the Katharineum, Lübeck 1981.
  • Theodor Eschenburg : So listen to me. History and stories. Siedler, Berlin 1995, pp. 135f.
  • Hartmut Schulz: Lively Latin on a German basis. The reform pedagogue Georg Rosenthal. In: Latin and Greek in Berlin. 35, 1991, pp. 2-9.
  • Jan Zimmermann : "I had a lot on my mind, what I would like to say to the youth on this occasion". Thomas Mann's participation in the 400th anniversary of the Katharineum in Lübeck in September 1931. In: Britta Dittmann, Thomas Rütten, Hans Wisskirchen and Jan Zimmermann (eds.): Your very devoted Thomas Mann: Autographs from the archive of the Buddenbrookhaus. Schmidt-Römhild, Lübeck 2006, pp. 133-170. (From the archive of the Buddenbrookhaus 1.)

Individual evidence

  1. The Ratzeburg Cathedral. ; In: Vaterstadtische Blätter ; Born 1921/22, No. 3, edition of November 6, 1921, pp. 9-10.
  2. Moses Salomon - Prof. Dr. Georg Rosenthal, director at the Katharineum in Lübeck. Wessel, Lübeck 1922.
  3. Theodor Eschenburg: So listen to it - history and stories 1904 to 1933. Berlin 1995, p. 134ff. ( At the Katharineum in Lübeck )
  4. See Zimmermann, p. 139 with note 36; see. also Eschenburg, p. 134: "... dismissed, although he did not fall under its provisions ..."
  5. Marriage register StA Berlin IV a, No. 286/1900
predecessor Office successor
Christian Reuter Director of Katharineum Lübeck
1918 - 1933
Robert Wolfanger