Horst Bischoff

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Horst Bischoff (born July 25, 1936 in Stettin ) was an officer in the special service of the Ministry for State Security of the GDR from 1970 to 1990 and in this function from 1988 to 1990 head of the Institute of the Customs Administration of the GDR .


Horst Bischoff's parents were farmers in Mecklenburg . From 1943 to 1950 he was a student at the elementary school in Reinkenhagen near Greifswald . In 1950 he became a member of the FDJ and a full-time pioneer leader . From 1951 to 1953 he was an apprentice at VEB Bau-Union Stralsund and graduated as a bricklayer .

At the age of 16 he applied to become a member of the SED , four years later, in 1956 this was granted and he became a candidate for the SED. His parents were against this party membership and actually had the intention that the son one day take over his parents' farm. This was rejected by Horst Bischoff, however, and he broke up with his parents.

From 1955 to 1956 Bischoff was a member of the barracked people's police , from 1956 of the NVA . In 1957 he became a member of the Office for Customs and Control of Goods Movement (AZKW) and was employed here in the Investigation and Law Department, which later became the customs investigation department. In 1959 he became a member of the SED. From 1960 to 1962 he attended the Middle School of the People's Police in Aschersleben and was trained as a criminalist . On August 13, 1961, Bischoff took part in this use in the construction of the Berlin Wall .

Before 1964, Bischoff passed the higher education entrance qualification at the adult education center . From 1964 to 1968 he was a student at the Humboldt University in Berlin , specializing in criminology . From about 1967 to 1970 Bischoff was an unofficial employee (IM) of the Ministry for State Security of the GDR (MfS), from November 1, 1970 he acted as an officer in the special operation of the MfS (OibE) under the code name "Manfred". Until 1972 or 1973 he was Head of Customs Investigation in the head office in Berlin before he switched to the technical college of the customs administration of the GDR in Plessow , where he became the first deputy director.

Horst Bischoff had been Dr. jur. after doing his dissertation in the field of criminology at the Potsdam Juristic College, “The activity of the customs investigation service to investigate and combat the organized dispatch of parcels and parcels to the GDR, which occurred in the context of political-ideological diversion and the hostile contact policy of the enemy by West Germans and West Berlin Organizations takes place ”.

In 1976 and in the late 1970s / early 1980s, members of the customs authorities in Cuba and Ethiopia also studied in Plessow. In this context, Bischoff traveled to these countries. On April 27, 1979, the head of the Customs Defense Department of HV VI of the MfS made an assessment of OibE comrade Major Horst Bischoff . In this, Bischoff was certified extensive and well-founded Chekist knowledge and skills which he used to shield the customs administration delegation from " hostile activities " during his business trips to Cuba and Ethiopia and to obtain information of operational importance about contact persons. Bischoff was personally subordinate to a FIM , which in turn ran a network of four IM / GMS . Through his personal commitment, more continuity in the conspiratorial cooperation with "positive results" could be achieved. It was also estimated that Horst Bischoff informed the MfS about all politically and operationally relevant processes that he became aware of and, in accordance with his role, brought about changes in the interests of the MfS with a very high volume of information and played a major role in the conspiratorial enforcement of the MfS's interests in the Customs college.

With the express consent of the MfS, the Technical College of the Customs Administration became an institute with a university character from January 1, 1981 . Bischoff became the deputy for research here .

The B-PhD with the dissertation "Requirements for the effective design of the customs control of the cross-border exchange travel according to the internal , external and security policy requirements in the implementation of the politics of our party " took place in 1984, the preparation of this was mainly only with the help of specialist knowledge some of his subordinate employees of the law chair at the institute possible. In 1985 he became professor of constitutional law at the Institute of Customs Administration in the GDR.

In 1988, Bischoff was appointed director of the institute and chief customs inspector , after the previous director of customs inspector Dieter Rutsch was largely unimportant as IM for the MfS and after an incident under the influence of alcohol, which became known in the institute, was no longer acceptable for the MfS. As OibE of the MfS, Horst Bischoff was, along with Dieter Rutsch, a major pioneer for the close ties between the Institute of Customs Administration and the Potsdam University of Law with their dogmatic state security guidelines and guidelines.

After the reunification and German unification , Bischoff became involved as a founding member and deputy chairman of the initiative group for the protection of the social rights of former members of armed organs and the customs administration of the GDR. V. (ISOR). This registered association is at least suspected of engaging in historical revisionism . On the website of Kai Homilius Verlag Werder (Havel) , Horst Bischoff is named as a co-author of the book "Siegerjustiz?" In the author's biography, Bischoff's conspiratorial activities at the time are completely faded out.

His wife was a saleswoman in the Intershop in Potsdam in the former GDR . Horst Bischoff lives today in Berlin-Neu-Hohenschönhausen .


  • Jörn-Michael Goll: Controlled Controllers: The Importance of the Customs Administration for the Politically Operational Work of the Ministry for State Security of the GDR. Göttingen 2011, pages 321, 323, 440, 441.
  • Günter Förster: The Law School of the Ministry for State Security: the social structure of its doctoral students. Münster 2001, pages 481 and 520.

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Individual evidence

  1. Jörn-Michael Goll: Controlled Controllers: The Importance of the Customs Administration for the Politically Operational Work of the Ministry for State Security of the GDR. Göttingen 2011, page 441.