Henning Rudem

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Henning Rüdem (also: Rüden or Rudenius ; * around 1500 , † around 1553 ) was a German printer at the time of the Reformation . As the first entrepreneur of his kind, he ran “ a real printing company in Hanover ”.


So far, Henning Rüdem was first proven in 1537 in Wittenberg because of his " Handel " there. From 1539 he was in the service of Duke Heinrich in Wolfenbüttel and printed for him, among other things, diatribes against his political opponents.

In 1543 Rüdem was brought to Hildesheim by the reformer Antonius Corvinus . Henning Rüdem was active in Hanover either from the same year 1543 or from 1544 and until 1549. In Kramerstrasse there , he printed theological and liturgical works on behalf of Corvinus and others . During this time, a total of 22 prints were made in the Rüdems “workshop” in Hanover, including for example

At the same time in Hanover, Rüdem ran a “ bookshop ” on the local “Hokenmarkt” next to the Marktkirche , from where his printing works were mainly sold to the city of Hanover and the Calenberg-Göttingen region .

After Rüdems main client Antonius Corvinus was arrested in 1549, Henning Rüdem returned to Wolfenbüttel, where he returned to the service of Duke Heinrich.

Other fonts (selection)

  • The following books were printed in Wolfenbüttel through heirs of Henning Rüdem:
    • Johann Fabri : The right way: || Which way or rhinestones / who believes || to walk or walk / that he comes to the || eternal rueg vnd friden / from the words of the || Prophet Hieremy / Stand on the || streets vnd sehent etc. about 6. || Preached. || By D. Johan Fabri from || Hailbrun / Thumprediger || to Augspurg. || … || Wolfenbüttel, 1554, F 163 in the VD 16 .
    • Court of Justice rules || of the Illuminated Highborn || Fuersten vnd Hern / Hern Heinrichs || of the juvenile Hertzog zu Braun = || silent vnd ​​Luenenburg etc. || Newly ordered and || court. || Wolfenbüttel, 1556, B 7292 in the VD 16 .


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Individual evidence

  1. a b Compare the information under the GND number of the German National Library .
  2. a b c d e Hugo Thielen: RÜDEM, Henning (see literature).
  3. ^ A b Hugo Thielen: Rüdem, Henning (see literature).