Grzegorz Moryciński

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Grzegorz Moryciński (born November 7, 1936 in Augustów ; † March 15, 2015 ) was a contemporary and award-winning Polish painter. His works have been bought by various Polish museums.


From 1941 to 1946 Moryciński lived in Siberia , where his parents were exiled . From 1951 he attended the state high school of the arts ( Liceum Sztuk Plastycznych ) in Stettin . From 1956 to 1961 he studied painting with Professors Stanisław Szczepański and Artur Nacht-Samborski at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw . He received his diploma with distinction from the Rector.

After completing his studies, he worked as a graphic designer at PP “Moda Polska” . Short stays abroad followed: 1964 in Paris, 1969 three months in Italy as part of a scholarship from the Italian state, 1972 and 1974 in London, 1976 in Sweden. In 1977 Moryciński received a one-year grant from the Foundation for the Promotion of Art ( Fundusz Rozwoju Twórczości Plastycznej ). In 1987 a four-month stay in Australia followed and in 1992 a three-week visit to Stadtlengsfeld as part of an international artist workshop. In 1993 he received an annual grant from the American Pollock Krasner Foundation .

From 1974 to 1980 he took on various functions in the Association of Polish Visual Artists (ZPAP) , including two terms of office, representing the interests of painters. During the period of martial law in Poland , he joined the movement of independent culture ( Ruch Kultury Niezależnej ) and produced leaflets for the then illegal trade union NSZZ "Solidarność" .


W moim głębokim przeświadczeniu malarski obraz kreuje świat. Tożsamy ​​z tym obiektywnym, potocznym, wszystkim dobrze znanym. To, co jest sztuką, musi być próbą dotarcia do ukrytego sensu rzeczywistości. Bowiem natura jest niewyczerpana i oddanie się jej czarowi wcale never osłabia inwencji i artystycznej wizji. Wręcz przeciwnie, pozwala powiedzieć coś istotnego o świecie. Między uważnym patrzeniem, a wyobraźnią, rozpięte jest wszystko, co najważniejsze. "

- Grzegorz Moryciński, 2008

I am deeply convinced that painting creates a world that is identical to the objective, everyday and generally known worldview. What art is must be an attempt to penetrate the hidden meaning of reality. Nature is inexhaustible, the devotion to its magic is in no way intended to weaken the creative power and artistic beings. On the contrary, it allows more essentials to be told about the world. The most important thing spreads between the careful observation and the imagination. "

- Grzegorz Moryciński, 2008


In 1968 Moryciński received the Warsaw City Council Prize in the Boys Painting Competition ( Malarstwo Młodych ). He was awarded twice at the Jan Spychalski competition in Poznan - in 1973 and 1977. In 1979 he received a prize at the exhibition “Autumn in Bielsko” (“Bielska Jesień”). In 1986 he was awarded the ZPAP badge of honor for his commitment to culture. In 1988 he received the annual prize of the Committee for Independent Culture of the NSZZ "Solidarność". In 2007 he was awarded the Special Prize of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. Moryciński was also awarded a prize by the Self-Government of the Masovian Voivodeship for his “Lifetime Achievement” in the “Performing Arts” category. Finally, he was awarded the honorary title of “Donor of the National Library” and a plaque in the gallery of donors of the Polish National Library .


Moryciński was presented in around 40 solo exhibitions in Poland, beginning in 1962 in the Warsaw Salon of Debutants ( Salon Debiutów ). In 1966 his works were exhibited in the Castle of the Dukes of Pomerania ( Zamek Książąt Pomorskich ) in Szczecin, in 1974 in the Regional Museum ( Muzeum Okręgowe ) in Grudziądz , in 1990 in the Archdiocese Museum ( Muzeum Archidiecezji ) in Warsaw and in 2000 in the Archaeological Museum ( Muzeum Archeologic ) shown in poses . In 1969 he exhibited abroad for the first time - in the library of the Society of Italian-Polish Friendship ( Biblioteka Towarzystwa Przyjaźni Włosko-Polskiej ) in Rome , followed by other foreign exhibitions at the Institute of Polish Culture ( Instytut Kultury Polskiej ) in Budapest in 1971 and at the London Institute of Polish Culture ( Instytut Kultury Polskiej ) in 1974. Further solo exhibitions have taken place in galleries in Europe and Australia.


Moryciński's works have been exhibited by the National Museums in Warsaw , Cracow and Szczecin , the Museum of the Archdiocese of Warsaw ( Muzeum Archidiecezjalne w Warszawie ), the Museum of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn ( Muzeum Warmii i Mazur w Olsztynie ), the Museum of Contemporary Art in Radom ( Muzeum Sztuki Współczesnej w Radomiu ) and the Regional Museum in Koszalin ( Muzeum Okręgowe w Koszalinie ). The Warsaw City Council and Centralne Biuro Wystaw Artystycznych (now the Zachęta National Art Gallery ) also bought paintings by Moryciński.


On November 22, 2010, a 40-minute contribution from 1993 about him was broadcast on TVP Kultura . Moryciński has often been a member of juries. In 2006 he was a juror at the Festival of Contemporary Polish Painting ( Festiwal Polskiego Malarstwa Współczesnego ) and in 2008 in the jury for the selection of artists in the “Sport i Olimpizm” competition of the Polish Olympic Committee. In 2009 it was listed at number 49 in the “Kompass Sztuki”.

References and comments

  1. , accessed on March 11, 2017
  2. Artur Nacht-Samborski (1898–1974) was a Polish painter and university professor in Danzig ( Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Sztuk Plastycznych , today: Akademia Sztuk Pięknych ) and Warsaw ( Akademia Sztuk Pięknych )
  3. The 1985 founded and after the couple Jackson Pollock and Lee Krasner named Pollock-Krasner Foundation, Inc. promoted so far worldwide artists in a total of $ 52 million gem. the website ( Memento of the original from December 20, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. of the Foundation (in English) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. Julia Rzemek, Najlepsi artyści Mazowsza ( Memento of the original from December 12, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. at Życie Warszawy Online from June 26, 2008 (in Polish)
  5. a b c according to Article Trzech malarzy. Trzy spojrzenia. - May 6, 2008 to May 24, 2008 ( Memento of the original from December 4, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. at (in Polish)  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  6. ^ Jan Spychalski (1893–1946) was a Polish painter, author and publicist
  7. according to Information on Moryciński, Grzegorz (ur. 1936r.) At (in Polish)
  8. Grzegorz Moryciński Darczyńcą BN at Biblioteka Narodowa Online from June 17, 2009 (in Polish)
  9. according to Activist magazine , September 2000, Strefa Miejska Poznań , p. 73 (in Polish)
  10. according to a program information at ( Memento of the original of December 13, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (in Polish)  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  11. according to the information on the XXI Festiwal Polskiego Malarstwa Współczesnego on the website of the ZPAP subdivision in Szczecin
  12. according to the information bankruptcy Sztuki 2008 ( Memento of the original from December 12, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. on the website of the Polish Olympic Committee  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  13. The “Kompass Sztuki” is a ranking of contemporary Polish artists
  14. according to the 2009 ranking of "Kompass Sztuki" (in Polish)


  • Information folder Grzegorz Moryciński , Akcydens (print), Warsaw 1994
  • Janusz Leppek, invitation to the exhibition opening on June 9, 1994, Grzegorz Moryciński , Galeria na Tarczyńskiej (ed.), Warsaw 1994

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