Global Underwater Explorers

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Global Underwater Explorers (GUE)
GUE logo
Founded 1998
Place of foundation High Springs , Florida , USA
president Jarrod Jablonski
Association headquarters High Springs , FL, USA

Global Underwater Explorers (GUE) is a non-profit diving organization founded in 1998 . Based on the requirements of technical , cave and mixed gas diving , its aim was to train exploration divers in its early days.


The organization was founded in 1998 by Jarrod Jablonski and other members of the Woodville Karst Plain Project (WKPP) in Florida. Jarrod Jablonski was an advocate of Hogarthian - Diving Equipment -Systems and the principles of Doing it right . He taught divers worldwide according to these guidelines. In 1995, procedures and protocols were standardized as part of the WKPP, which subsequently led to a significant reduction in diving accidents. These standardizations form the basis for all GUE training courses.

With the growing popularity of the do-it-right system, the GUE also grew and became known worldwide, especially in the field of cave diving. In addition to diving training , the GUE is committed to underwater discovery and research in the field of ecology and decompression . Today the GUE has more than 100 diving instructors worldwide .


The association wants to improve safety for divers and protect the underwater world. These goals are to be achieved through high quality diving training and research . GUE therefore adopted the following principles:

  • Train safe, skilled and knowledgeable divers
  • Conduct and promote underwater research
  • Actively track underwater discoveries
  • Preserve the integrity of the underwater world
  • Providing the public with information about the marine life.


Diver equipped with the equipment configuration typical for DIR

GUE courses differ in content from training courses offered by other diving organizations, among other things, in that a certain equipment configuration - according to the DIR principles - is taught in all courses. Each GUE certification is only valid for a limited time. The diver has to prove 25 dives at the respective level within three years in order to be able to extend the certification. In addition to the passing ( pass ) and failing ( fail ) of an apprenticeship, there is a further evaluation level ( provisional ), which allows the course participant to eliminate the identified deficits within six months and to be checked again. A rating of fail means that the whole course must be repeated. Another special feature of all GUE training courses is that each course participant must evaluate the diving instructor and the course and is also not allowed to be a smoker . As with most diving courses, a medical certificate must also be presented confirming that you are fit to dive .

The training is divided into four so-called curricula :

Recreational Diver curriculum

The Recreational Diver Curriculum (English for recreational diver course ) includes the following diving training:

Recreational Diver Level 1 - Nitrox Diver (Rec 1)

This basic rope training corresponds to the Autonomous Diver according to the international standard ISO 24801-2 and a Nitrox training according to ISO 11107. In addition to the basics of scuba diving, the student learns to dive with enriched air (Nitrox). A maximum diving depth of 21 meters is not exceeded and no decompression dives are made. This course lasts at least five days. No previous knowledge of diving is necessary at the beginning of the course. An age of at least 14 years and good physical fitness are required.

Recreational Diver Level 2 - Triox Diver (Rec 2)

This training focuses on diving with Triox , rescuing accidental divers and decompression theory. A maximum diving depth of 30 meters is not exceeded. This course lasts at least five days and includes both ten theory lessons and ten dives. In addition to a certification as GUE Recreational Diver Level 1 or GUE Fundamentals , a minimum age of 16 years, good physical fitness and a medical certificate are the prerequisites for this training. In addition, the student divers must have completed at least 25 dives after completing their basic diving training.

Recreational Diver Level 3 - Trimix Diver (Rec 3)

This training focuses on diving at greater depths with Trimix and it meets the requirements of the Dive Leader according to ISO 24801-3. A maximum diving depth of 39 meters is not exceeded. This course lasts at least five days and includes at least nine theory lessons and eight dives. In addition to a GUE Recreational Diver Level 2 certification , a minimum age of 18 years is the prerequisite for this training. The student diver must have completed at least 65 non-training dives, at least ten of which he must have made a double tank .

Foundational Diver curriculum

The Foundational Diver Curriculum (engl. For basic diving course ) turns to the other after the standards diving organizations trained divers, allowing entry into the GUE-training system. It includes the following diving training:

Fundamentals Course

The fundamental training is aimed at recreational divers who already have a certification that at least meets the requirements of the Autonomous Diver according to ISO 24801-2. In this course you can deepen your knowledge and skills and get to know the DIR system. This course opens up the possibility of attending further training courses from GUE. The course consists of at least ten theory lessons and six dives . A maximum diving depth of 18 meters is not exceeded and no decompression dives are learned. In addition to having completed basic diving training, a minimum age of 16 years, good physical fitness and a medical certificate are required for this training. In addition, according to the rules of GUE, the student diver must be a non-smoker. The course can be passed with two different assessments ( recreational or technical ). In order to be able to complete courses from the Technical Diving or Cave Diving curricula , the technical assessment is required.

