Ice Road Truckers

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Television series
German title Ice Road Truckers
Original title Ice Road Truckers
Country of production Canada
original language English
length 45 minutes
Episodes 138 in 11 seasons
genre Documentary Soap
Theme music Aerosmith - Livin 'on the Edge
production David McKillop
Dolores Gavin
Thom Beers
Philip Segal
Dawn Fitzgerald
Adam Martin
Aron Plucinski
First broadcast June 17, 2007 on History
first broadcast
February 3, 2008 on History



  • Thom Beers

Ice Road Truckers is an American documentary soap about truck drivers on ice roads in the Canadian Northwest Territories and Alaska . In Germany, the series is broadcast by Super RTL , RTL , n-tv , History , History HD, RTL Nitro and new episodes on ProSieben Maxx .


“At the end of the world there is an extraordinary place and a job that few truckers are up to. The task: cargo weighing tons has to be transported 600 km across frozen lakes. The goal: the diamond mines in northern Canada. 10,000 loads, and you only have 60 days, because then spring will come and the ice runway will melt. The reward is great, but the risk is greater. "

- Narrator : opening credits Ice Road Truckers
Ice Road, here on the Mackenzie River

There are diamond mines in northern Canada that are not normally accessible by vehicles. But for two months it is so cold that all the lakes freeze and the company Tli Cho Landtran is building an ice road between the mines and the city of Yellowknife . Truckers from all over America gather in the small town to bring many thousands of tons of cargo to the mines, because a tour can bring them up to US $ 2000. Many truckers earn their annual wages in these 60 days. But the tours on the ice are not without danger. The roads are slippery, snowstorms are constantly approaching and temperatures of −40 ° C prevail. For the truckers who want to complete as many tours as possible in the shortest possible time, the Ice Road can become a deadly trap, as driving errors can break the ice of the lakes.

Charisma and locations

United States Germany Place of action
History History RTL
season 1 17.06.2007–
Tibbitt to Contwoyto Winter Road
season 2 08.06.2008–
Tuktoyaktuk Winter Road
season 3 31.05.2009–
Dalton Highway
Season 4 06.06.2010–
Dalton Highway
Season 5 05.06.2011–
Dalton Highway / Manitoba
Season 6 03.06.2012–
Dalton Highway / Manitoba
Season 7 09.06.2013-
Season 8 07.07.2014-
Manitoba, Ontario

main characters

Hugh Rowland

Hugh, based in Kelowna , southern British Columbia , is fifty years old and has been an ice road trucker for 20 years. He can be seen in the first 8 seasons. He is known to his colleagues as "The Polar Bear", which can be attributed to his strong personality, harsh attitude, endurance and high number of charges per season. He owns four tractors, three of which are driven by Drew Sherwood, Todd White, and his friend and employee Rick Yemm. All trucks have the door label "R&R Hoe Service", Hugh's Winfield company . When he had trouble with the boss of Polar in season 6 and couldn't stand him anymore, he and his friend Vlad Prescott founded a company (VP-Express) in season 7 and wanted to show it to Polar. From the ninth season, the role of the competitor is taken over by Darrell Ward.

Rick Yemm

He is one of Hugh Rowland's employees and is also from Kelowna. In the first season he drives his second season on the Ice Road. In his first year he was one of the first on the track when the ice was still the loudest. This experience made him almost toss everything. But he decided to go on and said "I was too stupid and too stubborn to quit" ("I was too stupid and too stubborn to quit."). He can be seen in the 1st to 2nd and in the 5th to 6th season.

Alex Debogorski

Alex is a living legend among ice road truckers as 2011 was his 30th season. Debogorski has eleven children and ten grandchildren and lives in Yellowknife all year round . In the first season he had the honor of being the first to drive the ice track. In the second season he had to break off prematurely because his health did not play along. He was flown from Inuvik by plane to Yellowknife and was taken to a hospital there. He had a blood clot in his right lung and a second one in his left was suspected. He can also be seen in all seasons. In season 7 he drives for Polar and not for his friend's (VP) company. In the 8th season he moved there.

Jay Westgard

Jay also lives in Yellowknife. Because of his young age, he is considered to be one of the most talented of his generation in the Ice Road trucker community. He is only 25 years old, drove his first tour at 16 and owned his own truck at the age of 18. Its reputation confirms that it is particularly suitable for oversized loads. He can be seen in the first two seasons.

TJ Tilcox

Ice Road rookie TJ, 21, emphasizes hating the cold and the ice, and riding the Ice Road for the experience, not the money. He has been a trucker since he was 16 and got his job on the ice road through a newspaper advertisement. After initial technical problems with his truck, a colleague who has to go home for family reasons offers him the truck on loan. Before he even reached the ice road in this truck, he was involved in an accident. After the question of guilt has been clarified, he is allowed to go back on the track. He can be seen in the first two seasons.

