Hugues Roger

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Hugues Roger OSB (* 1293 ; † October 21, 1363 ), called le Cardinal de Tulle , was a son of Guillaume I. Rogier and Guillemette de Mestre, brother of Pope Clement VI. and by Guillaume II. Roger , uncle of Pope Gregory XI. , Cardinal priest at the titular church of San Lorenzo in Damaso .



Hugues Roger began his religious life in the Benedictine abbey of Tulle then under the rule of his uncle Pierre Roger , abbot of Saint-Pons-de-Thomières . He then became prior of Pardailhan . After the death of his uncle, he entered the Abbey of Saint-Jean-d'Angély . A year after his brother was elected Pope, he was made abbot.

Clement VI. fetched him on July 13, 1342 from his abbey to make him Bishop of Tulle and only a week later, on September 20, cardinal priest of San San Lorenzo in Damaso. In 1344 he became prior of Saint-Martin in Mesvres as the predecessor of his nephew Pierre Roger de Beaufort , who held the office from 1357 to 1364 and who was better than Pope Gregory XI. is known. From 1347 to 1350 he was (as Hugues VII) Abbot of Cluny .


Bouzols Castle

The new cardinal's first real estate acquisition took place before the celebrations of the birth of Christ in 1342. He bought their palace in Villeneuve-lès-Avignon from the heirs of Napoleone Orsini , cardinal deacon of Sant'Adriano al Foro . On July 25, 1345 he acquired the barony of Portes-Bertrand (with the Château de Portes in Portes (Gard) ) and half of the cities of Anduze and Alès for the sum of 62,000 gold florins from Humbert II Dauphin von Viennois .

On November 3, 1347 he acquired fiefs and baronies of Bouzols , Fay, les Bories and Servissac, as well as Coubon at Le Puy-en-Velay for 24,000 livre tournois . He gave this property to his nephew Guillaume III on May 4, 1351 . Roger de Beaufort , Viscount de Turenne , on.

Before he died of the plague on January 13, 1348 , Cardinal Elie de Nabinal , Patriarch of Jerusalem , bequeathed Montolivet to Clement VI. This simple defense tower on the heights of Villeneuve-lès-Avignon was flanked from then on by magnificent residential buildings. The property, which was first passed on to Marie Roger de Beaufort, niece of the Pope, was later bought by Hugues Roger.

Finally, in 1352, the Cardinal de Tulle acquired the town of Bagnols-sur-Cèze with the fiefs of Saint-Nazaire , Saint-Gervais , Vénéjan and Gigon Hugues Roger also sold a pension on the Pont-Saint-Esprit toll to Rainaldo and Giordano Orsini who have favourited Cardinal Napoleone Orsini's heirs for 22,000 Foldflorin. The contract for this was initialed on September 28, 1352, the confirmation took place in February 1353. All these baronies were then passed on by the Cardinal to Guillaume II. Roger . The death of Clement VI. put an end to further acquisitions.

Rejection of the papal election

On September 4, 1361 Huges Roger Camerlengo became a member of the College of Cardinals . After the death of Innocent VI. on September 13, 1362 he was elected Pope with 15 votes at the conclave . The surprised Cardinal Camerlengo turned down the election.

There was a second round. Eleven votes went to Raymond de Canillac , Cardinal Bishop of Palestrina , another illustrious member of the Rogier de Beaufort family . But that wasn't enough. Guillaume d'Aigrefeuille l'Ancien , the Cardinal of Zaragoza, cousin of Cardinal of Tulle, then hit his candidate Guillaume de Grimoard, the abbot of Saint-Victor de Marseille , who was elected on 28 September 1362 and to Urban V called .


Hugues Roger died on October 21, 1363 in the Abbey of Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Mallast in Montolieu , where he had retired. According to his wish, his body was buried in the church of Saint-Germain-les-Belles in the Limousin , which he had given generously to. There he had a copper grave built with a gold-gilt lid, adorned with limousine enamel, precious metal plates and sculptures.

Bertrand de Cosnac , the Bishop of Comminges , and Cardinal Hugues de Saint-Martial were the executors of the Cardinal's will, who had left a treasure of 1.5 million livres in gold.


  • François Duchesne : Histoire de tous les cardinaux françois de naissance ou qui ont été promus au cardinalat par l'expresse recommandation de nos roys. Paris 1660.
  • Anselme de Sainte-Marie : Histoire généalogique et chronologique de la maison royale de France, des pairs, grands officiers de la Couronne et de la maison du roi, des anciens barons du royaume avec les qualités, l'origine, le progrès et les armes de leurs familles. Paris 1712.
  • JB Christophe: Histoire de la papauté pendant le XIVe siècle avec des notes et des pièces justificatives , Paris, 1853.
  • Ch.Berton : Dictionnaire des cardinaux, contenant les notions générales sur le cardinalat et la nomenclature complète des cardinaux de tous les temps et de tous les pays. Paris 1857.
  • R. Fages: Le tombeau du cardinal de Tulle à Saint-Germain-les-Belles. Limoges 1885.
  • Guillaume Mollat : Contribution à l'histoire du Sacré Collège de Clément V à Eugène IV. In: Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique. Volume 46, 1961.
  • J. de. Font-Réaulx: Les cardinaux d'Avignon, leurs armoiries et leurs sceaux. In: Annuaire de la Société des amis du palais des papes. Volume 47–52, No. 140 à 186, 1971–1975.


  1. a b c d e f Roger, OSB, Hugues. In: Salvador Miranda : The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church. ( Florida International University website ), accessed January 4, 2019.
  2. Jean-Baptiste Trottet-Le-Gentil (1681-1703 canon in Saint-Pons-de-Thomières), Chronology of the abbez du monastère et des évesques de l'église de Saint-Pons-de-Thomières
  3. Fay and Servissac are now districts of Saint-Germain-Laprade
  4. What is meant is the Chicon castle above Chusclan
  5. In the French text: quinze cent mille livres en or