Hans Schadewaldt

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Hans Schadewaldt (born May 7, 1923 in Cottbus ; † August 21, 2009 in Düsseldorf ) was a German doctor and medical historian .

Live and act

Schadewaldt studied medicine and history at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen , at the Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg and at the Albertus University of Königsberg . In the meantime he served in the Navy during World War II . From 1945 to 1948 he was an assistant doctor in French prisoner-of-war hospitals . In 1949 he was promoted to Dr. med. PhD. From 1950 to 1954 he worked at the University Children's Hospital in Tübingen. He then took over the management of the scientific department of Ciba AG in Wehr (Baden) and became a research assistant at the Medical History Institute of the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg . His specialization is not unaffected by his renowned uncle, the historian and classical philologist Wolfgang Schadewaldt .

In 1961 he qualified as a professor in Freiburg for the history of medicine . From 1963 he taught the history of medicine at the Medical Academy in Düsseldorf . From 1965 to 1991 he was a professor at the Heinrich Heine University that emerged from it . Schadewaldt's areas of specialization included art and medicine, marine and tropical medicine , hospital management and epidemics, but also ancient Greek music therapy . Some of his books became standard works .

Regularly came Schadewaldt in talk shows by Jürgen fly and in popular science broadcasts. In such productions he also worked as a historical advisor. He went twice as a ship's doctor on the Gorch Fock and became a reserve fleet doctor for the German Navy . In 1971 he founded the German Society for Shipping and Naval History . For many years he was President of the Rhenish-Westphalian Academy of Sciences .



  • Art and Medicine , 2nd edition DuMont Schauberg, Cologne 1971, ISBN 3-7701-0361-0 .
  • History of Diabetes Mellitus . Springer, Berlin 1975
  • History of allergy . Dustri-Verlag Feistle, Munich-Deisenhofen 1979/1983 (4 volumes).
  • The medicine man among primitive peoples . J. Fink Verlag 1968 / reprinted by Robugen Arzneimittel GmbH Esslingen (Korodin cardiovascular drops)


  • The return of the epidemics. Is Medicine Powerless? vgs Verlag, Cologne 1994, ISBN 3-8025-1276-6 (together with Hermann Feldmeier).
  • with Gert Carstensen and Paul Vogt: Surgery in Art. Düsseldorf and Vienna 1983.
  • with René Dumesnil: The famous doctors , 2nd edition Cologne 1960.


  • Walter Göpfert, Hans H. Otten (Ed.): Metanoeite. Change yourselves through new thinking. Festschrift for Professor Hans Schadewaldt on the completion of the 60th year of life . Triltsch Verlag, Düsseldorf 1983, ISBN 3-7998-0034-4 .
  • Institute for the History of Medicine at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (ed.): Directory of Düsseldorf works on the history of medicine (1914–2002). Hans Schadewaldt 80 years; Institute for the History of Medicine in Düsseldorf 40 years . Toenner Verlag, Erkrath 2003.
  • Robert Jütte : Hans Schadewaldt †. Nestor in medical history . In: Deutsches Ärzteblatt , Volume 106 (2009), C 1553, ISSN  0176-3989 .
  • Alfons Labisch (Ed.): In memoriam Prof. Dr. Hans Schadewaldt (1923–2009). Directory of Düsseldorf works on the history of medicine . Düsseldorfer University Press (dup), Düsseldorf 2010, ISBN 978-3-940671-69-1 .

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Individual evidence

  1. Dissertation: Gynecology and obstetrics in Margagni's work “De sedibus et causis morborum” 1761 .
  2. Habilitation thesis: The theory of allergy and allergic diseases in their historical development .
  3. a b History of Medicine: In memoriam Prof. Dr. Dr. hc Hans Schadewaldt  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Press release of the University of Düsseldorf from August 25, 2009, accessed on August 27, 2009@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.uni-duesseldorf.de  
  4. imdb.de
  5. Extended version of the article of the same name in the work Metabolic Diseases, edited by Herbert Schwiegk , Vol. 2, Diabetes mellitus / A (Handbook of Internal Medicine; Vol. 7). Springer, Berlin 1975.