Homosexuality in Turkmenistan

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Geographical location of Turkmenistan

Homosexual acts between men are criminal in Turkmenistan and can be punished with up to two years imprisonment according to section 135 of the Turkmen Penal Code from 1997. Accordingly, there is no public homosexual scene in the country. Dealing with homosexual acts among women is not mentioned in the law. Socially, homosexuality is considered outlawed. Due to the persecution, there are refugee movements to neighboring Kyrgyzstan , where homosexuality is not a criminal offense. However, the social situation there is also described as very difficult and there is mistreatment of homosexuals by the police.

According to the human rights organization Human Rights Watch , there have been reports of police extortion against homosexual men.

International reactions

The German MPs Holger Haibach (CDU), Angelika Graf (SPD) and Volker Beck (Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen) , for example, made demands for decriminalization on a delegation of the Human Rights Committee in April 2007. However, the Turkmen Foreign Minister Raşit Meredow ruled out decriminalization and replied that homosexuality contradicted Turkmen culture.

Also in 2007, a homosexual woman from Turkmenistan received asylum in the USA.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Corporate report, Turkmenistan - Country of Concern , Foreign & Commonwealth Office
  2. Kyrgyzstan: Focus on gay and lesbian rights
  3. ^ World Report 2013 , Human Rights Watch
  4. Dark times for homosexuals in Turkmenistan , press release by Volker Beck, April 5, 2007
  5. Lesbian From Turkmenistan Wins Asylum In US , May 3, 2007