Gottfried Kluttig

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Gottfried Kluttig (born September 1, 1913 in Friedersdorf bei Frauenstein , † March 14, 2004 in Dresden ) was a German cantor and church music director .


Gottfried Kluttig came from the Saxon Erzgebirge . After primary school he attended the state school in Dresden. With the Abitur in 1933, he proposed to study at the church music institute of the State Conservatory of Music in Leipzig . His teachers included u. a. Karl Hoyer in organ, Kurt Thomas in choir direction and Johann Nepomuk David in composition.

After graduating in 1937, he entered the full-time church music service. He began his career at the Evangelical Lutheran St. Markus Church in Dresden- Pieschen as the successor to the church musician Alfred Zimmer . In World War II he was taken to the military service, followed by several years of captivity joined. During this time Max Lehmann was his representative.

In 1950 he returned to the Markuskirche and helped rebuild the community. In the 1950s he initiated the renovation of the owl organ damaged by the air raids on Dresden . As the first post-war cantor in Dresden, he performed the Christmas Oratorio by Johann Sebastian Bach with his choirs and the Collegium musicum. There followed performances a. a. the Historia of the Nativity by Heinrich Schütz , the St. John Passion by Johann Sebastian Bach, the Creation by Joseph Haydn and the Requiem by Anton Bruckner .

In 1961 he became cantor at the town church in Radeberg . In the parish he lifted the separation of boys 'and girls' choirs and established a mixed children's choir , the Kurrende Radeberg . At the same time he became the church music director (KMD) in the church district of Dresden-Land . After KMD Harry Kaiser left , he was again involved in reconstruction processes. He accompanied the installation of the Herbig organ in the 1970s. After the church district was dissolved in 1978, he took over the position of KMD in the Dresden-Nord church district . In 1983 he retired; his successor in Radeberg was Wolfgang Junghanß .

In his music education work he took the regional church music director Alfred Stier as an example and in 1970 published a two-volume singing school. In addition, he was active in catechetical training at the Amalie Sieveking House in Radebeul and as a lecturer for choir and children's choir conducting at the Landeskirchenmusikschule Dresden.

Most recently he lived in a senior citizens' residential complex in Radeberg. His son Christian Kluttig (* 1943) became a conductor.


  • A methodical course for the music education of the choir singer. Represented according to the tonic-do doctrine . 2 volumes: Introduction and working aids for the cantor and primer for the choir student . Church choir of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Saxony, Dresden 1970.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h Dieter Auerbach:  Kluttig, Gottfried. In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL). Volume 32, Bautz, Nordhausen 2011, ISBN 978-3-88309-615-5 , Sp. 792-794.
  2. a b Sometimes he sits at the piano . In: Sächsische Zeitung , September 1, 2003, p. 11.
  3. a b c d Radeberger church music director retired Gottfried Kluttig turns 90 today . In: Dresdner Latest News , September 2, 2003, p. 7.
  4. a b c Dresden cantors and organists report on their activities and the music they have been maintaining at their church. In: Matthias Herrmann (Ed.): The Dresden church music in the 19th and 20th centuries (= Music in Dresden . Vol. 3). Laaber, Laaber 1998, ISBN 3-89007-331-X , p. 415ff., Here: p. 441.
  5. Today only favorite songs in the town church . In: Sächsische Zeitung , September 21, 2013, p. 17.
  6. Iris Schmidt: He is an organ virtuoso . In: Sächsische Zeitung , March 3, 2001, p. 11.
  7. ^ Jens Fritzsche: A musical homecoming. An unusual recital can be experienced in Radeberg on Sunday. And an unusual gramophone . In: Sächsische Zeitung , October 19, 2017, p. 16.