Heinrich Hitzigrath

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Heinrich Karl August Hitzigrath (born April 10, 1855 in Zinten , East Prussia , † January 28, 1925 in Hamburg ) was a German high school teacher.


Hitzigrath was a late-born son of the Zinten pastor August Hitzigrath (1813-1859) and his wife née. Giese.

Wittenberg and Halle

As a four-year-old without a father, Heinrich Hitzigrath attended elementary school in Wittenberg . He felt quite at home in his mother's hometown. At Easter 1865 he was accepted into the orphanage of the Francke Foundations in Halle . After a year at the German School, he switched to the Latina (school) , where Michaelis passed the Abitur exam in 1874. He studied German, history, geography and philosophy at the Friedrichs University in Halle . On October 20, 1874 he became a fox in the Landsmannschaft Teutonia Halle . He distinguished himself twice as consenior and twice as senior . His association sent him several times to the meetings of the Coburg Landsmannschafter Convent . After the cartel connections Verdensia to Göttingen and Makaria to Würzburg Corps , Teutonia was also faced with this step. Long inactive , Hitzigrath fought his last mensur in January 1878 in his 7th semester . He remained a regular second . As a student of Ernst Dümmler and Gustav Droysen it was in December 1879 in hall to Dr. phil. PhD. In February 1881 he passed the state examination in his subjects and religion. He completed his probationary year at what was later to become the Luther-Melanchthon-Gymnasium in Wittenberg. Since 1882 scientific assistant teacher, he was for the winter half-year 1883/84 from the Kgl. Prussian gymnastics teacher training institute in Berlin convened to learn gymnastics and swimming lessons. Michaelis in 1884 he was employed as a full teacher. When Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm visited the Luther Festival in Wittenberg in 1884, Hitzigrath acted as herald . In the same year he married Emma Birner from Wittenberg. He worked at the Wittenberg high school until Midsummer 1888.


He then taught until Easter 1895 as a senior teacher at the secondary school for girls and at the seminary of the St. Johannis Monastery (Hamburg) . He was appointed to the higher state schools by the high school authorities and transferred to the Johanneum Realgymnasium . Since 1899, high school teacher , he was appointed director of the new on December 20, 1905 grammar school in Hamburg-Hamm appointed. He left it at Easter 1906. After the November Revolution, the Hamburg parliament decided that all school directors should be re-elected by the teaching staff. Hitzigrath, weakened by the turnip winter , refused with two other directors. He was elected by a high senate and does not need a new election. Although he was re-elected, he took a leave of absence and soon retired on May 1, 1920. Because of a pinched hernia , he was operated on as an emergency in January 1925, with success, but with atherosclerosis without lasting success. He died before his 70th birthday and was buried on January 31 at the Ohlsdorf cemetery. Pastor Johannes Lehfeldt placed his funeral speech in Chapel 7 under the word from the Gospel according to John 6:39.

In his publications , Hitzigrath dealt with Andreas Gryphius , Wilhelm I. , Hugo Grotius , the resurrection of Jesus Christ , the continental barrier , the English Church (Hamburg) , the Danish-Swedish War 1657/58 and the Merchant Adventurers . The trade relations between Hamburg and England were a big issue for him. He loved (and sang) the ballads by Carl Loewe .


Hitzigrath's second son died on September 4, 1914 at Château-Thierry . The son-in-law died in August 1917. One surviving son was the Berlin pastor Helmut Hitzigrath , whose son is the Berlin SPD politician Rüdiger Hitzigrath .


  • Andreas Gryphius as a comedy poet . Wittenberg 1885. 20 pp.
  • Speech for the 90th birthday of Sr. Majesty the Emperor and King . Wittenberg 1887. pp. 23-29.
  • The life and work of the Dutch statesman and scholar Hugo Grotius , in: Festschrift for the celebration of the inauguration of the new high school building in Wittenberg . Wittenberg 1888. pp. 111-125.
  • The meaning of the resurrection of Christ for the Christian faith . Hamburg 1889.
  • Hamburg and the continental barrier. Hamburg 1900 . 30 pp.
  • The English house on Gröningerstrasse . Hamburg Correspondent 1901.
  • Two lists of ships and merchants trading at sea in Hamburg 1665 . Hamburg Correspondent 1904.
  • The Merchant Adventurers Company . Hamburg 1904.
  • Hamburg during the Swedish-Danish War (1657–1660) . Hamburg 1905.
  • Hamburg trade in the 18th century . Hamburg News 1905.
  • A battle of Hamburg warships in 1628 . Communications from the Association for Hamburg History, Vol. VIII.
  • History . Hamburg 1907, pp. 3-13.
  • The political relations between Hamburg and England at the time of Jacobs I, Charles I and the Republic 1611–1660 . Hamburg 1907. 47 pp.
  • The trade relations between Hamburg and England from 1611 to 1660 . Hamburg 1912. 51 pp.
  • The cloth merchants ("garment tailors"), riders and dyers of Hamburg as well as their relationships with the English court . Hamburg 1914.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Director Prof. Dr. Heinrich Hitzigrath. Corps newspaper of "Teutonia" in Halle, year 1925, No. 1 (May), pp. 7-10.
  2. ^ List of all members of the Corps Masovia 1823 to 2002 . Potsdam 2003.
  3. Dissertation: The Publicistics of the Peace of Prague 1635 .
  4. Kössler's Teaching Dictionary (GEB)
  5. a b Wittenberg Gymnasium program
  6. Hamburg Klosterschule program
  7. ^ Program Hamburg Realgymnasium des Johanneum
  8. a b c d Program Hamburg Realschule Hamm