George C. Ludlow

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George C. Ludlow

George Craig Ludlow (born April 6, 1830 in Milford , Hunterdon County , New Jersey , † December 18, 1900 in New Brunswick , New Jersey) was an American politician and governor of the state of New Jersey from 1881 to 1884 .

Early years

As a toddler, George Ludlow came to New Brunswick with his family, where he lived the rest of his life. Until 1850 he attended Rutgers University . After completing a law degree and being admitted to the bar, he started his new profession in New Brunswick. One of his clients was a large Pennsylvania railroad company .

Political career

George Ludlow was a member of the Democratic Party . Between 1877 and 1879 he was a member of the New Jersey Senate . On November 2, 1880, he was elected as the candidate of his party for governor of his state. George Ludlow began his three-year term on January 18, 1881 as successor to McClellan . During his tenure, the construction of new public libraries was promoted. Child protection laws were improved and, for the first time, women were allowed to act as school trustees. The sale of petroleum was regulated by law and a welfare committee was set up.

At the end of his tenure, Ludlow withdrew from politics. In 1895 he was appointed to the Supreme Court of his state. He died in January 1900 and was buried in New Brunswick.

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