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Girkenhof is a deserted area in the municipality of Neuendettelsau in the district of Ansbach in Middle Franconia .

The place was in the Aurach valley between Steinhof and Wollersdorf on the southern flank of the Meyersberg . The Upper Meyerberg Wood used to be called Girkenhofwald .

The nearby corridors with the names Wöhr and Espan are Alemannic-Juthung . Field names from this language area can also be found in the surrounding area, for example in Wernsbach , Bechhofen , Wollersdorf and Neuendettelsau. From this it can be concluded that settlement activities took place here even before the Franconian conquest , which was not completed for this area until the 8th century. The Girkenhof was probably one of these original courts.

When exactly the court fell in desolation cannot be dated, according to Manfred Keßler this should have happened before 1402. In any case, in 1505 the court was considered dissolved, as can be seen from the Heilsbronn Salbuch:

“That monastery had something [formerly] a farm with the old man on the Mayersberg, called the Girckenhoff. What has been heard in the same yard has been shared, in the above-mentioned yard [Steinhof] come in the division 15 tomorrow to the Mayersberg and 2 tomorrow from the Viechtach and a part in the Schmitner's yard at Wallersdorf [Wollersdorf]. "

The size of the associated fields must be at least 75 acres in total  . In addition to the 17 acres listed above, Schmitners Hof zu Wollersdorf received 40 acres and Matthes Keck's farm to Reuth 18 acres.


  • Manfred Keßler: The knight's seat in Dettelsau in the high and late Middle Ages . (Dissertation). Erlangen 2009, DNB  998940933 , p. 440-441 ( PDF; 11.1 MB ).

Individual evidence

  1. M. Keßler, p. 402.
  2. ^ State Archives Nuremberg , Repertory 400 IV, No. 411 Salbuch 1505, sheet 112: Steinhof. Quoted from M. Keßler, p. 440.