Doubles primer

This course enables you to learn the handling and configuration of double diving cylinders ( double device ). The course lasts one day and includes two theory lessons and three dives. The prerequisite is a completed basic diving training according to ISO 24801-2 and a minimum age of 16 years.

Dry suit primer

This course allows you to learn to dive with a dry suit . The course lasts one day and includes two theory lessons and three dives. The prerequisite is a completed basic diving training according to ISO 24801-2 and a minimum age of 16 years.

GUE primer

This course is designed to perfect buoyancy , trimming and flapping of a diver and deepen the organization of the buddy team and other basics of diving. No certification will be issued at the end of this course. The course lasts two days and includes two theory lessons and three dives. The prerequisite is a completed basic diving training according to ISO 24801-2 and a minimum age of 16 years.

Diver Propulsion Vehicle Level 1

This diving training provides the basic knowledge and the necessary skills to use a diving scooter. The course lasts two days and includes two theory lessons and three dives. In addition to a GUE Recreational Diver Level 1 or GUE Fundamentals certification , a participant must be at least 16 years old. A student diver must have completed at least 75 dives since their basic rope training.

Diver Propulsion Vehicle Level Cave

This diving training imparts the basic knowledge and skills to use a diving scooter in caves. The use of multiple scooters and emergency plans are also discussed. The course duration is five days and includes four theory lessons and seven dives. In addition to a Cave Diver Level 2 and Diver Propulsion Vehicle Level 1 certification , participants must be at least 18 years of age. Since completing the Cave 2 course, the student divers must have completed at least 50 dives at Cave 2 level.

Documentation Diver

The course is designed to provide divers with the knowledge and skills needed to document a project. Prerequisites for participation in the course are the successful completion of a fundamental or a Rec-1 course and at least 25 dives after completing the fundamental course or 75 dives after completing any basic diving training. The minimum age is 18 years.

Technical Diver curriculum

The Technical Diver Curriculum (English for course for technical diving ) includes the following diving courses :

Technical Diver Level 1 (Tech 1)

During this diving training, the diver learns how to handle different breathing gases that are used for deeper dives and the ascent phase. The gas for the ascent is carried in an additional bottle ( stage tank ). Further contents are the dangers of helium components in breathing gases and special decompression procedures. This course enables entry into technical diving. The course lasts at least six days and includes ten theory lessons and nine dives. The maximum diving depth is 51 meters. Student divers must be at least 18 years old, have completed at least 100 dives and have completed the GUE Fundamentals course with a Tech Pass . If the course is held in a cave, the participants must have at least a Cave-Diver-Level-2 -revet and the Instructor must be Cave 2 Instructor .

Technical Diver Level 1 “Plus” upgrade

This advanced course deepens the knowledge of the GUE Technical Diver Level 1 training in the area of ​​different breathing gas mixtures. In addition to the equipment used in the Tech-1 course, an additional diving cylinder ( bottom stage ) containing the same gas mixture as the back device is carried to extend the possible diving time . The course lasts one to two days and includes four theory lessons and two dives. Before participating, proof of GUE Technical Diver Level 1 training and at least 25 subsequent technical dives must be provided.

Technical Diver Level 2 (Tech 2)

This diving training includes the use of pure oxygen for decompression and the handling of breathing gas mixtures with an oxygen content of less than 18%. The dive planning and the configuration of the diving equipment is also deepened. The course lasts at least six days and includes at least seven dives and six theory lessons. The maximum diving depth is 75 meters. A completed GUE Technical Diver Level 1 training as well as at least 25 dives after certification must be proven to participate. In addition, a participant must have performed at least 50 dives with a double device and at least 25 dives with the use of a decompression gas. The minimum age for participation is 18 years. If the course is held in a cave, the participants must have at least a Cave-Diver-Level-2 -revet and the Instructor must be Cave 2 Instructor .

Technical Diver Level 2 “Plus” upgrade

The Technical Diver Level 2 “Plus” upgrade is an experience-based certification level that entitles you to dive to a depth of 90 meters. To apply for the upgrade, the diver must provide evidence of at least 25 Tech 2 level dives .

Technical Diver Level 3 (Tech 3)

The skills and knowledge required for extreme dives are taught in this course. This includes an advanced understanding of the mixed gases that are used for breathing and other areas of focus such as dive planning, decompression sickness , oxygen poisoning , diving scooters (DPV) and thermal insulation. The course lasts at least seven days and includes at least ten dives. A completed GUE-Technical-Diver-Level-2 and a GUE-Cave-Diver-Level-1 training have to be proven. In addition, a participant must have completed a total of more than 300 dives.

