Georgette Dee

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Georgette Dee as part of the Divas Gala, Summer Blood 2006

Georgette Dee is a German fictional character . The artist (born September 9, 1958 in Sülze , real name unknown) appears as a singer and actress .


The artist was born in 1958 as the child of a gardener and a chemist in a village in the Lüneburg Heath . He later began training as a nurse in Hamburg . Through contacts with the Hamburg cabaret scene , he got to know Ernie Reinhardt alias Lilo Wanders and Gunter Schmidt from the duo Herrchens Frauchen and made his first artistic attempts.

In 1981 he went to London , where he met the pianist Terry Truck, with whom he worked in the following time. Several joint programs followed. 1989 Dee and Truck gave a guest performance in the GDR . In 1992 both became known to a larger audience when they gave a guest appearance in the Berlin Schillertheater for the first time from the cabaret scene. This was followed by appearances at the Burgtheater in Vienna , the Odeon in Paris , the Münchner Kammerspiele and the Deutsche Oper Berlin as well as in other European countries.

Dee and Truck founded the record label Vielliebrekords in 1993, to which artists such as Cora Frost , Popette Betancor and Ingrid Caven are under contract. In the same year they received the German Cabaret Award in the category chanson / music / song and the critic's award of the Berliner Zeitung . Since 1996 Georgette Dee has been leading workshops in the subject of lieder at the Otto Falckenberg School in Munich . In 2001, Georgette Dee and Terry Truck separated for artistic reasons. Georgette Dee has since performed with changing musical accompaniment. In August 2006, Dee and Truck performed together again for the first time with a Brecht program in the Berliner Ensemble.

At that time , Dee called "Germany's largest living Diseuse ". Georgette Dee was a registered word mark from 1994 to 2013 . She lives in Berlin.

social commitment

In 2011 Georgette Dee volunteered as a singer to support the “ German Winter Travel ” project by the author Stefan Weiller. Since 2009, it has been drawing attention to the situation of the homeless in particular in a song and text cycle in cooperation with institutions such as the Diakonisches Werk in a city-specific manner .

Stage programs

  • 1981: Black Butterfly!
  • 1982: incognito
  • 1982: The world turns in 24 hours
  • 1983: birthday songs for the witch child
  • 1984: At night - songs for a cigarette
  • 1984: Maskless
  • 1985: Total chanson
  • 1986: the carrot and the stick
  • 1988: Give me love song
  • 1988: Say "Please" and I'll sing (with Corny Littmann , Ernie Reinhardt and others)
  • 1989: The narcotic
  • 1989: happiness alone
  • 1992: Heart Shooting - Deadly Nights
  • 1993: Just like that? Exactly!
  • 1994: early wind
  • 1995: forever
  • 1996: It's nice
  • 1996: Angels on the wrong track
  • 1998: Heroes
  • 1998: Well then! Goodbye: Brecht live
  • 1998: Lichterloh
  • 1998: Diva gut (with Cora Frost, Popette Betancor and Mouron)
  • 1999: Evergreen - the Red Songs
  • 1999: Copper Moon
  • 2000: Dragonland
  • 2002: Stubbe - Case by case : The fourth commandment
  • 2015: from the magic carpet - cloud songs & travel stories
  • 2016: Oh you - my oh: Oden to melancholy

Solo programs

  • 2002: Just Lovesongs
  • 2004: Voice & Bass
  • 2004: sailors, sea and moon
  • 2004: Anytime - Arrive
  • 2005: Next to me: I - How nice!
  • 2006: Dee-vine Moments
  • 2008: Dee Magic Music
  • 2009: Where my sun shines
  • 2010: Do you love Brahms ...?
  • 2011: beautiful songs
  • 2012: Georgette sings Brecht
  • 2013: The sailor and the prince



Radio plays


Web links

Individual evidence

  1.  Raimund Hoghe: Confusing people is nice. In: March 14, 1997, accessed December 9, 2014 .
  2. Information from the German Patent and Trademark Office on the register no. 2067112. Retrieved January 30, 2014 .
  3. Irene Bazinger: Interview with chansonette Georgette Dee: Berlin, a place with light and shadow . In: Berliner Zeitung , April 22, 2015
  4. Winterreise ( Memento of the original from July 16, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  5. Medienhaus Der Neue Tag: Georgette Dee in “Helena. Plea for a Slut “: Object of Desire. In: Retrieved May 7, 2016 .