Drew Sherwood

Drew is a veteran trucker but a novice on the ice road. He joins Hugh Rowland's team after reading the paper about the job. He thinks he has no problem adapting his driving skills from normal roads to the Ice Road, whereupon Hugh calls him an arrogant beginner and a “one year driver”. Although in the first episode he says he has no intention of going into a ditch ("I have no intention of going into a ditch, bro"), he soon gets off the road. Now he practices humility and has respect for the Ice Road. He can be seen in the first 2 seasons

Rick fitch

Rick is the project manager of "Tli Cho Landtran" and responsible for the dispatching of the trucks. In the event of an accident, he is one of the first to be called. He's been working on the Ice Road for 20 years.

Bear Swenson

He can be seen in the 2nd season. Like Hugh, he is also known as the polar bear of the Ice Roads.


He can be seen in the 2nd season.

Eric Dufresne

He can be seen in the 2nd season.


He can be seen in the 2nd season.

Lisa Kelly

Lisa (born December 8, 1980, Michigan USA ) has been in season 3 and is driving for Carlile Transportation on the Dalton Highway in her second season. She started as a courier driver at Carlile and after passing the test drove her first larger loads around a year later. As a particularly cheerful personality, she always aims to drive larger and larger loads so that respect increases and nobody can make fun of her anymore. She is loyal to her employer. She didn’t take part in season 6 for private reasons, but in season 7 she is driving for Polar in Canada for the first time and is doing well. In season 10, however, she worked with Darrell Ward as a competitor.

Jack Jessee

Jack is 38 years old and can be seen in seasons 3, 4 and 6. He is considered one of the best drivers and is seen as a veteran of the Dalton Highway. With the first heavy transport of the season, which is assigned to him, he heralds the start of the 3rd season. For him, being a trucker is a vocation. For him, it's about freedom like in Easy Rider : "Get on your bike and off you go".

George Spears

He's in Season 3 and helps Tim get along on Ice Road. He really wants to show him because he is very good friends with Tim's father. He is driving his final season on the Ice Road in Season 3.

Tim Freeman

He drives the Ice Road for the first time in season 3. His father used to drive the Ice Road too. He can only be seen in season 3.

Cody Hyce

He can be seen in the 3rd season.

Carey Hall

He can be seen in Season 3 and is a friend of Jack.

Ray Veilleux

He can be seen in the 4th and towards the middle / end of the 6th season. Ray became King of the Ice Road in Season 4. With that he had achieved his goal: to hit Jack. In the 6th season he was called for help on the final spurt of the last loads.

Phil Krom

He can be seen in the 3rd - 6th season. He often shows people how to drive the Ice Road.

Maya Sieber

She can be seen in the 5th season. She is a New York trucker who is driving her first year on the Dalton.

Tony Molesky

He can be seen in the 5th and 6th seasons.

Dave Redmon

Dave Redmon was in season 5 for the series.

Darrell Ward

Darrell Ward has been seen since season 6. He quit Polar within the eighth season and started his own company. His first employee was his son Reno, in the 10th season he was able to win Lisa Kelly for himself. Darrell Ward died in a plane crash in Montana in August 2016 .

Ron "Porkchop" Magnum

He can be seen in the 6th season and is driving his first season.

Austin Wheeler

He can be seen in the 6th season.

Vlad Prescott

Vlad is a friend of Hugh's and started a company with him in Season 7

Art Burke

Art has been on show since season 7 and drives for VP. He's one who freaks out quickly and fights himself. When he had trouble with VP in season 7, he switched to Polar that season.

Mark Kohaykewych

Mark is the boss of Polar Industries and has been seen since season 7.

Todd Dewey

Todd has been seen since season 7. When he did well at VP for the first year, he switched to Polar in Season 8 for the money.

Reno Ward

He can be seen within the 8th season. He drives for his father Darrell Ward's company.

Route, stops and destinations

season 1

During the first season, the truckers drive the Tibbitt to Contwoyto Winter Road , which begins in the south at Tibbitt Lake and ends in the north at Contwoyto Lake . This ice road starts at the end of the Ingraham Trail (Highway 4), which ends directly at the lake. Before the truckers step on the ice for the first time at this point, they drive about 60 km on the solid road surface of the Ingraham Trail.

Yellowknife , Northwest Territories
This is where the charges are received.
Dome Lake Camp
Maintenance camp, located approx. 35 km after the start of the ice sections of the road. TJ has to stop here due to an injury and is brought back to Yellowknife in an ambulance to receive medical attention.
Lockhart Lake Rest Stop
Rest area for the truckers.
Snap Lake Diamond Mine
Approx. De Beers mine located 200 km northeast of Yellowknife .
Diavik diamond mine
Approx. 300 km north of Yellowknife, owned by the Rio Tinto Group (60%) and Harry Winston Diamond Corporation (now Dominion Diamond Corporation ).
BHP Ekati Diamond Mine
Approx. Mine located 300 km northeast of Yellowknife. It belongs to BHP Billiton and geologists Stewart Blusson and Chuck Fipke , who discovered kimberlite at this point . It is the northernmost stop shown in the first season. The route continues from here about 200 km to Contwoyto Lake and passes two more mines.
Colomac mine
A closed gold mine from which Alex picks up a living container .
Tundra mine
Also a closed gold mine, to which former equipment from the Colomac mine is transported.
A settlement on the shores of Great Bear Lake in the Northwest Territories of Canada. It is located 544 km northwest of the city of Yellowknife. In order to be able to maintain its airport, it is dependent on kerosene transports over the ice road.

season 2

During the second season, some long-established ice road truckers and some Yellowknife truckers from the first season drive on the Tuktoyaktuk Winter Road in the far north of Canada.

