Horst Mesalla

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Horst Mesalla (born April 30, 1935 in Breslau ) is a German theater scientist , musicologist and business economist with a doctorate who has worked as artistic director , manager and director , most recently as general manager and manager of the Schleswig-Holsteinische Landestheater und Sinfonieorchester GmbH .

Live and act

In Berlin

In Schleswig

  • 1974–2000: General director and managing director of the Schleswig-Holstein State Theater and Symphony Orchestra GmbH

“Everyone involved hoped that the hotly debated reorganization would give them one last chance and that the 11 million budget would be enough. The first season with 652 performances attracted 245,000 visitors, so it was successful and profitable. From ancient plays to world theater to environmental problems, boulevard theater, fairy tales, operas, ballet, operettas, special guest performances with celebrities such as Dietmar Schönherr , Margot Trooger , Heinz Drache and others, and Schlosshofspiele in Gottorf were gladly accepted. In 1986 a theater pedagogue position was also set up to work with schools. And so Dr. In 1994, at the end of the 20th season of the Landestheater, Mesalla reported that lively, successful and cultural-political work was being done and that the audience was encouragingly strong. "

- Brigitte Rosinski : Curtain up! ... , 2013

Mesalla's exciting report “Kampf ums Theater” in his book Believe not everything is theater , published in 2018

“Unveils a captivating kaleidoscope of 26 years of theater construction after the merger of the theaters of Flensburg , Rendsburg and Schleswig and the Flensburg Symphony Orchestra . It is at the same time an entertaining factual report of legendary artistic events and surprising political actions as well as the reactions of the general manager during the construction of a new theater with more than five million visitors in the first quarter of a century. "

- Publishing advertising : Don't believe everything is theater, 2018

The individual chapters (p. 56 ff.) Are as follows:

As a director

Director for drama, opera and castle festivals a. a .:

As a board member

Board member:

In honorary office


  • Heinrich George. Attempt to reconstruct the acting performance with special consideration of contemporary journalism , dissertation, Freie Universität Berlin, 1968
  • Schleswig-Holstein State Theater and Symphony Orchestra 1974–1994 , Volume III, Schleswig: Schleswig: Schleswig-Holstein Printing and Publishing House 1994.
  • Don't think everything is theater. From the Berlin Renaissance theater to the largest state theater , Husum: Husumer Druck- und Verlagsgesellschaft 2018.


  • Rolf-Peter Carl: Curtain up! Theater in Schleswig-Holstein , Heide: Boyens 2008.
  • Brigitte Rosinski: Curtain up! Theater life in Flensburg. Historical introduction by Dr. Dieter Pust , Flensburg: Society for Flensburg City History 2013.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Rosinski: Curtain up! ... , 2013, p. 98.
  2. Mesalla: Don't believe everything is theater ... , 2018, back of the book
  3. Mesalla (2018, p. 8): “... Martha Mödl, whom I was able to hire decades later as general manager to Flensburg for Lady Begbick in Weill's 'Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny'. A singer who has left her mark on the ensemble with her professional ethos. During the snow disaster in 1979 , she made her way on adventurous routes from Munich to Flensburg, just so as not to let the idea 'burst'. "