Hamman von Holzhausen

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Hamman von Holzhausen (1467–1536)

Hamman von Holzhausen , (born September 14, 1467 in Frankfurt am Main ; † October 30, 1536 ibid) was an important Frankfurt patrician and councilor . He held the office of Senior Mayor of the Free Imperial City of Frankfurt several times and was considered a promoter of the Reformation and humanism .


Hamman von Holzhausen was born on September 14, 1467 in Frankfurt am Main. His parents were Johann zum Goldstein von Holzhausen († 1474) and Katharine Schwarzenberg († 1498).

From 1480 he studied law at the University of Tübingen , which had just been founded , and then in Leipzig and Erfurt . After an extensive educational trip to Italy, he returned to his hometown in 1491, where he became a councilor in 1493 and a lay judge in 1499. In 1507, 1518, 1524 and 1530 he held the office of senior mayor for one year each .

In 1519 he called the humanist Wilhelm Nesen to Frankfurt and initiated the establishment of a Latin school for the sons of the patrician families, whose first rector was Nesen. From this school later emerged the municipal high school .

In 1522, as patron of the St. Catherine's Monastery, he invited Luther's student Hartmann Ibach from Marburg to Frankfurt to give the first Reformation sermons in St. Catherine's Church . In the following years he represented the city at the Reichstag in Nuremberg and Speyer . In 1523/24 Dietrich Sartorius preached to St. Bartholomew and St. Katharinen at his invitation .

In 1491 he married the bourgeois daughter Margarete Helle . She was the daughter of the lawyer Georg von Helle , who was the Elector of Mainz Chancellor and favorite of Emperor Friedrich III. the Holzhausen family gained access to the leading circles of the empire. Hamman had seven children with her, three of whom survived childhood: Margaretha (* 1494), Katharina (* 1495) and Justinian von Holzhausen (* 1502). Margarete von Holzhausen died in 1506 at the age of 30.

Hamman von Holzhausen died on October 30, 1536 in his hometown and was buried in St. Peter's Church.


Hamman von Holzhausen was one of the greatest and most respected statesmen in Frankfurt history . Although himself a staunch supporter of the Reformation, Hamman's level-headed demeanor made a significant contribution to ensuring that the Reformation in Frankfurt did not end in conflict with the Emperor and the Archbishop and Elector of Mainz , who owned the parish rights in Frankfurt. His diplomatic skills were also shown in 1525 during the Frankfurt guild uprising , which broke out during his tenure as mayor. In the dispute over the demands of the insurgents, which are set out in 46 articles , he took on a mediating role. Under his leadership, the council called on April 13, 1525, the two Reformation preachers  Johann Bernhard  and  Dionysius Melander  to the Bartholomäuskirche to please the citizens. This was the beginning of a Protestant church in Frankfurt am Main . In 1526 Holzhausen and other patricians demonstratively stayed away from the Corpus Christi procession .

The memory of the noble Holzhausen family and above all of Hamman and his son Justinian (1502–1553) is fostered in Frankfurt in many ways to this day:

Hamman von Holzhausen is the eponymous hero of a novel by Maria Krummacher ("Hamman von Holzhausen, a Frankfurt patrician story") from 1885.


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