Rebreather Diver

This dive training provides basic knowledge and skills needed by a recognized GUE rebreather use. The course lasts five days and includes twelve theory lessons and eight dives. In addition to being certified as a GUE Technical Diver Level 2 , a participant must be at least 21 years old and have demonstrated at least 25 dives at Tech 2 level since completing the GUE Technical Diver Level 2 training .

Cave Diver curriculum

The Cave Diver curriculum (English for cave diver course ) includes the following diving courses :

Cave Diver Level 1 (Cave 1)

In addition to the basic techniques of cave diving, this course provides knowledge of dive planning, team organization, navigation, emergency procedures and environmental protection in a cave. The training lasts at least five days and includes ten theory lessons and twelve dives. Eight of these dives take place in a cave outside the daylight zone. The maximum diving depth is 30 meters. Student divers must be at least 18 years old, have completed at least 100 dives and have completed the GUE Fundamentals course with a Tech Pass . Participation in this training is only recommended for divers with a very good level of physical fitness.

Cave Diver Level 2 (Cave 2)

This course is heavily focused on expanding the practical skills of a cave diver. The most important contents are the diving equipment, the buddy team, the handling of different breathing gases, problem solving, stress management and navigation for advanced divers. The training lasts at least five days and includes at least ten dives in at least three different caves. The maximum diving depth is 30 meters. The prerequisite for this training is a completed GUE Cave Diver Level 1 training and at least 25 dives in a cave.

Cave Diver Level 3 (Cave 3)

This course is designed to enable the diver to undertake long and complex cave expeditions. In addition to the advanced handling of different breathing gases, survival strategies and the use of diving scooters in caves were part of the content. The training lasts at least seven days and includes at least ten dives. The maximum diving depth is 30 meters. Prerequisites for this training are the completion of the GUE Cave Diver Level 2 training, the GUE Tech 1 , the Documentaion Diver and a DPV course. Student divers must be over 21 years old and have completed at least 100 dives in a cave, 75 of which are Cave-2 certified.

Underwater Cave Survey Course

This training is intended to enable experienced cave divers to measure underwater caves . The course deals with cartography as well as teamwork under the water. The training lasts at least five days and includes at least ten dives and ten theory lessons. The maximum diving depth is 30 meters. The prerequisite for this training is the completion of the GUE Cave Diver Level 2 training. Participants must be over 18 years of age and have completed at least 200 dives, 25 of which are Cave 2 certification.

Diving instructor training

Instructors are in an Instructor Training Course trained training mentioned. There are separate instructor training courses for each individual curriculum. Each curriculum has three instructor levels. The diving instructors are trained by so-called Instructor Trainers (IT) who are supervised and advised by a so-called Instructor Evaluator (IE) according to the four-eyes principle . The instructor evaluator also conducts the instructor exams.


The Woodville Karst Plain Project (WKPP) is the most important research project on which the GUE is involved. In addition to questions of diving safety, WKPP primarily deals with the exploration and measurement of as yet unknown cave parts.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Mission Statement. Global Underwater Explorers, Inc, accessed July 4, 2014 .
  2. a b c About The WKPP. Retrieved July 4, 2014 .
  3. ^ Jarrod Jablonski: The Hogarthian Gear Configuration. Jeff Bentley, accessed July 4, 2014 .
  4. David Strike: An Interview with Jarrod Jablonski. Halcyon Manufacturing Australia, 2002, archived from the original on July 18, 2008 ; accessed on July 4, 2014 .
  5. Who cut my line? (No longer available online.) In: Diver Magazin. 2004, archived from the original on June 6, 2011 ; accessed on July 4, 2014 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  6. B. O'Brien: DIR is AOK. In: Diver Magazine. DiverNet: Diver Magazine Online, 2007, accessed July 4, 2014 .
  7. GUE Instructors. Global Underwater Explorers Inc., accessed July 8, 2014 .
  8. a b c d e f g General Training Standards, Policies, and Procedures. (PDF) Global Underwater Explorers, accessed July 9, 2014 .
  9. Recreational diving services - Requirements for the training of recreational scuba divers - Part 2: Level 2 - Autonomous diver (ISO 24801-2). ISO , accessed April 29, 2015 .
  10. Recreational diving services - Requirements for training programs on enriched air nitrox (EAN) diving (ISO 11107). ISO , accessed April 29, 2015 .
  11. a b Rosemary Lunn: Global Underwater Explorers earns EN ISO certifications. (No longer available online.) International Dive Magazine, Aug 11, 2013, archived from the original on July 14, 2014 ; accessed on July 7, 2014 (English). Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  12. Decreational Diver 1. Prerequisites and duration. Global Underwater Explorers, accessed March 17, 2020 .
  13. Recreational diving services - Requirements for the training of recreational scuba divers - Part 3: Level 3 - Dive leader (ISO 24801-3). ISO , accessed April 29, 2015 .