Access to the Ice Road from the mainland (Dempster Highway) and headquarters of Northwind Industries, Ltd. (Hugh Rowland's employer this season).
Canada's northernmost community and headquarters of the Gruben company (employers of Alex Debogorski and Rick Yemm during this season). Frequent target of loads on the Ice Road as Tuktoyaktuk can only be reached by land in winter. In summer the place can only be reached by plane.
An experimental drilling site for the search for gas hydrates. Since the drilling site is set up on the ice seasonally in winter, it is completely dependent on transports via the Ice Road.
The Wurmlinger is a cargo ship that supplies places inaccessible by land such as Tuktoyaktuk in summer and is enclosed by the ice in winter to serve as a residence for workers on the drilling platforms.
MGM was drilling for natural gas here, but without success. During the second season of the Ice Road Truckers series, the entire drilling site was relocated to the new Langley location.
New location for natural gas drilling by MGM. At the end of the second season, a massive natural gas deposit was discovered here.
Small community that is only accessible via the Ice Road on the McKenzie River in winter, which makes it heavily dependent on the delivery of goods via the Ice Road.


In 1999, the American broadcaster The History Channel showed an episode entitled Ice Road Truckers in its series Suicide Missions (in German: Suicide missions or suicide squads) . It is based on a book by the author Edith Iglauer , which describes the adventures of truckers who transport loads across frozen lakes (so-called Ice Roads ) in the Canadian Northwest Territories . Numerous repetitions and an evaluation in the history program Modern Marvels followed and earned good ratings.

In 2006 the station hired producer Thom Beers to turn the format into a series.


The first episode reached 3.4 million viewers in the US and became the most watched television show on the History Channel.


"Everything about 'Ice Road Truckers' is astonishing"

- Adam Buckman : New York Post

"Watching these guys ... make their runs, it's hard not to share in their cold, fatigue and horrible highway hypnosis, that existential recognition behind the wheel late at night that the pull of sleep and the pull of death are one and the same. ... [I] t gets right exactly what Deadliest Catch got right, namely that the leave-nothing-but-your-footprints, green kind of eco-travelers are too mellow and conscientious to be interesting to watch. Instead, the burly, bearded, swearing men who blow methyl hydrate into their own transmissions and welcome storms as breaks from boredom ... are much better television. "

By the end of season one, it became clear that the ice-breaking truck was a computer animation . This presentation aroused displeasure among the truckers, who were otherwise - unusually in reality TV - satisfied with the format.

Filming plans

20th Century Fox secured the rights from The History Channel in 2008 to make a feature film from the series.

DVD & Blu-ray

In Germany, the seasons are marketed by Sunfilm Entertainment Handels- und Vertriebs GmbH. The next release is planned for October 6, 2011 and includes the fourth season on DVD & Blu-ray .

Season medium running time publication
1. DVD 585 min 09/10/2010
Blu-ray 585 min 09/10/2010
2. DVD 575 min 13/01/2011
Blu-ray 575 min 13/01/2011
3. DVD 585 min 04/07/2011
Blu-ray 585 min 04/07/2011
4th DVD 672 min 06.10.2011
Blu-ray 672 min 06.10.2011
5. DVD 688 min 05/25/2012
Blu-ray 688 min not known
6th DVD Min not known
Blu-ray Min not known
7th DVD Min not known
Blu-ray Min not known
8th. DVD Min not known
Blu-ray Min not known

Episode list

Individual evidence

  1. 'Ice Road Truckers' Season 9 to Premiere Sunday, August 2 & & New Series 'Power & Ice' to Premiere Thursday, August 27 on History . TVbytheNumbers. July 21, 2015. Accessed February 2, 2020.
  2. Darrell Ward dead: Ice Road Trucker star dies in Montana plane crash , August 29, 2016 article on, accessed August 30, 2016.
  3. 'Ice Road Truckers' debut sets The History Channel ratings records , accessed December 17, 2008
  4. ^ Slide Show: 'Ice Road Truckers' Take Thrilling Glide , New York Post, June 23, 2007, accessed December 17, 2007
  5. Honk? No, Pray if You Hear a Loud Crack , The New York Times, June 22, 2007, accessed December 17, 2007
  6. BACK ON THE 'ICE ROAD' , New York Post, April 2, 2008, accessed December 17, 2008
  7. ^ Fox drives 'Truckers' to bigscreen , Variety, February 12, 2008, accessed December 17, 2008

Web links

Web links to the series

Links to the Ice Road